MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Why would the Big 10 not want UNC?

My guess is they do, but they don't want NC St. The NC state govt may not let NC St. get left out of the reshuffling. UNC is a crown jewel school (good sports and academics) for any conference. Both UNC and NC St are ge[BGCOLOR=initial]ographic fits for the SEC. NC St isn't anywhere close to being a good enough school academically for the B1G so that's a no go. NC St may benefit by being paired with a much more desirable school and get a SEC invite. I think the Big 2 would hope that NC St gets an Big 12 invite so they can invite UNC without having to invite NC St. [/BGCOLOR]
This is pure speculation on my part. I’m wondering if the conventional wisdom that ESPN was sitting in a great spot because of how bad the deal was for the ACC and a great win for ESPN might actually be countering another conventional wisdom- which is that if you were in a true partnership, if your other partners are now sick, because of whatever circumstances, including how you’re treating them, then whatever deal you have is not really going to benefit you to the degree thought.

Partnerships versus just I pay you for work then it’s done are ongoing and need to be sustainable no matter what the terms of the contract are.
ESPN, potentially by not trying how to adjust for the ACC versus taking advantage of a horrible deal, could wind up shooting themselves in the foot with the premier parties that they signed up for bolting
One critical fact is that ESPN has ****ed off a lot of programs in the ACC. It is to the point that if FSU for example has the option of going to the B10 (FOX, CBS and NBC) vs going to the SEC (with ESPN again??) ... the poor relationship with ESPN might be enough for them (and others) to say "***** the SEC ... we're going BIG.
Lol if you think they are going to boot Maryland, the large dc tv market, and where government and lobbyists live.
or for better or worse a school at least in the nyc metro tv market. Same on northwestern. it’s about adding new markets not taking away - and you can’t even boot founding members from BIG10 as a sidebar.
Yeah the MUCH more likely scenario that would happen is the Non Football powers end up getting a reduced payout. Long-term that is likely the path regardless. Success+ratings based payouts.
It's easy to imagine a scenario where in 2030 the payouts are like:
Ohio St, Michigan, USC, PSU, FSU, Miami, etc - $120M
Illinois, Stanford, Northwestern, etc - $80M.

Rather than if say everyone was making $100M...
I wonder if the B1G/FOX get involved and offer ESPN some of the games to broadcast, if ESPN would be more willing or even agreeable to breaking up the GOR?

Basically the ACC is dying and yes ESPN owns the broadcasting rights to all of it.. But if they allow some schools out of the GOR, then FOX/B1G would give them some of the premier games to broadcast. Maybe like 1 game a week for several years or something along those lines?
The B10 media partners (FOX, CBS, NBC) are in a position to get ESPN to negotiate. The B10 media guys could outbid ESPN for the 2026 12 game college playoffs and ESPN would be out of March Madness AND the football playoffs. Last thing ESPN needs is litigation with 8-10 or more ACC teams over GOR ... especially for a non existent conference (which is a possibility). Play nice or get steamrolled. There is a reason Comcast backed off of buying an equity stake in ESPN. Too much uncertainty regarding the future value.
The thing that doesn't make sense though would be the SEC just sitting back and allowing the Big10 to raid 3 of the top 4 remaining programs - and 4/4 if you count ND making a scheduling agreement with them and eventually joining.

Clemson is the 1 school out of those 4 that clearly should be considered a better SEC fit than Big10 fit. FSU is a coin flip of where they'll choose and where they'd fit better.

But I really just can't imagine the Big10 walking out of this with Miami, FSU, Clemson, ND (Schedule agreement), Oregon (reduced share), Washington (reduced share), and like VTech (reduced share) (and still possibly Stanford+Cal at really reduced share)...while the SEC only lands UNC and UVA or some ****...

Obviously that would be a great scenario for us. Just don't think the SEC is gunna do nothing like that.

Relevant points.

I'd also say, the SEC benefits less (at the CURRENT TIME) from expansion due to fewer timeslots and being so heavily committed to suddenly-cash-poor ESPN.

And I do think that the SEC would be happy with "just" UVa and UNC. It completely reunites the 13 Confederate states and gives them entry into the last two southeastern states that they want.

Also, in all honesty...if the Big 10 and SEC remain the Big Power 2 AND AND AND have no GOR...then it would be really easy for, say, a Big 10 Clemson to jump to an SEC Clemson if the opportunity presented itself down the road.
Relevant points.

I'd also say, the SEC benefits less (at the CURRENT TIME) from expansion due to fewer timeslots and being so heavily committed to suddenly-cash-poor ESPN.

And I do think that the SEC would be happy with "just" UVa and UNC. It completely reunites the 13 Confederate states and gives them entry into the last two southeastern states that they want.

Also, in all honesty...if the Big 10 and SEC remain the Big Power 2 AND AND AND have no GOR...then it would be really easy for, say, a Big 10 Clemson to jump to an SEC Clemson if the opportunity presented itself down the road.
Lets trade Clemson for Texas lol.
Who said that? Maybe it's the other way around.

Does the SEC want F$U? Yes. But it looks like F$U is picking the Big 10.
Like I said several times, if the B1G gets not just one, but 2 premier assets from Florida, that only increases the value of both programs to the B1G. the B1G realistically could overtake the SEC as the household conference in Florida if that happens. It would significantly increase their media value for the next deal to be able to claim so much of Florida.
This guy thinks one left

Lol that would make zero sense. There are plenty of teams "worth" that $30M payout from the TV and Conferences perspective. Lol Imagine telling Colorado they can have $32M/yr, but nah not you Oregon... (who is worth like 1.5x that)...

Again, people must not realize Colorado has literally been like the worst PAC12 school for like the last decade.
Just a thought, doesn't the AAU's reputation take a hit when so many are claiming Miami and ND achieved status, even partially, for reasons related to Big 10 membership?

Miami and Clemson were locked on leaving and only leaving. We never were working together to join any conference from my understanding. FSU was the 3rd party who joined later.

I don't understand why certain porsters don't understand this, and why they are so butthurt over "I was promised that Miami and Clemson were joined at the hip".

It's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on this board. Bunch of know-nothings trying to fight people with inside information over their silly misunderstandings.
Lol that would make zero sense. There are plenty of teams "worth" that $30M payout from the TV and Conferences perspective. Lol Imagine telling Colorado they can have $32M/yr, but nah not you Oregon... (who is worth like 1.5x that)...

Again, people must not realize Colorado has literally been like the worst PAC12 school for like the last decade.

Right he is changing this saying two guaranteed full share and anyone next would negotiate lol
Ok. Anyone know how many full revenue spots Big 12 has? Reading some saying 2 but some saying 4.
My understanding is they have 16 total. 3 left now. But still might only want one additional for a brief second before going next steps.

Could be off but that is my understanding
The B1G will be a national conference. When you look at it from a school point of view rather than athletics, any university with a choice would rather have a national reach for prospective students than a regional one.