MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

My 0.02. We may end up in the SEC. But we should end up in the BIG. And while I understand Rad's connection to Clemson. That shouldn't be the reason driving us pairing with them. As an institution of higher learning, they are nothing like Miami, nothing.
Even though i know it is probably for the best, I absolutely hate the idea of being associated with the SEC. Screams of yeeeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaah keep replaying in my mind
My guess is that our Silent Partner is Clemson. Which would leave FSU holding the bag, although I would think that Miami would want to maintain that rivalry.

Clemson has to be going to the SEC, otherwise Dabo will never eat lunch in Tuscaloosa again. But logic and finances, plus the cultural fit, and the fact that this Miami leadership doesn't want to be screwed by the Birmingham/Tuscaloosa branch of the Tobacco Road Mafia points to The U headed to the B1G.

Something doesn't fit here, but that's why they pay Rad the big bucks and not me.
What did the article say?
Just curious what everyones (especially those that didn't attend UM) obsession with us being "an institution of higher learning?" Personally, as long as we're producing a quality football product I couldn't give a crap about what our academic ranking is.
The posts on the Minnesota website mentioned a 100% vote of all members to get out of the Agreement. I don’t see that happening as some of these teams will not have a lifeline to the SEC or B1G. We might be best suited to negotiate a buyout over time. My thinking is that if the conference tv deals for the SEC and the B1G are huge, we could be paying the ACC off easily and then start coming out ahead maybe 5 or 6 years down the road.

I’m really hoping we go to the B1G between them and the SEC. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it. We saw how it was under Tobacco Road Rule. The SEC will be even worse to us and more biased. These confederate schools would love to lock us down. People think stuff like us getting Mauigoa today or Wayne possibly in a week will make these guys want to help us beat Alabama, UGA, UF, Tennessee, LSU… any of them… even more???

**** no. They’ll set up rules we have to follow that take away our advantages in favor of the good ole boys. We’d be walking into an ambush. I’d rather take my chances on the B1G.
You’re right about the SEC treating us poorly, but I wonder why you think the B1G would be any better? I don’t think there’s a conference out there that will treat us as anything but a carpetbagger team.
@OrangeBowlMagic my disdain for the SEC clouds my judgment...

What the **** is going to happen if we end up in that God forsaken conference?

Thanks a lot ACC, you’re making us have to go play in the Confederacy because yall couldn’t stop gerrymandering for Duke & UNC Basketball, Tobacco Road literally ruined this conference from the inside...

Miami in the SEC just feels dirty smh, this sh*t ain’t right fam, just thinking about it smh...

Hold on I think I’m gonna be sick 🤢

Another excellent post Liberty City El. I agree with each point. The ACC and the NCAA are kaput because of their own intransigence. I was hoping we would go into the B1G. Any thoughts on future implications for us after this move?
I was thinking that if those 6 teams who are reportedly talking to the Big12 do leave, and UM, Clemson and two other teams leave the ACC, the remnants of the PAC and ACC might combine and rebrand. "American Coastal Conference" maybe?
However it plays out, it’s a near certainty only 2 of the Big/PAC 12 and ACC will survive in any meaningful way. It’ll be interesting to see which two merge.
Does admission into the SEC depend on a unanimous vote from all other members? Otherwise you know UF is going to veto entry. OR, does the SEC tell UF to EAD because in all likelihood the SEC doesn’t give a **** what UF wants?
If they neuter our ability to compete with NIL they are neutering their ability to compete with OSU, USC, MICH, and the rest of the B1G. You forgot that TAMU, TX, and TENN are big NIL schools, and frankly so are Bama and UGA though they try to hide it. Not happening.

Also, there is only so much they can do. They can't create rules that violate the constitution of the United States of America. If they could, the NCAA would have already done their bidding for them. The SCOTUS was unanimous.

As for being the new kid, we've been the new kid in the ACC for 20 years. At least now the refs will be better at their jobs.
Lol. No doubt ACC officiating is by far the worst in football
I watched Josh Pate and he threw up a metric and showed ACC contracts through 2036 vs the rest of conferences expire in the next couple of years. I’m not sure how the shakes out but sounds expensive.

He also showed that the SEC pays 107M and BIG10 around 100M per institution vs PAC12 which was 50M less. No wonder UCLA and USC jumped to BIG10 which is about to top SEC money wise.

We need that money and Dan needs to earn his paycheck immediately! The ACC is dead in the water. I really hope the power to be don’t leave Miami out because it’s a concerning time until a deal is done.
Does admission into the SEC depend on a unanimous vote from all other members? Otherwise you know UF is going to veto entry. OR, does the SEC tell UF to EAD because in all likelihood the SEC doesn’t give a **** what UF wants?

Money is going to be two great. Most likely 100 million per team. I believe someone mentioned in the thread that UF and USCe negotiating divisions. I’m sure not wanting to be in the same with their counterparts.
Well someone in the ADs office took a long vacation for the past two weeks to his lake house near Clemson to work a few things out;)
The company I did landscaping for last summer did a cleanup at Greg Sankey’s summer home. I met him and his wife — nice people by the way. I might have to pick up some shifts so I can pick his brain 😉