MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

From my understanding, once Rad arrived, Miami was moving behind the scenes prior to FSU.
Ted Roosevelt style
stick GIF
My impression is that regardless of what FSU does, if anybody files to leave the ACC before August 15th, we want to be filing as well. No point in wasting a year. Either the argument we plan on making holds up in court, or we blow up the conference successfully, but we want to be a part of wave 1 to exit to avoid getting left holding the bag for an extra year.
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If you're interested in context...

Sankey is right FOR THE SEC. Because they are locked in with one primary broadcaster.

However, the Big 10 has diversified, thus the time slots are not quite as tight.

Plus the Big 10 might be back on ESPN (in a limited capacity)...

The B10 actually NEEDS teams to fill out it's time slots with quality games. The SEC meanwhile has a juggling act.
I hope Miami will be just as aggressive as Florida State. I know we won't be loud about it. But we need to be just as proactive.

History shows those who are not proactive, lose at this game.
Everything I have read has stated that Miami & Clemson were very proactive in investigating / developing an exit strategy from the ACC the day Radakovich arrived. They are all talking amongst themselves (magnificent 7) so I doubt there will be any AD at any school surprised by the rumors. Big question is HOW MANY have made the "time to go is now" decision!!
go back to read from first year contracts.

Black's Law:


Which cannot be revoked or recalled.

Just typical August overheated message board gossip ...
Got back and read the LAW REVIEW EVALUATION of GOR .... "IRREVOCABLE BUT UNENFORCEABLE". Hence, litigation, negotiation, settlement.
go back to read from first year contracts.

Black's Law:


Which cannot be revoked or recalled.

Just typical August overheated message board gossip ...

However, if a contract was unenforceable (for instance, due to lack of consideration, lack of standing, etc), then it wouldn't matter if it was "irrevocable." You can also void a contract of it is impossible to perform. I'm not saying that's the case here, but there are many ways to get around an irrevocable assignment. Plus the simplest, having whatever was assigned, assigned back to you.

There are different avenues to address it. The issue then becomes, which one is the best financially.
Interesting comments on Warchant regarding ESPN making calls trying to find out what items on on the agenda for the FSU BOT meeting next week!! ESPN is getting nervous!! Also have read some interesting comments from different sports journalists who follow networks and realignment:

-FOX Sports wants a national conference to broadcast and not only is pushing for the immediate addition of Oregon / Washington but wants FSU / Clemson / Miami to the extent that FOX will assist in paying a portion of financial exit penalties.

-ESPN is now concerned that they might be getting boxed out of the upcoming bidding for the expanded 16 team college playoffs in 2026 with the threat of
Fox / CBS / NBC outbidding them and leaving them out entirely. That would leave ESPN out of March Madness and the College Football Playoffs. That
reality could provide incentive for ESPN to "play nice" and become more flexible on the ACC GOR releases for certain programs.

High stakes poker. Fascinating. We gone!!! (Irrevocable, Unenforceable, Malleable, and negotiable).
Interesting comments on Warchant regarding ESPN making calls trying to find out what items on on the agenda for the FSU BOT meeting next week!! ESPN is getting nervous!! Also have read some interesting comments from different sports journalists who follow networks and realignment:

-FOX Sports wants a national conference to broadcast and not only is pushing for the immediate addition of Oregon / Washington but wants FSU / Clemson / Miami to the extent that FOX will assist in paying a portion of financial exit penalties.

-ESPN is now concerned that they might be getting boxed out of the upcoming bidding for the expanded 16 team college playoffs in 2026 with the threat of
Fox / CBS / NBC outbidding them and leaving them out entirely. That would leave ESPN out of March Madness and the College Football Playoffs. That
reality could provide incentive for ESPN to "play nice" and become more flexible on the ACC GOR releases for certain programs.

