MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

It’s obvious too me. If UM & Clem are paired, you know Clem is not going to the B1G.
Thus Miami & Clemson are going to the SEC, which makes the most sense geographically and financially.
I disagree. Clemson would be smart to join the Big10 and expand their recruiting footprint.
Hope it’s the SEC. Also not a lawyer so I wonder how much we can get that 300 million dollar figure down in court
I've said it before, it is NEVER going to be that 300M amount. Not contractually (because this will take a few years and the numbers go down every year) and not practically (because Dan and Joe and Rudy have cojones of steel).

Also, there make the numbers smaller, like handing the "old" conference buddies revenue games. It's what we did with the Big East. The SEC won't care if we throw some away games at Syracuse and BC and Louisville. Every OOC revenue game we toss at the old ACC opponents is "money" in lieu of MONEY.

I've also said this before, our best bet is to have MANY of the ACC schools decide to pursue similar avenues. Miami-Clemson is great, but it will get easier and easier the more teams we have who want to go elsewhere. And it doesn't all have to happen at once. Let's say Miami-Clemson announce for the SEC membership TOMORROW, and we take 3 years to join (timed out to match Texas/OU). Sure, we could agree on numbers TOMORROW, but if the whole conference falls apart, we might never end up ACTUALLY paying anything.

The calculations and strategies are complex and fascinating. It's not going to be easy, but it's definitely doable.
Beat guess, what do you think it would cost us to leave the ACC (excluding the other factors you just mentioned)? I was shooting worst case with the $300MM+. Even then it works out in our favor financially.
Based on the nuggets our insiders have been dropping, I wouldn’t doubt it.

The writing is on the wall: we will — in one way, shape, or form — leave the ACC.
ACC was a Bball conference, need to dissolve recent decisions TV contract & rejection of playoff expansion was final nail in coffin
USC & UCLA will receive an extra 70M$ joining B1G
The F$U part cracked me up.

I will say, if Tobacco Road stays strong, and VaTech is willing to jump to the SEC, then in that scenario F$U could be the lucky beneficiary. The ugly guy who joins in a foursome with three much hotter partners. Assuming the Gaytors are OK with some upstate dilution impact.
Having grown up in Virginia and liking UVA, I hope VT stays in the ACC and rots. Can't stand those arrogant hillbillies.
Josh Pate's tweet, which echoes Cribby's comments, makes me believe there is absolute fire to this.

He's got legit connections both at a high level within programs and at the media level. He mentioned on his podcast that Grant of Rights is not a real blocker and just fancy legal jargon to scare people.
He did a great segment on realignment on his show over the weekend. Change is coming like it or not, and it's largely driven by ESPN and FOX.

At the end of the day new rivalries will develop and the game will go on. I'm here for it.
Clemson to the Sec makes sense. The connection with Rad would give reason for us to be paired with them. Have to think FSU would be involved as well
2026 Miami Hurricanes Football Schedule:

9/3 -- vs Texas in Arlington
9/10 -- @ Kentucky
9/17 -- @ South Carolina
9/24 -- vs Florida
10/1 -- vs Tennessee
10/8 -- OPEN DATE
10/15 -- vs FSU
10/22 -- @ Vanderbilt
10/29 -- vs Oklahoma
11/5 -- @ Ole Miss
11/12 -- OPEN DATE
11/19 -- vs Clemson
11/26 -- vs Bethune-Cookman
12/3 -- @ LSU


Scared 30 Rock GIF by HULU
Would be a monster move. It’s also savage to leave FSU in the dust. And while I’d hate to lose that rivalry, we need to take care of ourselves before anyone else. CFB is turning into an even more cutthroat business than I ever imagined.
**** being in a different conference never stopped Canes from playing FSU yearly. That game will always be annual. Might just be OOC again.
Here's the thing... @RVACane is not wrong...

BUT, I think we are gonna get big-timed BY ANY CONFERENCE.

Big 10 is gonna treat us like we're the Clampetts, like we fired a shotgun in John Ruiz's backyard and hit a rich vein of money. Pac 12 would schedule all their meetings for 5 pm PST. Big 12 is Texas, we all know everything is bigger/better in Texas, and those mofos would give us all the dry brisket at the conference meetings.

Yeah, the ACC has held us down, but I wouldn't expect a warm welcome ANYWHERE. Politics and power dynamics...they are what they are.

The ONLY way that Miami would ever have power is if we stayed in the ACC, the SEC took UNC/NC State, the Big 10 took Duke/Wake, and then the remaining ACC did a hostile takeover of the Big 12.

Then and only then would Miami be able to rub its balls across the collective faces of WVU, UCF, Cincy, and the Texas wannabes.
Agree brother. We arent getting a welcome hand job from either of these conferences. I think the B1G is the lesser of 2 evils is where Im at and staying in the ACC doesnt seem to be an option in the interest of self preservation.
I think the move is to the SEC in my opinion.

