MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Those 4 schools are THE brands in the ACC. Would be a major power move. You get the Miami-FSU rivalry, UNC bball and alumni base, and a recent powerhouse, plus FL, NC, and SC markets. Throw in ND and we'd have conference games with FSU, ND, Penn St, OSU, Michigan, Mich St, USC, UCLA, Wisconsin, Clemson, and UNC. True national conference.
The SEC has more of a challenge in TV programming slots whereas the BIG 10 NEEDS additional teams to fill programming slots with 3 media partners.
Yes and no.

The SEC doesnt need to expand for today's world. But in a B1G expansion scenario, the SEC will have more slots and be incentivized to fill them. In a world where the B1G fills its programming slots by poaching ACC and PAC teams, ESPN loses programming, and who would they want to fill it in? SEC.

ESPN currently pays about 525M per year to the ACC (37*14 + some for ND, assuming all of the 37M comes from ESPN). If im ESPN and I know I can potentially lose the ACC as a whole, why dont i release the grant of rights, let the conference dissolve, and add half that money to the SEC pot along with 4 ACC teams? Save the other half (or pay off the losing teams) and you also get to cut the ACCN and reduce some costs.

Im sure there are legal challenges, but that seems like a logical framework given the B1G plans from the ESPN perspective. And it would benefit the SEC.
Was reading an "8/31 Update" by Gene on Warchant ... stating that "UNC is now actively in the discussion of leaving the ACC and if they leave along with FSU / Clemson announcing they could be the thread that dissolves the ACC Conference". Crazy stuff. Of course one of their projections has UM going to the B12 along with Louisville / Pitt. They are in denial that Miami is highly desired by the B10. Will be nuts if nothing actually happens short term and the discussions continue for another year. Seems like the ESPN uncertainties regarding finding a new equity partner etc. make this the time to strike.
And...because some people will need some exposition to walk through we go...

PRELUDE: If anyone has the ESPN contract, feel free to post it.

So here's what Dot *** is alluding to, as well as more explicit proof that @NorthernVirginiaCane has been feeding you a line of bull****.

Until now, when anyone has read the "Grant of Rights", they have read the initial GOR from the 15 schools to the ACC. Fine. But as I've alluded to in the past (without actually seeing the ESPN contract, but based on my past reading of other TV contracts, such as those involving NASCAR), there is usually a second transfer of rights involved to make the TV deal. DOESN'T HAVE TO BE DONE in a conference-wide grant of rights. Big 10/SEC do not have GORs, but they still (SOMEHOW!!!) manage to sell their broadcast rights as a group.

But the ESPN offered the ACC some magic beans and required a GOR, so there we are. But if that fraudster @NorthernVirginiaCane had actually listened to the video that he linked in this thread, he would have heard Bubba ****ingham (UNC AD) talk about how the ACC then transferred the rights to ESPN.

OK, so what does it all mean?

Well, until now, some people have talked about how the ACC "dissolution" would put all of the ACC assets into trust. Meaning, just because we all vote to kill the ACC doesn't mean we all get our rights back. Ah, yes, grasshopper, but that was when some people assumed that the ACC owned those rights (under the original GOR). But...and hear me out...WHAT IF the ACC does not owned those rights, but transferred them to The Worldwide Leader? To quote the dopey @NorthernVirginiaCane ..."IRREVOCABLE"...

So now let's take another step. TWWLESPN owns our rights. But but but, with 4 teams leaving the conference, it allows dirt-poor ESPN to invoke another little-known codicil in the Faber College Constitution referred to as The Composition Clause. And if ESPN feels like New ACC is not sufficiently composed of OG ACC, then they can say "Fugg this, it's not what we signed up for." And whether the ACC ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY dissolves or not, if TWWLESPN invokes the Composition Clause to get out of the deal, then we start to re-open the floodgates.

AND AND AND, if ESPN still owns the rights, or kindly "gives back" the rights (outside of a "ACC-dissolution-assets-go-into-trust" nuclear option), OR OR OR if ESPN decides to repackage the rights of 4 teams into its...GASP...newly created "Fractional Big 10 Deal", then it's all up for negotiation and/or renegotiation.

Now, I am not promising or guaranteeing that UM and other schools will follow this roadmap to a T. But I'm pointing I have for a year...that this "GOR nonsense" is WAAAAAY more complex than certain simpletons like @NorthernVirginiaCane have let on.

Me? I'm a lover, not a fighter. I'd love to see the ACC work out a deal where Miami And Friends can skip down the Yellow Brick Road to the Big 10, and the ACC can salvage what is left of their pride and rectums, and get back to the business of playing sports.

And this is one avenue. Wedge some "Composition Clause" down the throats of Tomacco Road and let them figure out how many Pac 12 schools to merge with.


So the Big 10 is ready to put academics and research aside now to accept Clemson and FSU football? That seems a bit hard to believe that the presidents of the Big 10 will value football over losing some academic prestige.
I find it interesting how rumors of FSU, Clemson, and Miami have been swirling, but as soon as UNC gets mentioned, that's when they think the ACC is doomed.

Especially after all the huffing and puffing about the ironclad GOR requiring 8 teams to leave.
Why is Miami mentioned last in his scenario?

Don't sweat it.

I would also point out...

STATE SCHOOLS have to go through a longer process of approval, sometimes getting the backing of politicians, depending on how the state oversight is set up.

Miami, as a private school, can give you its answer now, Senator...
I find it interesting how rumors of FSU, Clemson, and Miami have been swirling, but as soon as UNC gets mentioned, that's when they think the ACC is doomed.

Especially after all the huffing and puffing about the ironclad GOR requiring 8 teams to leave.

Maybe all that UnderArmour money will allow Notre Dame to take a li'l bit less on the TV money side of things, and they can join the Big 10...

Don't sweat it.

I would also point out...

STATE SCHOOLS have to go through a longer process of approval, sometimes getting the backing of politicians, depending on how the state oversight is set up.

Miami, as a private school, can give you our answer now, Senator...
Thank you for pointing out this. I know nothing like Jon Snow but I've always assumed that Miami, being private, has to follow another path in some regards compared to the public schools.
So the Big 10 is ready to put academics and research aside now to accept Clemson and FSU football? That seems a bit hard to believe that the presidents of the Big 10 will value football over losing some academic prestige.
FSU is tied with Miami in the academic rankings and is close to getting AAU. Clemson is tied with Penn State in the academic rankings and has recently increased its research, but still has a way to go to get AAU. But the BIG media partners love Clemson for obvious reasons and are asserting themselves.
I find it interesting how rumors of FSU, Clemson, and Miami have been swirling, but as soon as UNC gets mentioned, that's when they think the ACC is doomed.

Especially after all the huffing and puffing about the ironclad GOR requiring 8 teams to leave.
What he is saying that once those 4 announce it is "ova" for the conference. Either ESPN says "no mas" or the remaining schools vote to dissolve, but either way, without those 4 programs, the EXISTING ESPN deal doesn't work for ESPN or the schools remaining.
Why is Miami pushing for independence being mentioned? Is that really a position to be in? The coffers must be overflowing if that’s a real choice other than joining the P2 conferences