MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations



I tried to keep up with all this but so much to follow lol
Big 12 is making moves. Seems like the first domino is about to fall.

But wait, Gary Ferman said a couple of weeks ago that "the ACC needs to expand and become the next super conference ... play hard ball with ND".

Yes, that was all we needed to do, just "play hardball with ND" with our leverage bats and our GOR balls...

How did that work out? ND didn't even show up to the last ACC meeting...
Soooo basically the PAC 12, is in a foot race with the ACC, to see which is the first P5 athletic conference to die….. or to basically become a G5 football conference.
Soooo basically the PAC 12, is in a foot race with the ACC, to see which is the first P5 athletic conference to die….. or to basically become a G5 football conference.
It just shows you what solid and aggressive leadership can do for you and what weak leadership does for you. On paper, the B12, should be the first to die, but instead, they still have a heartbeat, while the ACC and P12 are getting ready to be thrown onto the trash heap of antiquity. Strong leadership - there is no substitute!
It just shows you what solid and aggressive leadership can do for you and what weak leadership does for you. On paper, the B12, should be the first to die, but instead, they still have a heartbeat, while the ACC and P12 are getting ready to be thrown onto the trash heap of antiquity. Strong leadership - there is no substitute!
Totally agree.
It just shows you what solid and aggressive leadership can do for you and what weak leadership does for you. On paper, the B12, should be the first to die, but instead, they still have a heartbeat, while the ACC and P12 are getting ready to be thrown onto the trash heap of antiquity. Strong leadership - there is no substitute!
The Big 12 has been doing a fantastic job at regrouping in the past 2 years while the PAC looks like it is in its cross hairs.

It’s interesting to me that there has been much more public smoke about PAC schools leaving the their conference vs ACC schools leaving. With the ACC it appears, at least publicly that they are pretending everything is fine but here have been zero rumors at trying to grow the conference.
The Big 12 has been doing a fantastic job at regrouping in the past 2 years while the PAC looks like it is in its cross hairs.

It’s interesting to me that there has been much more public smoke about PAC schools leaving the their conference vs ACC schools leaving. With the ACC it appears, at least publicly that they are pretending everything is fine but here have been zero rumors at trying to grow the conference.
PAC12 payouts are approx 50% lower than ACC, and ESPN basically told them they weren’t even gonna issue a lowball offer.

The race is basically which conference the lower half of ACC schools join up with to create a new product, and negotiate the most money they can from Coast to Coast. I’m guessing that will be where Apple or Amazon join the party, and pay somewhere near what ACC is currently paying now