MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Just want to point out that Carol Folt, current president of USC and noted as being on the AAU board, is the former president of UNC....... They are desirable for both academic and athletic reasons...

An aside to this, UNC has the largest fan base for 247 sports - greatest number of subscriptions....
Carol Folt is not only on the AAU board but also the Chair.

Many people think (rightfully IMHO) that the latest entries in the AAU are mainly realignment-driven, at least for Notre Dame and Miami.
maybe, but i doubt it.

Look, man, you know I love ya...

...but why are you always choosing to die on weird hills? Trust me, nobody is making up "UNC is higher on the Big 10 list" for fun. It's true.

And this is a good time to make the joke I promised to @RVACane weeks ago...

Sir, you should not have gone to UM. Given your argumentative style, you should have gone to Western Kentucky...

Look, man, you know I love ya...

...but why are you always choosing to die on weird hills? Trust me, nobody is making up "UNC is higher on the Big 10 list" for fun. It's true.

And this is a good time to make the joke I promised to @RVACane weeks ago...

Sir, you should not have gone to UM. Given your argumentative style, you should have gone to Western Kentucky...

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calinative wkstudent ???
So, who expands first? Big 12, B1G or SEC??
I think the next B1G and SEC expansion has to happen at the same time. The only way B1G can get Miami and UNC is to get the entire ACC to break up. B1G won't be able to just cherry pick 2 schools away from the ACC because of the Grant of Rights deal. That is why I think it will need to be 4 ACC schools to B1G and 3-4 to SEC so that the ACC will have the majority needed to break the GOR. A majority of schools will need to have landing spots cemented that are better than the GOR deal before agreeing to break the GOR.
I think the next B1G and SEC expansion has to happen at the same time. The only way B1G can get Miami and UNC is to get the entire ACC to break up. B1G won't be able to just cherry pick 2 schools away from the ACC because of the Grant of Rights deal. That is why I think it will need to be 4 ACC schools to B1G and 3-4 to SEC so that the ACC will have the majority needed to break the GOR. A majority of schools will need to have landing spots cemented that are better than the GOR deal before agreeing to break the GOR.

Which is why this is still going to take a while. Not a 13 years while, but it will take time.

Let's assume everyone is going to 20 first (before 24 down the line).

The B1G takes - Miami, ND, UNC, UVA

SEC takes - FSU, Clemson, Va Tech or GT (original SEC founding member), NC State

Big 12 takes - Louisville, Pitt (Cincy/WVU fits nicely) to join the PAC 4 corners... or Big 12 takes the Pac NW schools and shuts out the ACC.

That's still a lot of homeless schools - Duke, GT (potentially), BC, Cuse, Wake, Maybe Lou/Pitt.... while probably not enough to stop it, that's enough to slow things down in the court system. Because they might be screwed otherwise. Does the Big East come back to football to save these schools and go even more basketball dominant? You bet state legislatures in North Carolina and Virginia will raise **** about their local rivalries being split up into different conferences. Even if there's a majority to disband the conference, these other schools are going to fight like **** to keep what they can.
Which is why this is still going to take a while. Not a 13 years while, but it will take time.

Let's assume everyone is going to 20 first (before 24 down the line).

The B1G takes - Miami, ND, UNC, UVA

SEC takes - FSU, Clemson, Va Tech or GT (original SEC founding member), NC State

Big 12 takes - Louisville, Pitt (Cincy/WVU fits nicely) to join the PAC 4 corners... or Big 12 takes the Pac NW schools and shuts out the ACC.

That's still a lot of homeless schools - Duke, GT (potentially), BC, Cuse, Wake, Maybe Lou/Pitt.... while probably not enough to stop it, that's enough to slow things down in the court system. Because they might be screwed otherwise. Does the Big East come back to football to save these schools and go even more basketball dominant? You bet state legislatures in North Carolina and Virginia will raise **** about their local rivalries being split up into different conferences. Even if there's a majority to disband the conference, these other schools are going to fight like **** to keep what they can.
There's plenty of G5 conferences that would gladly take any leftovers. Some of the leftovers might not be happy about it but they've been riding bigger programs' coattails to P5 payouts for a long time. Maybe they should have been G5 programs all along.
Which is why this is still going to take a while. Not a 13 years while, but it will take time.

Let's assume everyone is going to 20 first (before 24 down the line).

The B1G takes - Miami, ND, UNC, UVA

SEC takes - FSU, Clemson, Va Tech or GT (original SEC founding member), NC State

Big 12 takes - Louisville, Pitt (Cincy/WVU fits nicely) to join the PAC 4 corners... or Big 12 takes the Pac NW schools and shuts out the ACC.

