MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Look, anybody who didn’t see this coming even before today is completely blind. But after USC and UCLA are looking to bolt, it’s definite. The ACC is dead. There are no more marquee programs in big markets to poach. So it’s time to get out of this godforsaken conference and be proactive.

I’ve been told that some conversations have already taken place, and frankly with who our AD is now, I’d have been shocked had that not happened. But it’s time to join the SEC. The writing is on the wall in size 1000 font that within the next several years, there will be 2 “superconferences” of at least 18 teams each. Probably more. They will be the SEC and B1G.

Now, we have an advantage here. I don’t think there’s any scenario where we’re left out in the cold, because obviously Miami is a desirable market for any conference. So we *should* be fine. But it’s time to be proactive. There is no reason to be aligned with Tobacco Road any longer. The revenues provided to member institutions of the SEC and B1G will probably be MORE THAN DOUBLE those of the ACC very soon. So, the sooner the better here. I hope we’re not hanging only any sense of loyalty to the ACC. It’s time to do what’s best for this university and that is to move IMMEDIATELY to the SEC.

Let’s hope the leadership understands the criticality of this. We cannot afford to be left behind. My guess is we’ll be in the SEC no later than 2025. If not, it’s a massive failure.
Look at what you started. I hope you are happy.

I am posting this on this site because it appears there are a lot of canes fans here and I don’t want to start a **** show on my twitter page. FSU is doing it the right way. People wonder why FSU is all of a sudden so public? The have lost faith in the ACC. They know they can’t get anymore money from ACC/ESPN. The school is in the capitol of Florida. The legislature is there. The state of Florida can’t stand the ACC and fully backs getting out. The political power and support is there. So get someone to fund it. This is where JP Morgan or someone similar comes in. It has a lot of tie in’s to FSU boosters and the current legislature. JP Morgan - fund the buyout and work the payback later. Maybe no payback. Maybe political favors. Not gonna say anymore.
What's your Twitter handle?
I am posting this on this site because it appears there are a lot of canes fans here and I don’t want to start a **** show on my twitter page. FSU is doing it the right way. People wonder why FSU is all of a sudden so public? The have lost faith in the ACC. They know they can’t get anymore money from ACC/ESPN. The school is in the capitol of Florida. The legislature is there. The state of Florida can’t stand the ACC and fully backs getting out. The political power and support is there. So get someone to fund it. This is where JP Morgan or someone similar comes in. It has a lot of tie in’s to FSU boosters and the current legislature. JP Morgan - fund the buyout and work the payback later. Maybe no payback. Maybe political favors. Not gonna say anymore.

All relevant points, but there are other issues we have with the way F$U is handling this.
I am posting this on this site because it appears there are a lot of canes fans here and I don’t want to start a **** show on my twitter page. FSU is doing it the right way. People wonder why FSU is all of a sudden so public? The have lost faith in the ACC. They know they can’t get anymore money from ACC/ESPN. The school is in the capitol of Florida. The legislature is there. The state of Florida can’t stand the ACC and fully backs getting out. The political power and support is there. So get someone to fund it. This is where JP Morgan or someone similar comes in. It has a lot of tie in’s to FSU boosters and the current legislature. JP Morgan - fund the buyout and work the payback later. Maybe no payback. Maybe political favors. Not gonna say anymore.
So just trying to understand this post on this board - because it’s a Miami board and not an FSU board - is the insinuation they’ll Miami is not using the correct strategy by staying silent? Because we aren’t exactly a vocal leader here. Just curious the angle here
Nah, I'll pass, thanks.
sam winchester yawn GIF
When did you predict it again??

July 21, 2022

I simply shared what I heard directly from ppl w/in the structure.

The only ones I wasn’t certain on was UO & UW since there was conflicting information. Both Oregon and Washington was really trying to make it work with the Pac 12, however, the Pac 12 was not getting the TV revenue that they had hoped for, and therefore it was in their best interest to jump ship, which is why I made a post in May 2023 saying do not discount them going to the Big Ten.

I was already fairly certain based upon the Intel that I had received that they were headed for the Big Ten at a discounted premium. The question now is, will the Big Ten finally except Cal and Stanford to lock up the California market, or will the Pac 12 try to pivot and add the premium G5 teams that’s around them? That I’m not sure of, yet, because Cal and Stanford are still trying to work out the numbers.
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It really depends on what the SEC does. What if the SEC says nah I'm good? or if the SEC goes for like 4-6 programs?
Lets say Big 10 adds say Miami, FSU, has a spot for ND, VTech, and GTech... That would put them at 23 after getting OU and UW. With Stanford, Cal, Pitt, and potentially more avaialble. Who would be #24? I'd assume either of those 3 would be partial shares regardless. Would Big10 REALLY go with Pitt over Stanford? Personally I doubt it.

Agreed. On the surface, that one vs one choice would seemingly be no-brainer in favor of Stanford. In reality, it's why this is all fascinating.

Would the B1G want 5 West Coast teams in a conference of an even # of 24 teams?

Did they originally give a wink and nod to USC about not adding any more Pac-12 teams and they've already created some tension with Wash and Oregon today?

That said, I personally like it when Stanford is relevant in football and even hoops. I'd much rather be in the same national conference with them as the elite academic institution versus Dook.