MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Lots of really bad analysis here including a lack of understanding of basic contract law for sure.

Sure, sure.

Yeah, it's shocking how little understanding of basic contract law we all have, particularly with all the lawyers on the board...

Dude, your bad hot-takes extend far beyond contract law.
Lots of really bad analysis here including a lack of understanding of basic contract law for sure.

Brady Bunch Jan GIF by MOODMAN
Question: Isn’t it be in ESPN’s interest to throw some money the ACC‘s way to make it more viable?
If the conference falls even further behind the SEC and B10, its ratings would suffer and so would ESPN’s advertising dollars.
I agree with you. But this argument is not well received. Each conference has bad football schools. Vandy. Kentucky. Maryland. Etc. B12 will make more than the ACC. America apparently is dying for UCF ball. I think it would be stupid for ESPN to let its product die.

ESPN didn’t used to have hockey. You would think it did not exist watching ESPN programming back then. No hype. They get it back and it’s important again. Leads PTI tonight over celticsheat.

ESPN might stop only hyping the SEC. Hype the Miami, Fsu, clemson, NC, VT products. Improve the **** ACCN network that Comcast just started carrying.

It is in ESPN’s best interest to help the ACC unless it really wants it dead. ESPN is doing a **** job.

All that said, I would be happy to be the school that left the ACC and went to court and got a settlement. But maybe that Miami doesn’t have one of the two conferences to go to anytime soon.

I just also think the ACC is more valuable than people think.


Their vote counts. They need to kill the ACC to join another conference before 2036. EVEN IF they still tried to keep football independent, they'd still need a landing spot for every other sport.
Let's not forget that their tv contract expires in 2025 (I think). That could be the impetus for making a move sooner rather than later.


Their vote counts. They need to kill the ACC to join another conference before 2036. EVEN IF they still tried to keep football independent, they'd still need a landing spot for every other sport.
I'm counting ND in the seven programs that, as I understand it, currently do have a potential landing spot:

-UNC ... Big 10 or SEC
-UVA ... Big 10 or SEC
-UM ... Big 10
-ND ... Big 10
-FSU ... SEC
-Clemson ... SEC
-Louisville ... Big 12 (apparently received an invite last week)

So in my mind the question is which other ACC program would be a viable pick for either the Big 10 or SEC and what kind of timetable are the AD's actually working on? Seems before ANY decisions can be made by other AD's the UNC and UVA AD's need to make a decision on where they want to take their programs. If the Big 10 can get confirmations from UNC, UVA, UM and ND then it would seem that the SEC MIGHT consider Va Tech and NC State. I would imagine that Radakovich and the Clemson / FSU AD's are pushing those two programs to make their decisions so the landscape becomes clearer. Once that is done ... say 4 programs to the Big 10 and 4 to the SEC ... and their doors are shut for further expansion (at least for now) then programs like Pitt might look seriously at the Big 12 as the ACC implodes.
Big12 would take Pitt and NCState as well.
Issue at the moment is that we need to move on from the speculation that they would take them to the position of actually having an offer. Seems like UNC / UVA have to make their decisions so both conferences can finalize their targets and then those prime programs not going to the BIG / Sec can strike deals with the BIG 12. "Get er done".


Their vote counts. They need to kill the ACC to join another conference before 2036. EVEN IF they still tried to keep football independent, they'd still need a landing spot for every other sport.
Why would BIG bring in Notre Dame without football? ACC made that mistake and look where it has gotten them. The BIG teams hate Notre Dame more than we do. They only bring in ND if makes financial sense to them.
Issue at the moment is that we need to move on from the speculation that they would take them to the position of actually having an offer. Seems like UNC / UVA have to make their decisions so both conferences can finalize their targets and then those prime programs not going to the BIG / Sec can strike deals with the BIG 12. "Get er done".
I could See SEC taking NC State if UNC goes to BIG.
I don't live in Florida anymore, so you are correct. Last game I went to was UVA-UM 2017. Great game. Took the whole family. However, I have a nice wide screen television and I didn't miss a game on TV up until game 5 of the Cristobal era (for games I couldn't watch live, I'd record all the games and would even watch the losses to see where we were failing). Cristobal managed to do something unprecedented and make UM football completely unwatchable. Tried to watch the replay of the MTSU game and it made me physically sick. I can't remember the last time I saw any team with as big a talent gap as UM had over MTSU get so thoroughly dominated and embarrassed. Cristobal should have donated his game check to charity because he sure as h#ll didn't earn it.
All the camera angles are of the visitor side. Amazing how many dip****s in here have strong opinions on the gameday atmosphere when they have either rarely or never have been to an actual game.
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Just need teams with a home and we gone!! Have 7 with Louisville to the Big 12 - just need one more. Duke to the Big 10? Academics, basketball, on and off football that could become more competitive in a better conference?
The B10 isn't going anywhere near Duke.

I posted a couple weeks ago ...

B10: UNC, UVA, Miami, ND or GT if no ND
SEC: FSU, Clemson
B12: Louisville, Pitt, NCST, VT, GT

Left to fend for themselves: BC, Wake, Duke, Cuse
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The B12 isn't going anywhere near Duke.

I posted a couple weeks ago ...

B10: UNC, UVA, Miami, ND or GT if no ND
SEC: FSU, Clemson
B12: Louisville, Pitt, NCST, VT, GT

Left to fend for themselves: BC, Wake, Duke, Cuse
There. Fixed it for you
There’s a big assumption on here -and I’ve bought into it too - that it’s only takes a simple majority of the teams to dissolve the conference. I have not actually seen anyone link to the actual conference bylaws that state that I feel like it’s become one of those self-fulfilling prophecy things, and when I tried to research and find it, I could not. And for whatever it’s worth when I asked chat GPT to research it, it came back saying it required 3/4 of the members, but couldn’t provide actual text or link either.

i’m not saying it’s wrong because it’s been quoted several times in a lot of reports but I don’t know that the bylaws are actually on the website to have somebody fact check it
If I were the attorney who wrote up the ACC contract, I'd be marketing myself as the one man who can write and unbreakable contract. Sure, I'd have to capitalize on that fame until the ADs decide to act, but in the meantime, think of the money you could make from the rubes who believe that.
The B10 isn't going anywhere near Duke.

I posted a couple weeks ago ...

B10: UNC, UVA, Miami, ND or GT if no ND
SEC: FSU, Clemson
B12: Louisville, Pitt, NCST, VT, GT

Left to fend for themselves: BC, Wake, Duke, Cuse

I realize football $$ is king but you don't think Duke bball alone might give the B10 pause? Especially if/when they take UNC? Academically Duke seems like a natural fit.
I realize football $$ is king but you don't think Duke bball alone might give the B10 pause? Especially if/when they take UNC? Academically Duke seems like a natural fit.
it’s all about football revenue.

the most revenue For basketball comes from the ncaa tournament and isn’t part of the individual conference tv agreements

the only way I see Duke getting under current theory is if someone like ND insisted and they had the juice to demand it. And Duke isn’t that for them.