MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Just curious how long it will be before former players start commenting on the topic bc SOMEONE is listening to those given our current coaching/ administration resume
AAU list is very pedestrian. We trying to be U of Buffalo? Stony Brook? I went to BU law. I just learned that it is an AAU. Great for researchers.

This is about big time super football conferences. AAU status will mean zippo.

Dear Fox Sports, we were going with The U. We know it is TV gold. But BIG is really research focused. So, we are proud to announce that we are going with the U of Arizona. Signed, never gettin’ written.
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The last time we did this ish it didn’t work out so well for us. We had it made in the Big Easy but instead of secretly working to expand we did what we are apparently doing now.
Not just that our AD came from there. The current AD at Clemson is a good friend of Radakovich and the "source" of the comment that they are working together is an 'inside' source. These things begin with low profile back channel discussions ... not publicizing via outside media.

Could be true and we shall see. This is a business decision though and that’s hard to see. These decisions are also made at the Board level. Dan will have a lot of influence, but he won’t make the call.
It's a bit ridiculous is what it is. Florida has ONE university in the AAU. I mean, they just invited Dartmouth, you know, after 250 years. They've invited 8 schools over the past 25 years.

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Looking at the list they haven't added that many in the last 20 years - 8. They also lost 5. The ones they added seems to be geographically representative plus a couple of old schools that they missed before. It's at 63 right now. The AAU did say they want a small group. So I can't see them adding that many more, but a couple is possible. So the remaining ones will be very selective. I am sure if the B1G want us they can nominate us. Our profile fits. We have close to the same amount of grant funding from the med school as UF. Below. Miller is the name of the med school.

Could be true and we shall see. This is a business decision though and that’s hard to see. These decisions are also made at the Board level. Dan will have a lot of influence, but he won’t make the call.
God help us if the board has any say in this.
Could be true and we shall see. This is a business decision though and that’s hard to see. These decisions are also made at the Board level. Dan will have a lot of influence, but he won’t make the call.
He will explore the options, develop viable alternatives, and make a recommendation. 99% probability that his recommendation is followed.