MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Lmao at people mentioning lacrosse as a reason some schools would get into the b10 over others. Gtfooh.

/am a huge lax fan
//played it in HS
I, 100%, know it is zero reason to not leave. If it came across that way, my mistake. My point was lacrosse is very important to UVA. That said, money rules the roost. With all that loot they will figure something out for the lax squad.

I am also a huge lax fan as you probably can tell. I love college lacrosse and college hockey.
If Miami was free and clear to leave the ACC that may be correct but in order to make financial sense it will require a full share offer IMO
Think that's true of FSU, Clemson, UNC and probably others in the ACC in terms of "requiring" a full share.
NO WAY ... do you understand that chart? The B10 has evaluated Miami and ND as schools that would get a full share upon joining while FSU would get a partial share for several years then have a chance to move up to full share.
Any idea why they'd feel differently about Miami (full share) and FSU (partial share)? I mean, that's fine with me but ... makes no logical sense.
I, 100%, know it is zero reason to not leave. If it came across that way, my mistake. My point was lacrosse is very important to UVA. That said, money rules the roost. With all that loot they will figure something out for the lax squad.

I am also a huge lax fan as you probably can tell. I love college lacrosse and college hockey.
I'm with ya. Lax is also pretty important to UNC and Duke.
The intangibles Miami brings are worth something. It kills me how bad our football program has been compared to what it should be.
I think he's correcting the person who had us ahead of FSU/Clemson here (from Fox/NBC/CBS perspective)...Not agreeing with that list saying FSU wouldn't get full share...

That's really not all that surprising though - in the last decade they have been far more successful than us and had better ratings. Will that continue into the future, if we get back to being a quality program? who knows. I think we can easily surpass them. And even if we are below FSU/Clemson to Fox right now, doesn't change that we would still absolutely have a spot in the Big10 - and get a full rev share.

And as much as the hype right now is on FSU going Big10 and same with Clemson.... I still can't see the SEC just kicking back and ONLY targeting UNC and UVA. I just don't see that as being the likely ending. I think it's still more likely than not that Clemson ends up in the SEC. I also think FSU probably want to be SEC, with really academics being the only thing seriously working in Big10s favor for FSU (over the SEC that is).

Regardless I see Notre Dame, Miami, FSU, Clemson, and UNC being full revenue shares in EITHER Big10 or SEC.
Circa 2041
I have been a canes fan since 1991 when I moved to Miami. Suffered through so many bad years and my kids laugh my yearly optimism, the oldest born in 2004. (Moved to LA in 2006 so they are not really from Miami.

If the Canes don’t land in the Big or SEC I am done. It is over. No more hope in the string of bad coaches and lack of dedication. No more hope in Rad, Mario or Zo.
The Canes as an elite program would be finished. I would rather sign the 60 ranked class and finish 3-9 than get left out of the P2. Being in one of those 2 conferences is our only shot to get #6.