High stakes poker. Fascinating. We gone!!! (Irrevocable, Unenforceable, Malleable, and negotiable).
ESPN have stopped supporting their ESPN Player in the UK, so they can **** right off.
Interesting comments on Warchant regarding ESPN making calls trying to find out what items on on the agenda for the FSU BOT meeting next week!! ESPN is getting nervous!! Also have read some interesting comments from different sports journalists who follow networks and realignment:

-FOX Sports wants a national conference to broadcast and not only is pushing for the immediate addition of Oregon / Washington but wants FSU / Clemson / Miami to the extent that FOX will assist in paying a portion of financial exit penalties.

-ESPN is now concerned that they might be getting boxed out of the upcoming bidding for the expanded 16 team college playoffs in 2026 with the threat of
Fox / CBS / NBC outbidding them and leaving them out entirely. That would leave ESPN out of March Madness and the College Football Playoffs. That
reality could provide incentive for ESPN to "play nice" and become more flexible on the ACC GOR releases for certain programs.

High stakes poker. Fascinating. We gone!!! (Irrevocable, Unenforceable, Malleable, and negotiable).

That fox willing to pay fees, etc. I don't really buy that. That in itself could present legal issues for fox. Seems like message board gossip to me.
That fox willing to pay fees, etc. I don't really buy that. That in itself could present legal issues for fox. Seems like message board gossip to me.
Lot of moving parts to the overall backdrop of "realignment". ESPN is getting weaker by the day. The Big 10 has media agreements with FOX, CBS and NBC for the next 7 years and THEY will be bidding as a group on the broadcast rights for the projected 12 team playoffs in 2026 and on. If ESPN is left out they wouldn't have either the NCAA Tournament or the college football playoffs. FOX has a LOT of leverage and one thing ESPN does not want is to get into a protracted litigation with ACC members AND other networks. If FOX will assist with exit fees ... ESPN has nothing to say about it. Payments could be FROM THE B10 ... cost of adding strategic members. Big business. Also a reason to 'play nice' with GOR exceptions.
Lot of moving parts to the overall backdrop of "realignment". ESPN is getting weaker by the day. The Big 10 has media agreements with FOX, CBS and NBC for the next 7 years and THEY will be bidding as a group on the broadcast rights for the projected 12 team playoffs in 2026 and on. If ESPN is left out they wouldn't have either the NCAA Tournament or the college football playoffs. FOX has a LOT of leverage and one thing ESPN does not want is to get into a protracted litigation with ACC members AND other networks. If FOX will assist with exit fees ... ESPN has nothing to say about it. Payments could be FROM THE B10 ... cost of adding strategic members. Big business. Also a reason to 'play nice' with GOR exceptions.
I have no doubt that there are a lot of behind the scenes movement with these things. I just don't see FOX essentially subsidizing the moves. I could see FOX and ESPN essentially engaging in horse trading tho.
I have no doubt that there are a lot of behind the scenes movement with these things. I just don't see FOX essentially subsidizing the moves. I could see FOX and ESPN essentially engaging in horse trading tho.
Going to be very interesting to see how much the B10 is willing to expand at this moment. Originally they had a "modest plan". Let USC / UCLA get in and established, grab Miami / FSU for the 2026 - 2027 period, maybe with another couple of ACC programs, and ND with a scheduling agreement. Then in 2030 or so grab Oregon / Washington. But the meltdown of the Pac 12 had apparently forced FOX to insist that they grab Oregon / Washington now to keep them from going to the B12 ... and now we are apparently on the eve of FSU announcing their departure from the ACC. Can't believe FSU will act alone ... am seeing reports on Warchant that Clemson is expected to join them and all comments have been that Radakovich and Clemson have been 'joined at the hip' in developing an exit plan. Will the B10 pull off a major coup and add Miami, FSU and Clemson? Along with Oregon / Washington and then ND in a scheduling agreement? Would be an amazing conference with legit national appeal. Who would command more national interest .... USC vs Clemson or Tenn. vs Ole Miss?