MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Whether it's living off 2001, 1983, or 2019, the results are that we get ratings, which sells ads, which leads to higher revenue for the broadcasters, and thus higher conference payouts. We generate more than we receive. In a merit based distribution model we would receive much more money.
Then why were a majority of our games last year relegated to Bally’s, a channel most people don’t even have access to?
So what’s the worst case scenario if we somehow get left out of the BIG or SEC? We join the Big 12? While that’s not ideal, I wouldn’t consider it a doomsday type scenario as the Big 12 seems to be a conference who is getting their **** together and adding some decent (not elite) programs while retaining others like Kansas State, TCU, Oklahoma State, etc. If the ACC crumbles, they probably add Pittsburgh, maybe Syracuse or Boston College (forgive me this is just speculation). That basically gives us the old Big East schedule.

I keep hearing power 2 or 2 mega conferences and while I understand there would still be a revenue gap between the Big 12 and BIG/SEC, the Big 12 is setting itself up for growth and potential to be considered the 3rd “super conference”. Maybe not a super conference, but a solid conference. I see no reason why we can’t be competitive if we somehow end up in the Big 12 as long as we continue to recruit well and stay on top of the NIL deals. The expanded playoff will make a difference too. That’s going to be an achievable goal for us and several other programs if there are 12-16 playoff teams.

Edit: This is the worst case scenario and I don’t expect it nor want it. Was just curious if it would be so bad. I believe Miami will get in the BIG eventually. We’ll be fine.
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Everyone saying our brand is not worthy because we haven't competed for championships for the last 20 years.......guess what, neither has 97% of the rest of FBS, including nearly all of the teams that just relocated or are relocating to another conference.
Our brand is very recognizable but the reality is we’re a small, private school located in a major pro sports city that plays 2nd fiddle to the pros. All of the schools that have moved are large public schools with long histories in both academics and sports.

I think we’re discovering that we’re not the little engine that could that we were 20 years ago. FSU located in the capital of FL and Clemp$on with it’s recent football success and deep pockets, are the premier schools of the ACC with UNC running a close 3rd. In my view, Miami doesn’t have a lot of leverage in this situation. What can it offer to another conference to enhance it’s brand?
Our brand is very recognizable but the reality is we’re a small, private school located in a major pro sports city that plays 2nd fiddle to the pros. All of the schools that have moved are large public schools with long histories in both academics and sports.

I think we’re discovering that we’re not the little engine that could that we were 20 years ago. FSU located in the capital of FL and Clemp$on with it’s recent football success and deep pockets, are the premier schools of the ACC with UNC running a close 3rd. In my view, Miami doesn’t have a lot of leverage in this situation. What can it offer to another conference to enhance it’s brand?
I understand what you are saying, but we offer brand and more over a ton of folks moving around over the last few years and moving around over the next few years.
Outside of football, no one knows of Clemson for anything else if you don't live in SC. Outside of basketball, no one knows UNC for anything else if you don't live in NC.
Everyone, everywhere recognizes Miami. Everyone knows the U.
And Miami is in the most sought after recruiting grounds. What conference wouldn't want their teams playing in front of those recruits?!?
Everyone saying our brand is not worthy because we haven't competed for championships for the last 20 years.......guess what, neither has 97% of the rest of FBS, including nearly all of the teams that just relocated or are relocating to another conference.
Even almighty "world-wide brand" Notre Dame too. When did they actually last look good at the end of a season on a BIG stage? Probably over THIRTY years ago when they beat a 1 loss UiF in a Sugar Bowl. Or faced SWC power TAMU in the 2 subsequent bowls.

After that and well before we began our decline? They were prerty much always eventually exposed or even embarrassed to end years when people wanted to pretend they were national championship material.

We've always been a national brand and have been so THIS century. That's ALWAYS reflected nationally the moment people think we're "back". There are smaller than a handful of programs that can actually claim that.
I understand what you are saying, but we offer brand and more over a ton of folks moving around over the last few years and moving around over the next few years.
Outside of football, no one knows of Clemson for anything else if you don't live in SC. Outside of basketball, no one knows UNC for anything else if you don't live in NC.
Everyone, everywhere recognizes Miami. Everyone knows the U.
And Miami is in the most sought after recruiting grounds. What conference wouldn't want their teams playing in front of those recruits?!?
Almost anywhere I go with my gear on, someone throws up the “U” at me. No doubt our brand is very recognizable but the reality is we haven’t been relevant in college sports most dominant sport - football - in 20 years. Or any other sport for that matter. Football rules the roost.

Sure, we had a run in both men’s and women’s BB this year, but prior to that, we were relatively unnoticed. We’ve been riding the coattails of the 5 football NC’s for over 20 years now. As time has passed, that luster has faded quite a bit. We’re just not as attractive as we once were.
Even almighty "world-wide brand" Notre Dame too. When did they actually last look good at the end of a season on a BIG stage? Probably over THIRTY years ago when they beat a 1 loss UiF in a Sugar Bowl. Or faced SWC power TAMU in the 2 subsequent bowls.

After that and well before we began our decline? They were prerty much always eventually exposed or even embarrassed to end years when people wanted to pretend they were national championship material.

We've always been a national brand and have been so THIS century. That's ALWAYS reflected nationally the moment people think we're "back". There are smaller than a handful of programs that can actually claim that.
ND has a history dating back decades. In to the 20’s and 30’s. (**** them BTW). Our football success ran the course of 20 years in the 80’s and 90’s. Before that, we were nobodies. I believe that fact is something many don’t realize or acknowledge. I’ve been a fan since 1967 @ 10 years old so I’ve seen both sides of the coin.
ND has a history dating back decades. In to the 20’s and 30’s. (**** them BTW). Our football success ran the course of 20 years in the 80’s and 90’s. Before that, we were nobodies. I believe that fact is something many don’t realize or acknowledge. I’ve been a fan since 1967 @ 10 years old so I’ve seen both sides of the coin.
they also played in two title games and a playoff
they also played in two title games and a playoff
Even beyond that, they have a long history to fall back on with a large alumni base that supports them come **** or high water. Them being able to remain independent in football and thrive speaks volumes to their brand recognition.
Everyone saying our brand is not worthy because we haven't competed for championships for the last 20 years.......guess what, neither has 97% of the rest of FBS, including nearly all of the teams that just relocated or are relocating to another conference.
The Big 10 just added UCLA. That narrative holds very little water because of the market we are located in.
I’m not sure there was.

We’d been on the verge—like “next in” level—for several years. And the AAU takes its sweet time to admit new members. So it’s totally possible that the timing of this was all just a coincidence.
Things changed. Three weeks ago according to "most sources" the SE region was the goal for B10 expansion and Miami was on the list of the next 4 to be brought in to the B10 (FSU /Clemson / Miami / UNC). Then the Pac 12 imploded and the B10, with pressure from FOX move up their plans regarding / WA ... instead of grabbing them AFTER the ACC schools they were bumped next into line. Miami will end up in the B10 some day ... not sure if it will be in this decade however the way things are going.
To some degree absolutely. That being said IMO with the 12 team playoff and the format of that not necessarily the end of the world. In the 4 team era it would've been a death sentence.
It'll ruin any chance we have of competing with recruits. Very few elite recruits will willingly choose to go play in the Big 12 over SEC or B1G.