Gio, I rose my hand earlier in this thread with hesitation about this particular variable of going to the SEC, so I'll chime in. Im honestly not so sure they wouldnt do something to spite Miami. We will be 2nd class citizens. I just dont trust these cokk sucking old SEC admins and the thought of getting into bed with them and the likes of Saban makes my skin crawl. Something I'll just have to get over.
So what can they do? I dont know. Ive been trying to focus on work today so I havent honestly thought it through

@Cryptical Envelopment you probably have some thoughts/knowledge on this.
They will put us where they want in terms of divisions to start. They can certainly rig the schedule to make it a harder path to the playoffs. Do they have any control of times of the games or where the bye week sits? Will they tweak rules on recruiting visits, in-house visits, dead periods, NIL, whatever....while any changes would be for every team, certainly some changes can affect 1 team more than another as we all have certain advantages and disadvantages. Its not stuff that would neuter us, but I have this bad feeling they are going to create a harder path.
Now by no means would we get a welcome the the B1G hand job. But I do feel we would get a fairer shake and more of a voice/seat at the table.
Either way, I'll be happy to get out of the ACC. Its a $hitty deal...our brand should be getting much more revenue from our conference. There are great matchups to gain from both conferences. Certainly advantages to the SEC. The ACC Network sucks donkey balls. Cant wait until we get broadcast on an actual professional network with better coverage/announcers. The timing of our investment/new leadership/turnaround and ascent back to the top couldnt have been better for a conference switch.