MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I’m half tempted to directly show my network on this topic (I know **** about a recruit choice) but I don’t trust this off kilter psychotic place filled with both amazing but also dangerous af nut jobs
What's your realignment prediction? Not sure if you've already posted what you think happens; Don't think I've seen it at least.

Like I said, My current prediction is:

B10: + Miami, FSU, VTech. I'm leaning ND is lame and stays independent for a while signing a scheduling agreement with B10.
SEC: + Clemson, UNC, UVA, +?..

Thats only giving each 3 full members. Not sure B10 would want to just do 3, keeping that spot open for ND? Think SEC should add 4 though. Just not sure who. I do think GTech probably fits both SEC/B10 best of remaining schools, so they're probably next up. Though Wouldn't be all that surprised if like SEC considered Louisville or NCSt while B10 also considered like Pitt. I just don't see Pitt as a Big2 school, even though they have a good football history and are AAU...
The desire of Canes fans to play kissy face with FSU and the rivalry is weird

**** em…. Beat ‘em and let them fall where they fall…
Geographic footprint if you are talking about states, yes. And that is worth something for the B10s deal. But Stanford is in an area entirely different than than LA market. They're literally further away than UVA is to PSU, and far further than UVA is to Maryland. Stanford is in a larger market. It is a superior school academically - or at least more prestigious, has a better brand, and is basically as good or better in pretty much every sport UVA excels in, except maybe Basketball.

What does UVA provide that VTech doesn't? VTech would be expanding the geographic footprint. So would GTech...

I think B10 may want UNC and even UVA. But I'm saying I doubt the Media partners do. You need agreement From B10 and from Fox/NBC/CBS. That's why it'd be ND > Miami/FSU > Clemson/UNC (B10 doesn't like Clemsons fit academically, Media won't think UNC is as important for ratings) > UVA/VTech/Oregon/GTech...
The San Francisco TV market is 6th nationwide, with Seattle-Tacoma 12th. Washington DC 9th, Charlotte 22nd; 2022-23 Nielsen rankings.

No doubt a complex issue but why wouldn’t the B1G want more exposure in the West Coast? Yes, USC is the prize and UCLA the partner but would USC/UCLA vs any B1G school not named Ohio State, Michigan, or Penn State draw viewers in SF-PNW? Right now USC’s only rivals are UCLA, and ND if they continue to play. UCLA‘s only rival is USC. Unless the two California schools play any or all of the big three annually I don’t see true rivaleies. Has the conference released future schedules? To be honest, I haven’t paid close attention. I assume they are dropping a divisional format, like everyone else seems to be.

Oregon is a very good program right now, and Washington seems to be rebounding. It would help with Stanford and Cal were competitive. Academically, Stanford and Cal check every box don’t they? Spare me the anti-PAC12 rhetoric.

I’m not sure what UVA, UNC, or Virginia Tech bring to the table. At least for football. Is it because if the B1G doesn’t take two of them, the SEC will?

Georgia Tech would give the B1G a presence in the Atlanta market, but I presume the market is dominated by UGA. Like Stanford and Cal, it would help if Georgia Tech was more competitive. But I believe they rank very high academically, no? Like Stanford and Cal.
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The desire of Canes fans to play kissy face with FSU and the rivalry is weird

**** em…. Beat ‘em and let them fall where they fall…
It is objectively better to have them in the conference with us because it guarantees the rivalry game stays. If we were B10 and FSU was SEC, it's not out of the realm of possibility/probability that that rivalry game eventually wasn't played yearly - which would suck no matter how you look at it. UF is already too ***** to play yearly. I'd prefer to guarantee the FSU game...
It got bumped because we're leaving Adidas to go full Vineyard Vines and Cutter & Buck. Not sure how yoga apparel weirdness and FSU crept in here.
Oh our uniforms will look spectacular with that preppy vineyard vines styling. The recruits will just love the pink whale logo because we’re always landing whales.

The San Francisco TV market is 6th nationwide, with Seattle-Tacoma 12th. Washington DC 9th, Charlotte 22nd; 2022-23 Nielsen rankings.

