MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Used to love Vish’s articles during the golden years..

But that’s not true at all. FSU, Clemson, and UNC are wanted by Fox and they’re going to get private equity funding to buy out of it.

Miami is at best 5th but likely 6-7th on the pecking order to get out. We’re here for a while unless there are votes to dissolve. And without FSU/Clemson.. there won’t be.

We are absolutely not 5th.
Will we be able to have a new life after the death of the program? I mean if a man can marry again after the death of the first wife we should be able to find a new team.

Maybe we could merge CanesInsight with, do we like LSU? I do.

UGA could be an option but, like Alabama, they are boring.

I like also USC though, The U of the west. Don’t want to support a poverty program ever again.
If not Miami I'll be rooting for Congress to get involved and just burn the thing to the ground.
We live and die by whether we are in the SEC or not. If you thought the blatant favoritism in the media for that conference will dissipate, just watch what will happen when Clemson joins the SEC.

Absolutely no one will care that we are in the Big 10 winning against Michigan, Penn State, Wisconsin or Oregon.

It’s Alabama, LSU, Georgia and Clemson that are the teams we need to beat, that we recruit against, and that will ultimately determine if we succeed.

Getting out team beaten up (we will win, of course) against a bunch of northern farm boys week in, week out is also a wonderful recipe for Playoff success. Also… Miami in cold weather? Excellent, we do SO well in those games.
Is UM actually taking the path of playing nice with ACC, so once FSU, UNC, Clem bounce, we're the flagship program of the ACC??? and at that point, the ACC would be the 4th strongest conference behind BIG, SEC, and Big12..... and won't matter, because if you aren't in the big 2 conferences, you are a dead program.... reallyyyy hope they know what they are doing.....
Not necessarily.

What does a No vote get Miami right now? Think this through everyone. Think hard.

A Yes at least gets a small bump in revenue, more West Coast exposure.

Conference falls apart regardless in future and Miami does/does not bounce. Then Miami acts.

Obviously ACC feels very strongly about their legal position,doesn't make them right, just makes them committed.
This is really sad to read and makes sense for Miami to be in favor of.

Oregon and Washington going to the B10 may have killed Miami sports. A million other things too, but that move was the blade reaching bone.
Definitely killed the urgency to add Miami.

Personally I think the NCAA or some organization gets together and consolidates and mandates the whole thing or ponies up cash that leads to a model where There will be a few large conferences, no one left out but organized divisionally. Sort of an AFC/NFC model. “G5” schools in a lower division playing their own similar model for their own championship.

I think all this stress about reorganization and realignment will be pointless in a few years. Just have to stay afloat until then.
Will we be able to have a new life after the death of the program? I mean if a man can marry again after the death of the first wife we should be able to find a new team.

Maybe we could merge CanesInsight with, do we like LSU? I do.

UGA could be an option but, like Alabama, they are boring.

I like also USC though, The U of the west. Don’t want to support a poverty program ever again.

Burn this heretic.

@RVACane I demand trial by combat.
I can’t see Miami, FSU, and Clemson being in the ACC in 2025. Just too much money being lost every year AND recruiting only gets more difficult with kids wanting to play in better conferences. My concern with Big10, they haven’t bear the SEC for a championship.
Alternative view...

Ad revenue doesn't materialize to support SEC and BIG10 payouts and ACCs deal is more sustainable.

Jim Phillips, now a booger eating mouth breather, becomes lauded has a conference genius in 2030...

I'm not saying it will happen....
There may be some logic to this statement. The financial collapse of the regional sports networks may be the minor gastroenterological disturbance before a more seismic dump of the sports contracts. An underappreciated fact may be the grudging acceptance of a more direct legal gambling investment in sports.

I should’ve add that, I’m sorry.
The die has been cast. I'm sorry my former friend now turned mortal enemy.

We must meet on the field of battle whereby through the righteousness of the Orange and Green god I will smite thee and thou most unholy filth from these lands.

I saw it in a movie once, so it seems the most appropriate way.

You understand I hope.
That’s what I’ve heard.

Oregon and Washington also threw a wrench in our outlook as well. We needed more time and the timing worked out for them to jump and they did.

No doubt I think it still happens before 2036 but I think it’s closer to 2030 than it happening today. 2027 sounds like the earliest possibility for us and that’s everything working in Miami’s favor

These are also outsiders to Miami and the ACC saying this. Their view and what they’re hearing from others.

Those outsiders are wrong.
There may be some logic to this statement. The financial collapse of the regional sports networks may be the minor gastroenterological disturbance before a more seismic dump of the sports contracts. An underappreciated fact may be the grudging acceptance of a more direct legal gambling investment in sports.
I think I love you.