That's still a lot of homeless schools - Duke, GT (potentially), BC, Cuse, Wake, Maybe Lou/Pitt.... while probably not enough to stop it, that's enough to slow things down in the court system. Because they might be screwed otherwise. Does the Big East come back to football to save these schools and go even more basketball dominant? You bet state legislatures in North Carolina and Virginia will raise **** about their local rivalries being split up into different conferences. Even if there's a majority to disband the conference, these other schools are going to fight like **** to keep what they can.

Blow up Pac-12 & ACC and B12, B1G & SEC expand to 24 teams each. B12 could add a couple G5 schools to complete P3.
Big 12 knows they will never compete with the B!G and SEC in football. It seems like their angling to become the premier hoops conference in America.

They play it out right, add Gonzaga and UConn for hoops and a few Pac-12 leftovers and some ACC ones, not too bad..
Which is why this is still going to take a while. Not a 13 years while, but it will take time.

Let's assume everyone is going to 20 first (before 24 down the line).

The B1G takes - Miami, ND, UNC, UVA

SEC takes - FSU, Clemson, Va Tech or GT (original SEC founding member), NC State

Big 12 takes - Louisville, Pitt (Cincy/WVU fits nicely) to join the PAC 4 corners... or Big 12 takes the Pac NW schools and shuts out the ACC.

That's still a lot of homeless schools - Duke, GT (potentially), BC, Cuse, Wake, Maybe Lou/Pitt.... while probably not enough to stop it, that's enough to slow things down in the court system. Because they might be screwed otherwise. Does the Big East come back to football to save these schools and go even more basketball dominant? You bet state legislatures in North Carolina and Virginia will raise **** about their local rivalries being split up into different conferences. Even if there's a majority to disband the conference, these other schools are going to fight like **** to keep what they can.
One expansion reality that you need to add to the equation is the fact that the BIG 12 is taking the tactic that they can enhance their value by becoming THE basketball conference. No way they will compete with the Big 10 or SEC in football. But right now they are after UCONN and Gonzaga for BB and could very well add Arizona and might be very interested in grabbing Duke and Louisville.

From all accounts the next Big 10 additions will be Oregon and Washington ... they have been vetted and approved but are apparently holding off as they don't want the risk (legal ... tortious interfering) of being blamed for causing the Pac 12 to implode. Expectations are the Big 12 will grab a couple of the lesser Pac 12 programs then the Big 10 will grab Oregon and Washington. That takes them to 16.

Who would be next?

Big 10: ND, Miami, UNC, Ga Tech (for geographic expansion)
SEC: Clemson, FSU, Va Tech, NC State
Big 12: Duke, Louisville, BC, Pitt, UVA

Going to be interesting to see how it actually shakes out.
They play it out right, add Gonzaga and UConn for hoops and a few Pac-12 leftovers and some ACC ones, not too bad..

They already have a blue blood in Kansas, along with strong teams in Baylor and KSU

Add in the new additions of:
- Cincy and Houston

Rumored additions of:
- Gonzaga, St. Mary's, UCONN, ZONA

Possible ACC schools that could join:
- CUSE, GT, Duke, Louisville, etc.

That's a bad *** basketball conference.
Their tv and social media brand value is higher as is their academics. The SEC and BIG 10 would both claw it out for them.
Football and men’s basketball combined:

That guy appears to be a Duke/Tobacco road homer. No chance Duke & UNC are 2 of the top 3 most valuable ACC brands when most of their value is derived from hoops, and actual revenue realized from basketball is a small fraction of football revenue. If this were true, we'd hear about every conference clamoring for Duke, which I have not heard at all lol. Notice at the bottom that basketball is valued at 86% of football, which is simply not true. Has anyone on this board ever actually watched a Duke or UNC football game that didn't also feature Miami/Clemson/FSU?
Which is why this is still going to take a while. Not a 13 years while, but it will take time.

Let's assume everyone is going to 20 first (before 24 down the line).

The B1G takes - Miami, ND, UNC, UVA

SEC takes - FSU, Clemson, Va Tech or GT (original SEC founding member), NC State

Big 12 takes - Louisville, Pitt (Cincy/WVU fits nicely) to join the PAC 4 corners... or Big 12 takes the Pac NW schools and shuts out the ACC.

That's still a lot of homeless schools - Duke, GT (potentially), BC, Cuse, Wake, Maybe Lou/Pitt.... while probably not enough to stop it, that's enough to slow things down in the court system. Because they might be screwed otherwise. Does the Big East come back to football to save these schools and go even more basketball dominant? You bet state legislatures in North Carolina and Virginia will raise **** about their local rivalries being split up into different conferences. Even if there's a majority to disband the conference, these other schools are going to fight like **** to keep what they can.

I'd be willing to bet that it will go slow-slow-slow, and then when **** happens, it will go FAST-FAST-FAST.