No doubt a complex issue but why wouldn’t the B1G want more exposure in the West Coast? Yes, USC is the prize and UCLA the partner but would USC/UCLA vs any B1G school not named Ohio State, Michigan, or Penn State draw viewers in SF-PNW? Right now USC’s only rivals are UCLA, and ND if they continue to play. UCLA‘s only rival is USC. Unless the two California schools play any or all of the big three annually I don’t see true rivaleies. Has the conference released future schedules? To be honest, I haven’t paid close attention. I assume they are dropping a divisional format, like everyone else seems to be.

Oregon is a very good program right now, and Washington seems to be rebounding. It would help with Stanford and Cal were competitive. Academically, Stanford and Cal check every box don’t they?

I’m not sure what UVA, UNC, or Virginia Tech bring to the table. At least for football. is it because if the B1G doesn’t take two of them, the SEC will?

Georgia Tech would give the B1G a presence in the Atlanta market, but I presume the market is dominated by UGA. Like Stanford and Cal, it would help if Georgia Tech was more competitive. But I believe they rank very high academically, no? Like Stanford and Cal.
Well adding new states (as opposed to new markets) does benefit the B10 in some manner financially. To what extent I'm not sure. Secondly the B10 has already essentially rejected Oregon, Washington, Stanford, Cal, and ASU. They were all available for the taking, and asking to go, and they chose not to. Because a the end of the day they weren't net revenue generators for Fox/NBC/CBS. Would B10 president love nothing more than to add Stanford + Cal? Yes. They'd also love to add UVA. But ultimately this will be a football marketing call (after the basic qualifications from the B10s side are met) - who is going to make Fox/NBC/CBS say yes to paying $100M/yr. Who provides the market+brand+good geographic fit...

So like just based on what the B10 president would want you can eliminate Clemson (apparently) and Lousville (actually gets good ratings!). Oregon is almost fringe on this list - Probably wouldn't even be surprising if they lose AAU membership tbh. But they are definitely best west coast school remaining from a ratings perspective + Commitment to football. After them it's ASU/Stanford/Cal/Washington. If Oregon isn't getting in, it's unlikely Washington would. ASU has a lot of long-term potential to get in imo.

Then it's the networks call. VTech IS better for ratings than UVA (and probably UNC for football at least) and has far more football success. And it's still that same state being added into the B10 footprint. You don't want/need both. Its one or the other. GTech has similar ratings and lack of success as UVA. It is in a highly desirable market and somewhere the B10 would want to be after entering Florida+Virginia... Pitt is in basically the same market/region as PSU, so could be eliminated based on that. But if not, they're also above UVA in ratings and football history. BC+Wake have zero shot. Duke could be a darkhorse long-term, but ultimately they suck at football so it'd doubtful. UNC is the school in North Carolina you want, not really NCSt. They are also in a great expansion location for B10 footprint. Have great brand even if football success is lacking.

Like it seems like B10/Network is settling on this ranking: ND > Miami > FSU > UNC > VTech > UVA > Oregon/GTech/ASU/Stanford/Cal/Washington/Pitt...
Well adding new states (as opposed to new markets) does benefit the B10 in some manner financially. To what extent I'm not sure. Secondly the B10 has already essentially rejected Oregon, Washington, Stanford, Cal, and ASU. They were all available for the taking, and asking to go, and they chose not to. Because a the end of the day they weren't net revenue generators for Fox/NBC/CBS. Would B10 president love nothing more than to add Stanford + Cal? Yes. They'd also love to add UVA. But ultimately this will be a football marketing call (after the basic qualifications from the B10s side are met) - who is going to make Fox/NBC/CBS say yes to paying $100M/yr. Who provides the market+brand+good geographic fit...

So like just based on what the B10 president would want you can eliminate Clemson (apparently) and Lousville (actually gets good ratings!). Oregon is almost fringe on this list - Probably wouldn't even be surprising if they lose AAU membership tbh. But they are definitely best west coast school remaining from a ratings perspective + Commitment to football. After them it's ASU/Stanford/Cal/Washington. If Oregon isn't getting in, it's unlikely Washington would. ASU has a lot of long-term potential to get in imo.

Then it's the networks call. VTech IS better for ratings than UVA (and probably UNC for football at least) and has far more football success. And it's still that same state being added into the B10 footprint. You don't want/need both. Its one or the other. GTech has similar ratings and lack of success as UVA. It is in a highly desirable market and somewhere the B10 would want to be after entering Florida+Virginia... Pitt is in basically the same market/region as PSU, so could be eliminated based on that. But if not, they're also above UVA in ratings and football history. BC+Wake have zero shot. Duke could be a darkhorse long-term, but ultimately they suck at football so it'd doubtful. UNC is the school in North Carolina you want, not really NCSt. They are also in a great expansion location for B10 footprint. Have great brand even if football success is lacking.

