MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Again SIAP:

Flugauer said yesterday that any ACC expansion — including the trio being floated the past couple weeks — will not impact the ability of UM, FSU, Clemson or any other school to leave. He said a couple of his sources were adamant about expansion being a non-issue for the would-be ACC escapees.

Yup. If more people would just listen to Uncle T.O.C. on these issues, they'd soon realize that I'm spot-on. Glad to see Flugauer got this one right.
I'll try to provide an example.

If this "academic clout" of Stanford's was so powerful, then the "university presidents" who should have been the MOST impressed should have been the Big 10 presidents.

The fact that Stanford could not even get a "half-share" payout from the Big 10, and might be taking less than $20M from the ACC is just an example of how little "academic clout" they actually have.

Nobody seems to care. Stanford might not even get into the ACC...based solely on TV/money issues, having nothing to do with academic clout.

And the fact that the Big 10's top 2 targets are two schools that are not even in the AAU should be a good indication that this round of expansion is ALLLLLL about the money. **** the "old model" of Rutgers/Maryland, which were 2 AAU schools in huge TV markets, even though very few people in those TV markets cared enough to watch those schools.

Oh, and don't look now, but a few years ago the Big 10 DELAYED giving Rutgers and Maryland the "full-share" they were promised, so it's pretty clear that "academic clout" is not really doing anything here.

Frenk is just a short-sighted idiot for voting "yes", unless we have substantial concessions being promised to us.
I don’t get how the board allows him to go against rad
Read the thread.

Generally, the reason to oppose expansion is due to their being more schools which can vote, thus making a vote to dissolve the ACC harder to win by majority vote. With 15 schools, you need 8 votes to dissolve the ACC. With 18 schools, you need 10 votes to dissolve the ACC.

Frenk favors expansion, Rad does not. Frenk gets to cast Miami's vote.

Generally, the only "good" reason to be in favor of expansion is kindness and helpfulness towards whatever teams remain in the ACC, so that the ACC does not dip below 15 teams, which would allow ESPN to renegotiate an even LOWER below-market payout to the ACC.
that seems wrong...why is Frenk getting involved? this is an athletic decision isn't it?

I thought he was turning over all athletic decisions to the VP Rad as well as Echeverria and Fernandez who lead the Mario hire?

Frenk elevated athletics and gave the AD the VP title to lure Rad from Clemson and now Frenk isn't letting him do his job?
I don’t get how the board allows him to go against rad

I think the BOT can vote on MIAMI joining or leaving a conference. But I don't think they can dictate every other Presidential vote that the ACC holds.

This one's on Julio. For good or bad.
that seems wrong...why is Frenk getting involved? this is an athletic decision isn't it?

I thought he was turning over all athletic decisions to the VP Rad as well as Echeverria and Fernandez who lead the Mario hire?

Frenk elevated athletics and gave the AD the VP title to lure Rad from Clemson and now Frenk isn't letting him do his job?

Annnnd...I tried to tell people that Frenk wasn't a good President 7 or 8 years ago.

I emphathize with you, and you did a good job of summarizing. I would simply say...why does any of your summary surprise you (or any of us)?
Frenk elevated athletics and gave the AD the VP title to lure Rad from Clemson and now Frenk isn't letting him do his job?

Stop trying to apply common sense. It is not permitted in this thread.

fail common sense GIF
Annnnd...I tried to tell people that Frenk wasn't a good President 7 or 8 years ago.

I emphathize with you, and you did a good job of summarizing. I would simply say...why does any of your summary surprise you (or any of us)?
There's definitely been some strong opinions against Frenk since he started. I remember from back on RCT his hire was fairly controversial and not many believed he'd do anything good for athletics.
4. My best guess is that the SEC takes 2-4 teams and the Big 10 takes 6. I think the SEC would consider taking F$U, Clemson, UNC, and UVa or VaTech, largely in that order. I think the Big 10 will consider Notre Dame, F$U, Clemson, Miami, UNC, UVa, VaTech, GaTech, Stanford, and Cal, largely in that order. I think the Big 12 would pick up most of what is left (no guarantees for BC, Syracuse, or Wake).
I'd have VTech and Stanford above UVA and GTech for B10. Stanford usually gets better ratings than UVA and GTech.

Louisville also gets good ratings.... And Baylor would probably be a B10 target to get into Texas, Think they get solid ratings as well - And I'm sure B10 wants a Texas presence eventually, Unless they can get Texas/A&M Baylor may be next best option.
I'd have VTech and Stanford above UVA and GTech for B10. Stanford usually gets better ratings than UVA and GTech.

Louisville also gets good ratings.... And Baylor would probably be a B10 target to get into Texas, Think they get solid ratings as well - And I'm sure B10 wants a Texas presence eventually, Unless they can get Texas/A&M Baylor may be next best option.
GTech gets the B10 GA which causes an automatic increase in money from the networks. That would likely be why they would slot ahead of some other schools that may have larger ratings.
GTech gets the B10 GA which causes an automatic increase in money from the networks. That would likely be why they would slot ahead of some other schools that may have larger ratings.

Yes. It also addresses a valid point that Genetics raised, which is that as the midwestern population moves to the southeast, the Big 10 schools are looking to draw STUDENTS from areas outside of their traditional homebases. Thus, it might not make sense to add a fifth and sixth university on the Pacific coast as it is to add ONE university in Atlanta.

Also, there are a TON of people moving to Atlanta from other places, thus even though UGa is predominant, there are still a TON of people who live in Atlanta who are not rabid Bulldogs.
Rumors everywhere ... little or no substance. Did read one "Clemson site writer" stated "his sources told him that there would be an announcement in 4-5 weeks" regarding Clemson's decision to leave ... thought it might coincide with the Clemson / FSU game at the end of September.
Are you hearing rumors/rumblings?

There are a couple of meetings happening this week. Doesn't mean we will get an immediate "this is what's gonna happen next", but I think that a lot of things are being discussed that impact a lot of what we will see leading up to the new TV contract for the 12-team playoffs.
There are a couple of meetings happening this week. Doesn't mean we will get an immediate "this is what's gonna happen next", but I think that a lot of things are being discussed that impact a lot of what we will see leading up to the new TV contract for the 12-team playoffs.
Sure hope that Miami's future is one of the topics being discussed by "media partners" and any horse trading going on regarding media rights etc.