MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

lol. In summation:
OP: ppl saying ND could join ACC for football if Stanford and Cal join
Me: Why would ND do that when they could do that in Big10 and get far more money doing it
You: DERP But dey have an agreement they can't possibly break free of! DERP
Me: Bless your heart
You: Why do you always pick fights with me, Don't you know I'm beyond reproach and am never wrong!?!
Me: Sighs and moves on knowing we'll hop right back on this carousel ride in a few hours...

Oh good lord.

My point is the EXACT reason why you are wrong. You seem to think it would be so easy for ND to "break free of" the agreement to join the ACC, but you have no idea what the agreement says and no idea what the damages would be.

Go back and review the COVID year, genius.
Oh good lord.

My point is the EXACT reason why you are wrong. You seem to think it would be so easy for ND to "break free of" the agreement to join the ACC, but you have no idea what the agreement says and no idea what the damages would be.

Go back and review the COVID year, genius.
Would the damages be more than breaking the GOR and paying an Exit fee that includes football? lol.
Would the damages be more than breaking the GOR and paying an Exit fee that includes football? lol.

The GOR might be zero. The other stuff isn't.

Miami being left out of the BIG or SEC would be ******* insane. Rad makes $3 mil a year and helped get Miami into this mess in the first place by agreeing with the ****tiest deal of all time. Time for him to make amends/earn his paycheck.
The buck ultimately stop with Rad so he deserved whatever criticisms he caught over the baseball hire. That said, there are dynamics with that program that simply aren't around any of our other sports.

IF we end up f'ed when all this shakes out, and I consider multiple versions of the status quo as f'ed, then Rad too can F right off and just retire.

And I say that as someone that was a big proponent of the guy way before we officially hired him.
Is this because Notre Dame has no interest in ever joining a conference in football and doesn't want the ACC to dissolve because that would mean they'd be forced to? And adding teams makes it harder to dissolve?
Is this because Notre Dame has no interest in ever joining a conference in football and doesn't want the ACC to dissolve because that would mean they'd be forced to? And adding teams makes it harder to dissolve?

ND will not join until the mid-2030s at the earliest, and even then, it would have to be because they are slighted in the college football playoff system.
This is the latest Warchant update, still can’t say our name.

He has FSU/Clemson trending to the SEC and the next move for the B1G is UNC/UVA according to his “sources”

Walter White Walk GIF by Breaking Bad
I wonder if adding Stanford, California and Southern Methodist as members give them full immediate voting rights? If so, the path to dissolution makes it that much harder with these three new members.
Fck yeah it makes it hard

SMU would be ecstatic to join the ACC and the other two are desperate not to get left behind. The ACC is a strong academic conference too so they can probably make a somewhat compelling case for their fit