Like it seems like B10/Network is settling on this ranking: ND > Miami > FSU > UNC > VTech > UVA > Oregon/GTech/ASU/Stanford/Cal/Washington/Pitt...
I’m half tempted to directly show my network on this topic (I know **** about a recruit choice) but I don’t trust this off kilter psychotic place filled with both amazing but also dangerous af nut jobs


It's a Miami board, we should all have some feelings and connections to Miami sports. We want to know what is going to happen to Miamii instead of waiting for Barry Jacks-off to tell us.

But then when Miami alums and boosters share Miami info on a Miami board, so-called Miami fans begin to attack because it isn't yet official-official. And we are told we are sharing Miami info for clout and ego.


I'm just happy that our biggest rival and frenemy is willing to stand next to us during this battle. That doesn't mean that any one particular public act is imminent.
The desire of Canes fans to play kissy face with FSU and the rivalry is weird

**** em…. Beat ‘em and let them fall where they fall…

No kissy face. My hatred of Florida State and Florida and Notre Dame and others is well known.

But in a world where conference expansion makes 9 or 10 conference games likely, it would be nice to maintain an annual rivalry with our biggest rival. Being in the same conference makes that goal more possible.
I'm not calling you out for insulting anyone. I'm calling you out for your hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness.

Again, if you need to review the last couple of pages before you apologize, that's fine. I'm a forgiving Catholic.

You made a joke about Miami joining the AAC. I threw away a couple of words about doing so in Lululemon, and you freaked the **** out, calling people nut huggers because we don't sufficiently advocate for Lululemon as you do. I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem when you overlook YOUR response and try to act as if I'm the one who initiated the disrespect towards you, because that's not true. I responded to you as you initiated. Just own it and accept it and stop trying to invent "anger" where none exists.

I can respect your love of a yoga pants company, what you wear in the privacy of your own home is your business. I just find it amusing that you keep going back to that dry well when you are fully aware that your personal fashion choices will never be an option for UM in this regard. But, hey, we've got a couple of Miami "Vineyard Vines" shirts, so maybe Miami will sign a side deal with Lululemon that will make you happy.

Yes, it's entertainment. But not just when you make jokes. Give and take, and stop complaining about what I'm the king of.
No kissy face. My hatred of Florida State and Florida and Notre Dame and others is well known.

But in a world where conference expansion makes 9 or 10 conference games likely, it would be nice to maintain an annual rivalry with our biggest rival. Being in the same conference makes that goal more possible.
As much as I want to see Florida State fail and die, them coming to the B1G with us is a force multiplier for value for us and the B1G.

Getting Miami alone is great.

But getting Miami with FSU gives them more leverage when negotiating TV rights in the Southeast, a natural annual rivalry in the SE every year, a much bigger foothold in a top 3 population state, and clear ownership of California and at least 50% ownership of Florida.

If the B1G gets UNC also, they would be the premier conference in 8 of the top 10 most populated states. Only missing Texas and Georgia from the top 10.

Florida has to be the B1Gs largest prize that's still available.

That would cement their national reach.
Just following the realignment discussions that @Genetics56 updates almost daily leads one to believe that ND will be retaining independence for the foreseeable future and is likely to enter into a scheduling agreement with the B10 for at least 5 games a year and that would put the B10 in a position to add 4 ACC programs which would (from B10 standpoint) ideally include Miami and FSU as the prime two ... then it 'could be' Va Tech and Ga Tech as there is a strong feeling by some in the B10 that UNC and UVA will be SEC bound.
It got bumped because we're leaving Adidas to go full Vineyard Vines and Cutter & Buck. Not sure how yoga apparel weirdness and FSU crept in here.
lol if I were the school, id do that just to troll everybody. we already troll everyone in running the athletic dept. might as well go all out
I'm just confused by posters, who don't seem to believe anything until it's in The Miami Herald, coming to this website for information. And then being mad when people talk about stuff early.

It's like not wanting to know what the weather will be like until it's already happened.
Dude, that’s a spot on analogy.