MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I don't see FSU as an academic fit for the B10. If that remains one of the protocols I'd be surprised to see FSU part of a B10 package.

I do think Miami is a much better fit for the B10 than the SEC as far as that goes...
I thought the same until this year. Surprised me when i saw FSU climbing the academic rankings. Unfortunately they are not that far off from us.
This post might get overlooked because I’m not a known poster but Dan has strong ties to the SEC. Worked at LSU for years and was supposed to get the AD job but got screwed and took the Tech job instead of waiting around longer. He’s been in the ACC since 2007 so I’m sure he knows where the bodies are buried. He’s also pretty close with Saban.

Regardless, he mentored and groomed Clemson’s AD Graham Neff. Was with him at Tech and brought him to Clemson. I have no doubt they are working closely on this.

FSU is fcked though. They are way down on SEC or B10 wish lists.
FSU can join the Big 12, with UCF
I posted other day it would be Clemson and Miami off the rip, Then inheard Fsu is trying to jump in with us. Miami and Clemson were always leaving together , they were paired up in this. I still believe it’s the sec.

I think/hope that both conferences want us, puts us in the best situation.
This is theoretical, but we don’t need to collapse the league by actually leaving, we just need to create instability by announcing that we are. That instability will inevitably result in other schools jumping ship as well, which moves us closer to 1) Getting out of the GR entirely by the conference collapsing (unlikely, IMO) or 2) having multiple other schools who leave and are thus willing and able to negotiate down the GR as a bloc (much more feasible). We announce that we’re leaving and the conference will implode, albeit over the next year or two.

To the original question, once the ACC is dissolved or greatly diminished in negotiating power, we either pay a lesser fee or none at all. Once the conference is defunct, who would we pay?

I recognize that everything I just said was delivered in the coldest, most clinical terms possible. I reiterate that I hate all of this, but nonetheless that’s the path forward.
Miami and Clemson are paired up last I heard.
Paired up in developing an exit strategy from the ACC? Which could mean they go their own way as far as conference affiliation. Or ... going to a new conference as a package?
I feel like with the moves the B1G has made, it's less likely they ***** us. This seems to be becoming more of a National conference, with teams out west, Midwest and east coast. Adding teams from the southeast fits the mold. The SEC is more regionalism and I just have this bad feeling we're gonna get screwed over like we have in the ACC.