MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

ACC is so far behind the power curve when to comes to realignment. Apparently, they were considering adding PAC 12 schools but waited too long as the Big 12 and Big 10 took the schools they wanted. We're in conference purgatory unless something drastic changes

ACC is so far behind the power curve when to comes to realignment. Apparently, they were considering adding PAC 12 schools but waited too long as the Big 12 and Big 10 took the schools they wanted. We're in conference purgatory unless something drastic changes

The Pac-12 schools were always going to choose the Big 12 over the ACC. Even though the ACC could hypothetically offer more money and a shorter grant of rights, the Big-12 is geographically closer which means lower travel costs that more than offset any extra money the ACC can offer. Plus, despite the GOR, the Mid-12 TV deal comes up for renewal sooner, which could theoretically trigger another realignment.

The ASU AD specifically said something about not wanting to send soccer teams to Syracuse in the fall.
We will end up in Big 12 if ACC collapses. SEC values FSU, Clemson and even UNC above us. Big 10 has no reason to expand farther unless ND wants in. As I said a couple weeks ago and was blasted I thought Oregon and Washington would be added to Big 10 before anyone in the east. Just made business sense with UCLA and USC on board.
ACC is so far behind the power curve when to comes to realignment. Apparently, they were considering adding PAC 12 schools but waited too long as the Big 12 and Big 10 took the schools they wanted. We're in conference purgatory unless something drastic changes

How incompetent can you be? I wonder if the schools could somehow sue to get out due to how poorly the conference has been led.
The only thing tangible that has happen to give us hope is the AAU vote. No way we get that over other teams that were left out if the Big 10 didn't step in.
We will end up in Big 12 if ACC collapses. SEC values FSU, Clemson and even UNC above us. Big 10 has no reason to expand farther unless ND wants in. As I said a couple weeks ago and was blasted I thought Oregon and Washington would be added to Big 10 before anyone in the east. Just made business sense with UCLA and USC on board.
"No reason to expand further"?

You mean capturing a slice of the first or second largest college football TV market isn't a good enough reason to expand further?
We will end up in Big 12 if ACC collapses. SEC values FSU, Clemson and even UNC above us. Big 10 has no reason to expand farther unless ND wants in. As I said a couple weeks ago and was blasted I thought Oregon and Washington would be added to Big 10 before anyone in the east. Just made business sense with UCLA and USC on board.
In 2017, Miami had:

- 4th highest viewership as far as bowl games are concerned, only falling behind the 2 semi's and national championship game.
- 6 weeks in the top 5 for viewership all of which came between Week 6 - Week 13. In fact, we finished top 5 in viewers every week from Week 10 - Week 13. Alabama had 8 weeks in top 5. Ohio State had 7. Georgia had 6 (same as us). We were amongst the most watched programs that season.
- Week 13: Miami vs Pitt had more viewers than Clemson vs South Carolina and Florida vs FSU.
- Week 12: Miami vs Virginia had higher viewership than LSU vs Tennessee, Navy vs Notre Dame, Illinois vs Ohio State, Texas vs West Virginia, Nebraska vs Penn State, Texas A&M vs Ole Miss, among other decent matchups. Mind you...this was also a noon kickoff. Some of those other games were later afternoon or even night game (LSU vs Tenn).
- Week 7: Miami vs GT had 5th highest viewership and more viewers than Clemson vs Syracuse, Ohio State vs Nebraska, Texas A&M vs Florida, FSU vs Duke, South Carolina vs Tennessee.

Long story short, people watch when Miami wins. It's a marquee matchup most weeks. It's a brand that people want to see on TV. Either because they love us. Or they hate us (mostly this).

Most people in media know this. It's why they always have "Is the U Back?" segments after we win a few games in a row.

To think the B1G has no interest in adding the Miami media market or a national brand like The U is crazy. Same for the SEC. What they probably want to see though is a program that can at least be somewhat competitive (finish ranked every year) in order to generate some of that interest. It hasn't happened consistently.

But if Mario can pull this off 2-3 seasons in a row (9-3 type finishes is more than good enough from the media perspective) we instantly become one of the most valuable programs from the media's perspective.
I am pretty sure Miami has more national titles than the whole BIG 12 combined.

If and when the ACC collapses,

and Notre Dame (if they want), will be scooped up by one of the BIG or SEC.
