MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

How long is the lease on Hard Rock Stadium? We definitely won't need it if we're left out of the top 40 schools - we'd struggle to fill a high school stadium.
I believe it runs through and including 2033…. assuming we stay through conclusion of the lease term.

Now a lease may be ironclad but you can usually buy out early just like with the GOR.


And the SEC being uninterested in Miami.

If there were 10 power conferences, this would be different. But when there are only 2, and one doesn't want you...

I was too depressed to check back into this thread ever since the Stanford/Cal/SMU announcement, only coming back now. It seems like you guys believe we can still break up the ACC. Is that a real possibility still?

I never wanted Miami to be in the SEC. It's academically a piece of shiit conference outside of Vandy and now Texas. I would be ecstatic if we were in the BiG. What I fear is being stuck in a second-tier ACC conference or left out somehow. What are the odds we can get into the BiG vs we're standing without a chair when the music stops?
I can't believe that the NCAA hasn't fought like **** to keep these super conferences from forming. You just know that as soon as the BIG and SEC finish their mega conferences that they're going to tell the NCAA to pound sand and do their own championship etc.
Mopes indeed. Don't even mention Adidas to them.... every visual of Mario, they think he is coloring over the 3 stripe logo...

You're right, it must have been a defective television camera that was unable to pick up the white in the adidas logo. You're so smart...
You're right, it must have been a defective television camera that was unable to pick up the white in the adidas logo. You're so smart...
Wait, I thought this was the conference thread. You guys battle over Nike and jumpman in here too?
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If Mario took the time to take a sharpie to that Adidas logo on his arm while standing in front of no less than 10 Adidas logos, he needs to refocus his priorities…

So you think adidas did a black-on-black logo for that shirt. Interesting.

Besides, that wasn't the photo we were talking about, it's the one where he is on TV with Joe Zagacki and Don Bailey Jr.

Mario can't control the backdrop, but he can control his polo. And he's a control freak.

But, again, I've already acknowledged you are correct. Why are all of the cameras at UM incapable of picking up white logos?