Like I’ve said they want the entire state of Florida with all 3 teams. Fsu isn’t desirable right now but I don’t see them being left out and I can’t see them turning it down.

Miami and Clemson are definitely the move, fsu would be 3rd and a 4th could be Louisville. That would give them the entire Kentucky footprint too. Louisville brings rich basketball tradition with them as well.

The dark horse could be GT as the 4th and would give them the state of Georgia
Let me take a bit of a break from my attempted ongoing gif based comedy routine…

good summary of the landscape in the article below ⬇️ but he is still off.

listen to @Cribby @1murhurricane @TheOriginalCane @Bender - they are all on point as to what is ACTUALLY going on. The acc is dead, only the date of death is unsure.

- notre dame can’t and won’t save the ACC
- there is no combination of enough marquee schools that the ACC can bring in to become anything other than a stepsister. Each one actually would diminish the money per school with a couple exceptions
- Miami is in more demand than some of you think- it’s more than just adding Miami market it’s the overall national value of the brand which is FAR higher than fsu Clemson uva unc washington, Oregon - ratings prove it as does brand recognition
- the alliances and pairings you think make sense are not at the top as you think
- it’s all going to happen soon because the rights bidders want to know what they are paying for
- this all started in some level before thr usc and UCLA announcement
- we will never be paying off that full grant of rights. enough schools will leave and it will fall apart of go far down
- The issue with the ACC is that even if you add Notre Dame the rates that will get paid out are still going to be far less than paying the fee and the grant rights issue to join one of the other two conferences. Trust me I’ve done this for a living. I know multiple people involved in this -not as much from the school but from Fox ESPN and Apple TV among others
- There is absolutely no scenario where Miami is left out. We may not be #1 on everyone’s list, but we are in the 2 to 4 slot comfortably on everyone’s list and the list is likely going to get to 24 schools per conference so that means 8 or 16 schools likely to get an invite to the dance.
- FSU will come along somewhere but they are completely over exaggerating their impact - they have bad timing on being a ****** conference team right now in a small media market in a state that already has at least one school and does not really have a national following. And either way, we would play them no matter what conference both go to.
- You know how some of you have had to get over your PTSD over being rejected all the time over the last 20 years recruiting wise and now see what’s happening with Mario? Now do the same thing with our athletic Director and administration. Meaning stop being a *****. We ******* on every level. This isn’t 2010 or 2019.

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Hope it’s the SEC. Also not a lawyer so I wonder how much we can get that 300 million dollar figure down in court
It is not a deterrent ultimately. As stated above if other schools leave the conference the deal will implode. Any school who chooses to stay in the acc with its horrific TV contract will be committing financial suicide. ACC signed its death knell with that contract. There is no chance Miami or any other school will pay anywhere near that stated number. Not a matter of if but when and the sooner the better.
good summary of the landscape but he is still off.

listen to @Cribby @1murhurricane @TheOriginalCane @Bender - they are all on point as to what is ACTUALLY going on. The acc is dead, only the date of death is unsure.

- notre dame can’t and won’t save the ACC
- there are no combination of enough cool schools that the ACC can bring in to become anything other than a stepsister
- Miami is in more demand than some of you think- it’s more than just adding Miami market it’s the overall national value of the brand which is FAR higher than fsu Clemson uva unc washington, Oregon - ratings prove it as does brand recognition
- the alliances and pairings you think make sense are not at the top as you think
- it’s all going to happen soon because the rights bidders want to know what they are paying for
- this all started in some level before thr usc and UCLA announcement
- we will never be paying off that full grant of rights. enough schools will leave and it will fall apart of go far down
- The issue with the ACC is that even if you add Notre Dame the rates that will get paid out is still going to be far less than paying the fee and the grant rights issue to join one of the other two conferences. Trust me Ive done this for a living. I know multiple people involved in this not as much from the school but from Fox ESPN and Apple TV among others
- There is absolutely no scenario where Miami is left out. We may not be one on everyone’s list but we are in the 2 to 4 slot comfortably on everyone’s list and the list is likely going to get to 24 schools per conference so that means or 16 schools likely to get an invite to the dance.
- FSU will come along somewhere but they are completely over exaggerating their impact they have bad timing on being a ****** conference team right now in a small media market in a state that already has at least one school and does not really have a national following. And either way we would play them no matter what conference both go to.
- You know how some of you have had to get over your PTSD over being rejected all the time over the last 20 years recruiting wise and now see what’s happening with Mario? Now do the same thing with our athletic Director and administration. Meaning stop being a *****. We ******* on every level. This isn’t 2010 or 2019

Does Fsu admin have it in them to leave the ACC… I’ve heard they’re admin is weak like ours used to be and they are content.
We have to do what we have to do to survive this realignment.

If you thought the Tobacco Road bias was bad, wait till we get to the good ole boy conference.
I may be a minority in this but the SEC isn't as amateur as the ACC is. I do not think they will ***** us as bad as the ACC did. A strong Miami only elevates their brand more.