MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I am with TOC, ND always looks out for their own @ss and they are not losing **** near $30M to join the ACC to do Stanford and Cal favors.

TOC can also correct me if I am wrong. I believe they need 12 of 15 votes to add them and we already know FSU, UNC and Miami (IMO behind closed doors not in public light) are likely no votes and I believe they get the 4th from a program unnamed who has already had conversations from other conferences behind the scenes. I don't believe all the BS released to the media from programs with agendas. In other words, I believe the teams mentioned and amount of votes they supposedly got during the supposed previous vote to add them was BS as well.

People can not forget that BS information galore has been released to the media due to agendas or to influence things to benefit specific programs. I am no lawyer, don't know anybody and have no connections, but I am an expert at screening BS and there is a whole lot of that out there.

I also think some dudes are here rooting to be right vs hoping the program can GTFO of this **** conference so it doesn't turn into a permanent 2nd to 3rd rate program. That is JMO which means nothing, but need to read info from those who are so they can and come to conclusions on their own. We also have trolls on this site and we know they have agendas as well.

Great freakin' post.

I'll try not to repeat anyhing that you said quite eloquently.

I'd just point out two things that don't get mentioned as frequently.

One involves MONTHS of selective leaking and questionable narratives. We have seen it over and over and over again, but that people WANT to believe a particular anti-UM-best-interest narrative (that Miami supports expansion with no concessions)...nooooowwwww guys want to believe what an agenda-driven sportswriter says, as if it's the God's honest truth...

The other involves guys who are so DESPERATE to be right that they will openly put forth inaccurate statements that are negative or critical of Miami, not because they have information that those negative statements about UM are true, but because they want to be "right". At any cost.

And then we wonder why some of these top recruits are confused about whether to have faith in Miami's future, whether that is our conference, our coaching, or our cash-money payments...

I'm not saying recruits make their decisions based solely on what they read on these boards. But when Miami porsters seem to confirm all the negative things that, say, the Gaytors just told them about UM...
I believe that the CURRENT TV share for the ACC is around 35M and the Big 10 is 60M. And that is BEFORE the impact of certain changes that are bound to happen, plus the new 12-team playoff format, plus the "new" Big 10 TV deal which will be negoiated BEFORE the ACC gets its next shot in 2036. BY 2029, THE BIG 10 PAYOUT WILL BE $70M.

The revenue deficit STARTS at $25M per year, and only goes up from there.

But, yeah, I guess if some "I do assigments" legal expert wants to tell us that we have to stand pat for the next 13 seasons, I guess he must be right. Because IRREVOCABLE. Because ironclad. Because enforceable.

Breach a contract or near-certain death. What a difficult choice...
Exactly! Break the Law (a contract in this instance) or starve 🤔? Given them 2 choices, I’m breaking the law erry **** time. The fam’s gotta eat.
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I said it in a longer post, so I'll say it again in a shorter post.

After DECADES of Notre Dame resisting the move from "Independent" to "conference member", and ten$ of million$ of inducement$, all it will take for ND to finally make the change is a l'il ol' conversation with Condi?

Yeah, not happ'n, cap'n.

She's got less than zero leverage.
How do you or I really know exactly who or what she has backing her up or what she’s trying to accomplish and willing or able to do? She’s not your average Joe Joan. Guaranteed she not showing up solo with nothing in her pocket.
The fact that these guys think a big reason the ACC doesn't want to add Stanford and Cal is because they "don't want liberal schools from California in this political climate" is hysterical.
Those people have never stepped foot onto the campuses of UNC, UVA, or Duke if they think those two schools are “too liberal” for the ACC.
Still going to be hard to get enough team votes to add them wouldn't it be. There should be enough NO votes to keep it from happening.

This is the one time Condi needs to go eat a fat ****!
I say fucc the ACC, but that being said… ND is the ONLY way the ACC can survive and get seats at the “big boy table”. Of course with ND in tow, the ACC would be able to command a much sweeter TV deal.
People need to stop with the Notre Dame to ACC stuff. Never going to happen under any circumstance.
I don’t know why they would want to be in a conference let alone the ACC. They might be the only school that can survive without being in a conference and still compete.
Those people have never stepped foot onto the campuses of UNC, UVA, or Duke if they think those two schools are “too liberal” for the ACC.
Been to UVA/Charlottesville many times and was married to a UVA grad. Not sure what you’re saying exactly. There’s a mix at UVA but it definitely leans liberal there today as does the City of Charlottesville.
Been to UVA/Charlottesville many times and was married to a UVA grad. Not sure what you’re saying exactly. There’s a mix at UVA but it definitely leans liberal there today as does the City of Charlottesville.
It’s self explanatory. The school is very liberal. It’s not Cal leftist, but it’s pretty similar to Stanford. It’s way past “leans left.”

