MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

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On your last point though John Ruiz has been very out there about wanting to build Miami a stadium of their own I have yet to hear him say that he’s going to build it and give it completely over to Miami so that they can own all the revenue. So unless he is doing it as a donor with others on board versus a builder Miami still wouldn’t get all of the revenue from a move to “” their own stadium
Miami- Clem makes sense to sec these are big boy moves and we have big boys making decisions thankfully. We would be Fvvvvked if Blake and Manny were still here
I posted other day it would be Clemson and Miami off the rip, Then i heard Fsu is trying to jump in with us. Miami and Clemson were always leaving together , they were paired up in this. I still believe it’s the sec.
It's funny af that both Miami and Clemson have played FSU annually for decades and they are like *** that ugly ****, we married now 😭😭😭😭😭
On your last point though John Ruiz has been very out there about wanting to build Miami a stadium of their own I have yet to hear him say that he’s going to build it and give it completely over to Miami so that they can own all the revenue. So unless he is doing it as a donor with others on board versus a builder Miami still wouldn’t get all of the revenue from a move to “” their own stadium

There's public statements and there's private communications. Miami would get game-related revenues. Ruiz would get revenue from the surrounding development that would thrive on the other 358 days of the year.
They do. If they make teams uncompetitve on purpose, less people will tune in and watch.

I understand the SEC PTSD, but no conference has interest in uncompetitve teams who cannot make money.
I hereby like to refrain from this statement because I am not allowed to care.


It would take a complete dissolution of the ACC, all at once and almost immediately, to create enough free agent universities to give rise to the POSSIBILITY that Clemson goes SEC while Miami goes Big 10. Highly unlikely. And even then, it doesn't make a ton of common sense to break up with your dance partner in the middle of all the chaos.
Best guess? That's a tough one, because of a lot of moving parts.

EDIT: I had a much longer response written, but I cut it down.

I'd be willing to bet that a RANGE for an acceptable settlement would be somewhere between 100M and 200M. I don't see the ACC taking less than 100. They have to make UM and Clemson hurt. The ACC (essentially) takes some of that "extra SEC money" that Miami/Clemson would be getting, and they put it in their own pockets. I don't think there has ever been a GRANT OF RIGHTS settlement that has hit 9 figures. Texas/OU and USC/UCLA are just waiting out GOR expirations, or getting close. The money that they WILL pay is standard contractual stuff for LEAVING THE CONFERENCE, and not "exiting the GOR early". So in addition to the $50M that UM pays just to leave the conference, there would be an additional 100M to 200M to exit the GOR. And the upper end number (200M) would probably be rational if (a) UM/Clemson are the only schools leaving and have little leverage, and (b) the ACC acknowledges an intent to live on with lesser members like UCF/USF. And $300M for GOR exit is just crazy, if it was easy to get full payment on every dispute, nobody would ever hire an attorney.


Dan's gonna have to figure out how to grow the other revenue to offset this. And ya know what would help...owning your own stadium/concessions revenue streams...

Oh yeah, did you think I forgot about that one? While the Hard Rock Bros whine about driving an extra 10 to 15 miles, I'd just point out that Miami would make waaaaaaay more money from new SEC rivalry games IF WE HAD OUR OWN PLACE AND KEPT ALL THE MONEY.
Nice breakdown, thanks for your input. I hadn’t thought about the stadium situation. Having Bama, UGA, LSU, etc. come to town would bring a lot more sold out games/revenue.
If us news and world report has any clout in this. FSU is tied with UM and ahead of Washington, Oregon and Clemson for teams trying to get in. They are ahead of Indiana, psu, Maryland, Rutgers, Minnesota, Nebraska, Msu, and Iowa. They have come a long way. The caveat is I don't know how meaningful those rankings are.

If US News rankings determine this round of conference realignment, we all need to put bullets in our individual heads.
Nice breakdown, thanks for your input. I hadn’t thought about the stadium situation. Having Bama, UGA, LSU, etc. come to town would bring a lot more sold out games/revenue.

Yup. Been trying to explain this one for a while, because I know there is "future uncertainty", not just with our venue specifically, but with the college football landscape generally.

But we got people yapping about traffic and whatnot.
He’s not wrong on the first part. The second is complicated. We haven’t held up our end of the bargain since joining, but the ACC has also screwed us repeatedly. More importantly, ACC leadership made so many **** poor decisions that led to this point. Absolutely zero vision or foresight, short of this idiotic grant of rights deal that every AD (including DRad), signed off on.

I do have some confidence that he has been at least informally in contact with counsel since the day that thing was signed, given Clemson’s spot over the time. He very clearly didn’t wake up last week and say we need to review this language and look around, and candidly, I’m sure it was in the financial calculations when they decided to make this investment.
I don’t disagree but this is where I have to believe we are in good hands with Rad, Alonzo and Mario in charge. We finally have adults at the table who won’t get steam rolled. At least that’s what I’m choosing to believe.
Miami outranks Notre Dame (and FSU) in 3/4 categories AAU uses to consider schools - Research Funding, Faculty in National Academies, and Citations. Notre Dame (and FSU) outranks us in Faculty awards. I don’t think they consider endowment, but they might - in which case ND has a major advantage. However we also have a higher endowment than FSU. Regardless AAU status is mostly about research and we beat ND there.
Yet ND is not AAU and is there any question at all they will get in to B10 if they want in? No.

I don't always agree with you, but thank you for providing some tangible discussion of the AAU angle.

It doesn't matter if the US News rankings have us in a "tie" with F$U, we are simply the better academic institution, by ACADEMIC measures.

Student loan debt? Yeah, F$U has us beat there. Thanks, US News...