MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Agree, nobody's checking for GT, GT's usually one of those boring snooze fest games at noon on ESPN 8.

And too much is made of media markets, just because a city's heavily populated doesn't mean that everybody watches CFB, like Miami for example
Atlanta is the center of college football. Yea know one is sitting around watching GT. But they are home and in the bars watching college football. And if GT could win 8-9 games a year they will be watched as well.

Partial Shares in this case would mean $20M instead of $31.7M. ESPN is contractually obligated to pay full $20M shares for 4 P5 additions (Colorado and UA are two of them). Fox was contactually obligated to pay $11.7M to 2 P5 additions (Colorado and UA). Fox can offer the $11.7M to make it a full share if they choose to. Maybe this means they aren't choosing to. Maybe they're saving the money for ACC to Big 12 (and 10 of course) additions.
It’s all fun and games til they surpass us in NIL.

College football is becoming a dirty game. It’s been one under the table for decades. **** morals, I’d want Saudi money too if it meant being a top dog in NIL.

We're going to have to counter by partnering with Iran. #HurricaneAyatollah
Lots of pros.

On the con side

1.[BGCOLOR=initial] Getting out of GOR would require extensive litigation[/BGCOLOR]

2. Guessing which acc teams have a home in other conferences, and assuming there are 8 teams that would vote to dissolve ACC, and that the teams without homes aren't going to do everything in their power to stop the other teams from leaving

3. Dissolving acc doesn't necessarily end GOR

4. Pride can be a *****. When Rad was Clemsons [BGCOLOR=initial]AD, he fully endorsed the 20 yr GOR deal and said it was "forward looking" and would keep the acc together. And that coming off Clemson playing in the national championship when their stock was sky high. Now he basically has two choices - he can either take the position that he endorsed a terrible deal and try to get UM out of it, or he can try to salvage it to protect his pride, in which case he'll likely push for the acc /Pac12 merger. [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial] I think a lot of ACC ADs are going to agree that the easiest road FOR NOW, is the acc/pac12 merger (possibly with different revenue splits. My personal opinion is that Rad will agree to the latter option as a bandaid, and then a few years from now UM will try to jump to the B1G or SEC.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial] Before certain posters get finger diarrhea and start crapping all over this thread saying that I don't know anything, I admit I don't have any inside information. This is just my opinion, so take your immodium AD and calm the f#ck down.[/BGCOLOR]
I gotta give you credit you’re definitely being perpetually wrong on this one
I think some of you underestimate Pitt. GT is in an area where there are so many other sports teams they get almost no attention. In Pittsburgh, they have the Steelers and that’s pretty much it. The Pirates haven’t been **** since the 80s. And on top of those things, Pitt was just in an ACC championship and has been putting players in the league every year. GT is not better than Pitt
The current administration at Pitt also has B1G roots. I personally wouldn't be super surprised if they sneak into the B1G but it'd definitely be a last man in type of deal. I'm also not clear how the Pedo State administration currently views their potential membership.
It’s all fun and games til they surpass us in NIL.

College football is becoming a dirty game. It’s been one under the table for decades. **** morals, I’d want Saudi money too if it meant being a top dog in NIL.
That topic has been addressed on this board by people in the know. Going back to last year. I don’t think UM is in the dark on different funding options but they choose not to make a public spectacle of it like FSU. FSU’s behavior these last few weeks is hard to understand.
That topic has been addressed on this board by people in the know. Going back to last year. I don’t think UM is in the dark on different funding options but they choose not to make a public spectacle of it like FSU. FSU’s behavior these last few weeks is hard to understand.
You’re absolutely right, and I am aware of several boosters actively participating in Miami’s NIL allocation.

Proof is in the pudding, however. Let’s see what happens the next few years.
Biggest Reason: Academic prestige. UVA has it in spades, VT has none.

VT has a surprisingly good academic reputation. Not as strong as UVA's, obviously.

VT also - surprisngly - has a REALLY good TV rating. There's a reason why the Big10 is pursuing VT.

FWIW, rumor is that UVA wants to go to SEC.
VT has a surprisingly good academic reputation. Not as strong as UVA's, obviously.

VT also - surprisngly - has a REALLY good TV rating. There's a reason why the Big10 is pursuing VT.

FWIW, rumor is that UVA wants to go to SEC.
Interesting. Hadn't heard that the B1G was pursuing VT. I wonder at whose expense -- hope it's not ours.

UVA would seen a much better fit in the B1G than the SEC. Vandy would get some relief as the football whipping boy if UVA joined the SEC.