MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Mario needs to worry about recruiting and getting the team better so he can recruit better….this is Rads job not Mario’s.
Don’t tell the mopes that. Everything’s always bad all the time. Remember, the golden rule with them is that they want us to suck. They need something in their lives that’s more miserable than they are .
You’re not wrong but @JayCane20 has been pretty reliable in the past. Are you saying that nothing in his post has you concerned in any way?
Don’t tell the mopes that. Everything’s always bad all the time. Remember, the golden rule with them is that they want us to suck. They need something in their lives that’s more miserable than they are .
Everything has been bad every time……..I kid
Your mistake is thinking the team’s record is the same thing as its brand. The conferences want to expand for television markets plain and simple. They want television markets and they want to prevent their competition from gaining a foothold in those markets too. There’s a reason the Big 10 took USC and UCLA. Because Fox wants the WHOLE Southern California market. UCLA hasn’t done anything worthwhile in football since the 90’s. Doesn’t matter. ESPN now has no teams in the nation’s largest TV market.
Right, and while we haven’t been competing for Championships over the last 15-20 years, we’ve still had a lot of great players come through here and get drafted. That’s important and we’re right up there with FSU, Clemson and other top programs in that regard. Numerous recent pro-bowl caliber NFL players who were part of Golden/Richt’s teams between 2011-2018. Denzel, Oliver Vernon, Brandon Linder, etc. And dudes like Jimmy G and Sam Shields from the Randy era. Someone else shared a statistic showing we have a top 25 overall win percentage over the last 10 years. Again, not what we strive to be, but it’s not as bad as some people think, and certainly better than terrible programs like Rutgers, Purdue, UCLA, Vanderbilt, and a whole lot of other bad programs currently occupying the SEC/BIG.

But you’re right, it’s more about the brand. I also don’t think we’ve been as bad or irrelevant as some fans think. The majority of the current BIG has been worse in the same timeframe. Up until 2021, all they had was Ohio State. Michigan was garbage until Harbaugh took over, and it took him 6 years to finally beat the Buckeys.
I believe Stanford won't be sad if they drop in level or close up the team alltogether.
They won't shut down football. People act like Stanford is Vanderbilt. They've been a Pac-12 top program for the better part of a decade. Yeah they've slipped a little bit in recent years, but they've had some players come through there and their players have had success in the NFL.
The Big East used to be considered a power conference (albeit a weaker one) before Miami & VT ripped its heart out. We started this.
But Texas A&M ended the idea of regionality. aTm is not in the South East. Miami and Virginia Tech are in Atlantic states. Big 10 said, OK…
And I don’t think SEC will simply just watch B1G become the most prominent conference in all CFB.
I hope not ... Sankey in his comment today didn't sound like they were interested in expansion ... but some of that is legalese to to a point "not actively recruiting" to avoid potential litigation perhaps.
They won't shut down football. People act like Stanford is Vanderbilt. They've been a Pac-12 top program for the better part of a decade. Yeah they've slipped a little bit in recent years, but they've had some players come through there and their players have had success in the NFL.
Friend, I stand by my comment. Stanford cares as much about athletics as Harvard does.
They won't shut down football. People act like Stanford is Vanderbilt. They've been a Pac-12 top program for the better part of a decade. Yeah they've slipped a little bit in recent years, but they've had some players come through there and their players have had success in the NFL.

John Elway went to Stanford. Greatest quarterback of all time IMO, so that's saying something