MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Stupid ****ers

Why in the world would the ACC take on Cal and Stanford….They are already complaining ( rightfully so) that they are way behind the SEC and the B1G in money so now they’ll take on the exorbitant expense of traveling to the West Coast to play games?
Doesn’t make sense to me but hey signing that GOR with ESPN didn’t make sense to me either..
And if this happened, what would be the Big10's motivation be to give Miami a full share? What leverage would Miami (or UNC, etc) have?
b/c Miami is accretive to the B10 deal with Fox and crew so the schools would be making even more money with Miami in at full share than without.

Oregon/Washington got partial shares b/c they are NOT accretive to the B10 bottom line at full share.
I never said anything regarding how much they’d be paid before the half share rumors began. You also never mentioned half shares, yet you were pretty firm that they wouldn’t get in. So I didn’t mention half shares but that they would get in. You didn’t mention half shares and said they wouldn’t get in…. I was clearly less wrong about Oregon, and you don’t like it lol. Sometimes when you talk as much **** as you do, you end up looking ridiculous.

Oregon IS better than most ACC schools. there are 15 ACC programs, maybe 6 will get into P2. If an additional 2 got into P2, it likely would ALSO be at half shares. So objectively Oregon is better than “most” ACC programs. However although you try to constantly mislead regarding other people opinions/statements I have NOT acted like Oregon was better than the TOP ACC schools, and I guarantee you wont find any evidence otherwise.

Anyways carry on.

Stop being dopey.

If not for the offer to take half-shares, Washington and Oregon would not have gotten in.

Full stop.

I was right.

****, USF would get a Big 10 invitation tomorrow if they offered to take $1 per year.
Theirs a reason nobody wanted the last pac4 schools

Shut your filthy mouth. @calinative umstudent has assured me that Stanford is ratings gold.

And if this happened, what would be the Big10's motivation be to give Miami a full share? What leverage would Miami (or UNC, etc) have?
Based on the media evaluation that Fox has done the ACC properties that bring VIEWERS are, in order of priority:


If the SEC grabs FSU / Clemson, and the B10 does a scheduling deal (as is speculated) with ND, then next up is Miami and .... UNC? or whoever.
Question ?

If the ACC was to admit more teams and the ESPN GOR was adjusted to include those teams would that automatically void the original agreement that goes until 2036 or are those teams added and they just take another bite of the current agreement giving each team less than they are getting now?
And if this is voided and renegotiated to add other teams would that not release teams to bolt ?
Lot of interesting takes on "what's next" as far as the B10 / SEC taking ACC teams:

-One "PSU insider stated" We are in favor of UNC along with FSU that is the combo we prefer. We know there is mutual interest between FSU and the B10 but so far UNC has declined to comment".

-Several "connected" people are confident that both Clemson and FSU are back channeling a deal with the SEC ... if the ACC implodes.

-@Genetics 56 latest comment "Fox and the B10 Conference are 100% in agreement that the two priority programs they want to add are FSU / Clemson, then the ND scheduling deal. Miami will be in the B10 at some point in the future".

If by some miracle (and the answer to my Christmas wish) the ACC gets 8 or more votes to dissolve the ACC, this conference will disappear as fast as the Pac 12. Conferences will "re-evaluate their prior positions" and the gates will open, selectively, at the SEC, B10 and B12. Those left standing for a spell will be Wake and BC at least.
Stop being dopey.

If not for the offer to take half-shares, Washington and Oregon would not have gotten in.

Full stop.

I was right.

****, USF would get a Big 10 invitation tomorrow if they offered to take $1 per year.
IF it wasn't for you being wrong, you'd be right, I agree.
Question ?

If the ACC was to admit more teams and the ESPN GOR was adjusted to include those teams would that automatically void the original agreement that goes until 2036 or are those teams added and they just take another bite of the current agreement giving each team less than they are getting now?
And if this is voided and renegotiated to add other teams would that not release teams to bolt ?
Everything HAS TO BE NEGOTIATED and presented to the ACC members for 3/4 approval. SO ... no way the members will approve adding teams, increasing travel cost, and on top, receiving less money. Reality is it makes NO sense to add programs when they will not add actual value that would result in ALL PROGRAMS receiving more money.