MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

It actually does matter. By allowing the conversation to go forward, FSU, Miami, Clemson, UNC, amd Joe-Bagga-Donuts U free themselves of "you wouldnt even listen as we tried to save ACC".

In fact, I believe it gives them more ammunition alá U-DubU style, to walk away..."we listened and ACC brings us this garbage...we outta here *******..."
I see what your saying, but I was replying to the question in the tweet about where is the incentive for Miami/FSU/Clemson/UNC to let them in. My point is might not matter to the ACC if the other schools are in favor of it. And assuming it doesn't increase the exit fee or GOR expiration, why would those schools oppose it? "Sure, join the league we don't care b/c we are leaving anyway and if you join before we leave we will gladly take some extra cash"

Again, w/o knowing the play schools planning to leave are planning to make, the potential concern about letting them in would potentially be if that takes the number of schools to dissolve from 8 to something higher. Then any school thinking about leaving and using that as the mechanism to do so would probably not want to let them in. Conversely, the bottom half of the league schools that don't want to dissolve the league probably would want them in.
Saw that and thought it was something, but Borry mentioned we had 5 non-conference games in 2024 and needed to move one of them.
I thought it was going to be the UF game since I figured the SEC would go to 9 games in 2024. There has to be a reason that we recently scheduled an easier OOC game after we already had a full slate. This certainly helps make next year's schedule a bit less daunting.
There will likely be a few days in between those two separate announcements.

Just enough time for the Mope Squad to empty their bowels one last time.
That makes sense. Once they announced they're leaving they can have legal and recorded conversations about entering another conference.
From my understanding they would be selling equity in their media revenue. So the extra profit that would come from joining a conference like the B1G or SEC would be gobbled up by the investor. The school doesnt benefit financially, it would only be for the optics.
Essentially another GOR. Anyone see any problem with somewhat selling the same future CFs twice? Interesting to see what JP Morgan comes up with.