MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Maybe, I hope you are right. I[BGCOLOR=initial] just don't see us with enough leverage.[/BGCOLOR]
They evaluate BRAND VIEWER POTENTIAL. The "TV math" is based in identifying teams that CAN DRAW 4 million viewers per game. They have done the math ... looked at the games. When Miami plays B10 opponents they draw 4 million and up. THAT is what is driving conference realignment. Establishing a conference with potential to program high viewer games that in turn sell sponsors expensive slots. That is the reason that Washington / Oregon didn't get full shares.
Seems like this has been overlooked until the semenholes got active in the possibility of leaving the ACC.
Florida law clearly states that the is no immunity from breach of contract claims and if the statute is changed it would be unconstitutional to apply the changed statute to existing contracts. Try again keyboard lawyers.
I don’t believe we have 10 days only to get this done because I think that even if the schools announce I’m not 100% sure that the next round would actually be able to be absorbed and scheduled in time for 2024.

Could very well be even if you announce before the 15th as FSU is rumored to do and there’s others I think will do if they do it could be towards 2025 to allow for both integration and legal to play out. No specific info on that just a take.

If another four teams come in in terms of TV slots, the grouping needs to get another partner most likely on board (hey espn want in in exchange for gor negotiation)!or create another time slot that works that does not go against the exclusive windows FOX, CBS and NBC have (like a Friday night one).

Florida law clearly states that the is no immunity from breach of contract claims and if the statute is changed it would be unconstitutional to apply the changed statute to existing contracts. Try again keyboard lawyers.
Are you implying I’m a keyboard lawyer? Is so, that’s certainly not my intention. I’m just adding some perspective to the conversation as most of us do, including yourself.
UVA Men's lacrosse won the National Title twice since 2019. I have no idea how it would work in a conference that doesn't support a certain sport?
I know realistically we still have a while before this happens, but they should really just accept that Football (and maybe basketball) should be separated from the other sports. Let schools be in different conferences/leagues for football than their other sports. That way UVA doesn't have to worry about dropping lacrosse, USC doesn't have to worry about the volleyball team traveling to Rutgers, etc, etc
CRAZY. But potentially a good thing. Now that ESPN looks to be involved with the new B10 members ... they can transition Miami to the B10 along with whoever else, and also take FSU / Clemson to the the SECN.
Thus, the GOR becomes a non-issue?
Thus, the GOR becomes a non-issue?
IT COULD ... if enough programs leave the ACC at least now it is feasible - potentially - to negotiate a deal with ESPN as they would have the rights in the SEC and the Big 10. Just at a different cost ... but also different revenue. This could be the missing link to facilitate the elimination of the ACC Conference.
UVA Men's lacrosse won the National Title twice since 2019. I have no idea how it would work in a conference that doesn't support a certain sport?
It’s easy. Just like notre dame plays hockey in

Wait for it

Big ten
I know realistically we still have a while before this happens, but they should really just accept that Football (and maybe basketball) should be separated from the other sports. Let schools be in different conferences/leagues for football than their other sports. That way UVA doesn't have to worry about dropping lacrosse, USC doesn't have to worry about the volleyball team traveling to Rutgers, etc, etc
CRAZY. But potentially a good thing. Now that ESPN looks to be involved with the new B10 members ... they can transition Miami to the B10 along with whoever else, and also take FSU / Clemson to the the SECN.
Fox owns the rights to all Big10 games, but they are allowed to sub out (and are doing so )rights to other networks. Seems like it would be unlikely to make financial sense for ESPN to give us the deal they have to pay more, but maybe there is a way a way to make it work where they pay some schools (Miami, Clemson, FSU, etc) more, but less overall b/c they aren't paying BC, Syracuse, etc.
Sure, there are cases where it happens (ex: Notre Dame), but it is not the norm and when schools like OU and TX or USC and UCLA changed conferences they also did it for their non-revenue sports (I am sure there were some exceptions probably for things like Sailing). What I am saying is to officially separate the schools the football team plays from the school the non-football sports play for everyone.
ESPN is broke. Is it possible they would be ok getting out of the ACC contract and maybe getting some stake in the new Big Ten with 4 former ACC teams in it?