-95% of donations go left
-They protested Marc Short getting a senior felllow position
-They hate Thomas Jefferson, the guy who founded the place
-They rejected recognizing the schools YAF chapter until YAF lawyered up and threatened a suit
-They deemed a school gov candidate “unfit” bc she supported Trump
-Removed gendered pronouns from their constitution
-Student council voted to “divest” from fossil fuels

Shall I continue?

Not trying to get off track, just pointing out Cal and Stanford will not make anything in this conference different, on the political side.
How do you or I really know exactly who or what she has backing her up or what she’s trying to accomplish and willing or able to do? She’s not your average Joe Joan. Guaranteed she not showing up solo with nothing in her pocket.

You're right, where are my manners? Maybe she will offer ND immunity for any acts of pedophilia committed by school personnel (and I'm Catholic).

This is just like Little Marco Rubio trying to intervene on behalf of Darrell Jackson...
Great freakin' post.

I'll try not to repeat anyhing that you said quite eloquently.

I'd just point out two things that don't get mentioned as frequently.

One involves MONTHS of selective leaking and questionable narratives. We have seen it over and over and over again, but that people WANT to believe a particular anti-UM-best-interest narrative (that Miami supports expansion with no concessions)...nooooowwwww guys want to believe what an agenda-driven sportswriter says, as if it's the God's honest truth...

The other involves guys who are so DESPERATE to be right that they will openly put forth inaccurate statements that are negative or critical of Miami, not because they have information that those negative statements about UM are true, but because they want to be "right". At any cost.

And then we wonder why some of these top recruits are confused about whether to have faith in Miami's future, whether that is our conference, our coaching, or our cash-money payments...

I'm not saying recruits make their decisions based solely on what they read on these boards. But when Miami porsters seem to confirm all the negative things that, say, the Gaytors just told them about UM...
It would be a great move for "wanting to depart parties" of ACC to agree to allow Stanford, Cal, UC Santa Cruz, Mt Holyoke, and Flagler College to join (DGAF about Notre Lame) in exchange for significant curtailment of exit fees and timeline of GOR.

It would be a very risky move of "ACC interested" parties to agree to the concessions above knowing that several would depart at the first chance.

A key part in these speculations is personalities like Blake James. Why? These speed bumps are the very type that are incapable of taking action away from their status quo. As I mentioned before, sad as it is, these are the type of people who get bullied and are paralyzed with inaction while getting pushed around. They'll do the same in ACC as the other conferences widen the gap.

Interesting wildcard to think about though...what if SEC and Big10 media deals become unaffordable and the networks can't pay up what they promised due to lagging ad revenues?

What if Amazon, Apple, or Starlink broker some streamimg deal in future and cut the networks out?

Being prescient is hard isn't it!!!
How do you or I really know exactly who or what she has backing her up or what she’s trying to accomplish and willing or able to do? She’s not your average Joe Joan. Guaranteed she not showing up solo with nothing in her pocket.
Longstanding rumors that Condi brokered Amy Coney Barrett's meteoric rise within the Federalist Society circles thus paving her way to a SCOTUS seat, Augusta National membership, and a lifetime of riches and power.

What did Golden Domer Barrett give fellow Golden Domer Rice in return that might save her beloved Stanford football program on a rainy day?

CCTV surveillance tape with audio of not only Brian Kelly but Jack Swarbrick assisting (as Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger looked on) in manually locking the scissorlift at full height that contained one crying Declan Sullivan begging to come down as wind speeds increased one fateful day in 2010.

Sick sick ****. Rumors of the Golics being involved too but I can't fully substantiate them at this time.
It’s self explanatory. The school is very liberal. It’s not Cal leftist, but it’s pretty similar to Stanford. It’s way past “leans left.”

-95% of donations go left
-They protested Marc Short getting a senior felllow position
-They hate Thomas Jefferson, the guy who founded the place
-They rejected recognizing the schools YAF chapter until YAF lawyered up and threatened a suit
-They deemed a school gov candidate “unfit” bc she supported Trump
-Removed gendered pronouns from their constitution
-Student council voted to “divest” from fossil fuels

Shall I continue?

