This is theoretical, but we don’t need to collapse the league by actually leaving, we just need to create instability by announcing that we are. That instability will inevitably result in other schools jumping ship as well, which moves us closer to 1) Getting out of the GR entirely by the conference collapsing (unlikely, IMO) or 2) having multiple other schools who leave and are thus willing and able to negotiate down the GR as a bloc (much more feasible). We announce that we’re leaving and the conference will implode, albeit over the next year or two.
To the original question, once the ACC is dissolved or greatly diminished in negotiating power, we either pay a lesser fee or none at all. Once the conference is defunct, who would we pay?
I recognize that everything I just said was delivered in the coldest, most clinical terms possible. I reiterate that I hate all of this, but nonetheless that’s the path forward.