MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I hope your right and the conference lowers the exit fee for Miami. That would be a solid wink wink deal.
I like what your saying… I just don’t know if I trust the Presidents to be looking at this deal that way. I think they are more focused on who gets what from the added revenue. And then I think its then about helping the have nots.

I don’t see ESPN giving concessions to leave as part of this “deal” to add more teams.

I think the exit strategy remains the same - either pay the same $$$ on exit fee and media rights, or challenge media rights.

I actually think...that there might be some surprises soon...

All this negotiation...remember, money is money...the ACC could give some concessions on the $120M exit fee...or a complex NBA-style multi-party trade of rights between 3-4 conferences and 2-4 networks.

The bottom line is that you need the intent and the commitment to horse-trade. If so, this will all be worked out within the next stretch.

A certain network and a certain conference are meeting this week.
I actually think...that there might be some surprises soon...

All this negotiation...remember, money is money...the ACC could give some concessions on the $120M exit fee...or a complex NBA-style multi-party trade of rights between 3-4 conferences and 2-4 networks.

The bottom line is that you need the intent and the commitment to horse-trade. If so, this will all be worked out within the next stretch.

A certain network and a certain conference are meeting this week.

And they're all meeting to set up the structure of the 12-team playoff, auto-bid guarantees will be negotiating chips.
I actually think...that there might be some surprises soon...

All this negotiation...remember, money is money...the ACC could give some concessions on the $120M exit fee...or a complex NBA-style multi-party trade of rights between 3-4 conferences and 2-4 networks.

The bottom line is that you need the intent and the commitment to horse-trade. If so, this will all be worked out within the next stretch.

A certain network and a certain conference are meeting this week.
I hope the "trade" is B10 takes 3 (FSU/ Miami / Clemson) and the ACC takes Cal/Stan/SMU ...done deal. Lot of moving parts ... how do UNC / NcSt et al feel about this? Crazy week for sure.

I've spent a lot of posts trying to explain this, and you and some other people understand, but a lot of posters just don't get it.

Structurally, the easiset step to take would be to dissolve the conference. But there are a lot of feelings involved, and the "haves" (Miami, Clemson, F$U, and a few others) are trying to help the "have nots" to navigate this without destroying the conference and the TV deal.

Which is why I said that I'm OK with "expansion" IF IF IF we get some concessions and/or cooperation with getting the **** out. And it SEEMS LIKE that may be what's happening.

While some people want to act like "Miami voting for expansion" is a death penalty, it is not IF IF IF we get some assistance and blessing in our effort to join the Big 10.

But the last year has been insane, especially the last few months.
If ESPN has to pay the same average per school whether we are in the conference or not (because 15 members is maintained), then are we able to get out of GOR without much if any expense? I’d think if by us leaving we aren’t harming the conference in any way (financially nothing changes) then they have little to argue that we should have to pay more than our exit fee….

Only problem with this is if it is just P5 members (TVD if SMU counts in this), why not add WSU/ORSt too? That’s be 4-5 schools then that could leave which makes even more sense tbh
Giving the ACC enough assets to guarantee it's viability to compete with B12 for third best AFTER the 3 or 4 teams leave is a pretty strong bargaining/negotiation chip to have.

Makes it much more palatable for the teams that are stuck in the ACC to negotiate and work with the teams that have an invite to the SEC/B1G on their exit.
If ESPN has to pay the same average per school whether we are in the conference or not (because 15 members is maintained), then are we able to get out of GOR without much if any expense? I’d think if by us leaving we aren’t harming the conference in any way (financially nothing changes) then they have little to argue that we should have to pay more than our exit fee….

Only problem with this is if it is just P5 members (TVD if SMU counts in this), why not add WSU/ORSt too? That’s be 4-5 schools then that could leave which makes even more sense tbh
The financial impact of ESPN NOT HAVING the broadcast rights for FSU / Clemson / Miami would be huge to ESPN and would not be offset by having the broadcast rights to Cal/Stan/SMU. That is the issue with the GOR. Has to be some horse trading done by the B10 if they are the ones adding the ACC programs.
ACC Presidents have a round table discussion with the Empirical One at 5 today.

I've not yet decided how I will inform them of my decisions.

I will let CIS know once players notified.

That is all for now.
Assume Miami, Clemson and FSU leave.

UNC, NC St, Wake, BC, Syracuse, GT, Louisville, Pitt, VA, VA Tech, Duke. +. Stanford, Cal and SMU
That would at least be comparable to Big12, but their top priority would need to bring in another Florida school to replace Miami and FSU. And another western school or Texas school.

If this happens, it is 100 percent imperative that Miami leaves first or together with the first teams. Anything else would be unacceptable.
The financial impact of ESPN NOT HAVING the broadcast rights for FSU / Clemson / Miami would be huge to ESPN and would not be offset by having the broadcast rights to Cal/Stan/SMU. That is the issue with the GOR. Has to be some horse trading done by the B10 if they are the ones adding the ACC programs.
But our agreement was with ACC not ESPN. So if per program payout remains unaffected, does ACC have argument we are harming them?