Not trying to get off track, just pointing out Cal and Stanford will not make anything in this conference different, on the political side.
Eh i know plenty of alumni from there who do not even lean left, they’re to the right, including my ex-wife. I get the professors are to the left and that plenty of students these days are. The City itself is a sea of liberalism in a red area. That said, UVA isn’t even on the same planet as Berkeley- I live on the Bay Area now.

Anyhow, we’re not turning this thread into a political discussion. That’s what the loon board is for.
Longstanding rumors that Condi brokered Amy Coney Barrett's meteoric rise within the Federalist Society circles thus paving her way to a SCOTUS seat, Augusta National membership, and a lifetime of riches and power.

What did Golden Domer Barrett give fellow Golden Domer Rice in return that might save her beloved Stanford football program on a rainy day?

CCTV surveillance tape with audio of not only Brian Kelly but Jack Swarbrick assisting (as Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger looked on) in manually locking the scissorlift at full height that contained one crying Declan Sullivan begging to come down as wind speeds increased one fateful day in 2010.

Sick sick ****. Rumors of the Golics being involved too but I can't fully substantiate them at this time.
What the **** just happened?
Great freakin' post.

I'll try not to repeat anyhing that you said quite eloquently.

I'd just point out two things that don't get mentioned as frequently.

One involves MONTHS of selective leaking and questionable narratives. We have seen it over and over and over again, but that people WANT to believe a particular anti-UM-best-interest narrative (that Miami supports expansion with no concessions)...nooooowwwww guys want to believe what an agenda-driven sportswriter says, as if it's the God's honest truth...

The other involves guys who are so DESPERATE to be right that they will openly put forth inaccurate statements that are negative or critical of Miami, not because they have information that those negative statements about UM are true, but because they want to be "right". At any cost.

And then we wonder why some of these top recruits are confused about whether to have faith in Miami's future, whether that is our conference, our coaching, or our cash-money payments...

I'm not saying recruits make their decisions based solely on what they read on these boards. But when Miami porsters seem to confirm all the negative things that, say, the Gaytors just told them about UM...
It would be a great move for "wanting to depart parties" of ACC to agree to allow Stanford, Cal, UC Santa Cruz, Mt Holyoke, and Flagler College to join (DGAF about Notre Lame) in exchange for significant curtailment of exit fees and timeline of GOR.

It would be a very risky move of "ACC interested" parties to agree to the concessions above knowing that several would depart at the first chance.

A key part in these speculations is personalities like Blake James. Why? These speed bumps are the very type that are incapable of taking action away from their status quo. As I mentioned before, sad as it is, these are the type of people who get bullied and are paralyzed with inaction while getting pushed around. They'll do the same in ACC as the other conferences widen the gap.

Interesting wildcard to think about though...what if SEC and Big10 media deals become unaffordable and the networks can't pay up what they promised due to lagging ad revenues?

What if Amazon, Apple, or Starlink broker some streamimg deal in future and cut the networks out?

Being prescient is hard isn't it!!!
It would be a great move for "wanting to depart parties" of ACC to agree to allow Stanford, Cal, UC Santa Cruz, Mt Holyoke, and Flagler College to join (DGAF about Notre Lame) in exchange for significant curtailment of exit fees and timeline of GOR.

It would be a very risky move of "ACC interested" parties to agree to the concessions above knowing that several would depart at the first chance.

A key part in these speculations is personalities like Blake James. Why? These speed bumps are the very type that are incapable of taking action away from their status quo. As I mentioned before, sad as it is, these are the type of people who get bullied and are paralyzed with inaction while getting pushed around. They'll do the same in ACC as the other conferences widen the gap.

Interesting wildcard to think about though...what if SEC and Big10 media deals become unaffordable and the networks can't pay up what they promised due to lagging ad revenues?

What if Amazon, Apple, or Starlink broker some streamimg deal in future and cut the networks out?

Being prescient is hard isn't it!!!

I think Stanford is looking at this round of realignment as a temporary thing... in a couple of years, we could see football breakaway from NCAA and create a 60+ team premier CFB league.... too much money at stake to muck around with conferences and the NCAA ball & chain
@JG13 is a VIP @ the Tug Tavern
