MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

SEC only has 14 schools. They are currently 4 behind the Big 10. There is room for other to join. However, ***** them both.... They will eat each other everything year. Let FSU and Clemson bolt. Miami can rule in what is left of the ACC. Us going 10-2 or 12-0 in the ACC in the future will grow us more so than being 7-5 in jam packed SEC or Big 10.

ESPN has no leverage against NBC/CBS/FOX...

but right now we're actually in a position of strength... now that a sense of urgency seems to be created...

there are only a few valuable assets left that will increase value to the Big 2 conferences.. and we're one of those assets..

if the SEC all of a sudden becomes aggressive, we could end up in a position where both the SEC and the B1G want us...
We haven’t done anything in 20 years besides make a final 4 bball. We used to be a valuable asset..
SEC only has 14 schools. They are currently 4 behind the Big 10. There is room for other to join. However, ***** them both.... They will eat each other everything year. Let FSU and Clemson bolt. Miami can rule in what is left of the ACC. Us going 10-2 or 12-0 in the ACC in the future will grow us more so than being 7-5 in jam packed SEC or Big 10.
I must be missing something re: the Bigly 12. What card do they hold?