MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I've seen some reports saying the big 12 distributes more per school than the acc, most others say less. Why would Louisville prefer ucf and Kansas St unless the money was much more?
Possibly because they know they won't get an invite from the SEC or Big10 and they realize the ACC has an imminent expiration date.
I have an LLM as well, not in tax. I did the coursework in a year but did the thesis over the following year as I worked.

Do you consider llm graduates of the law school to be alums?

This is correct. Nobody is going to the big 12 and not enough invites to the table to break anything up.

I think espn will renegotiate before the expiration date, however. Around 2028 or so. They would rather pay the acc more than have to pay the SEC a lot more.
Every single take you have on the subject is remarkably worse than the previous one
Yeah, depending on if you are already working for a law firm (yes, we had some students drive to Gainesville from Jax and Orlando for a few days a week), you can do it in 1 or 2 years. I decided to go full-time and just get 'r done.

I would say that the Tax LL.M. faculty at Florida are more "academics", they write textbooks and whatnot. My professor for Corp Tax - it was his textbook. Same for my Trusts & Estates professor. For the T&E class in Gainesville, the guy would NOT let you take his class if you also took his class as a JD at UF. A bunch of us got a set of notes from the prior year, and the professor would even crack the same jokes (they were in the notes). It was bizzare, it was almost like having a movie script.

For the Tax LL.M. faculty at Miami, they are more "practitioners" or "consultants", they often give interviews and commentary, but they don't have as many graduate assistants helping them to write textbooks.

Florida Tax LL.M. is a top 3 program (with NYU and Georgetown). UM Tax LL.M. is a Top 10 program.

And now...back to your regularly-scheduled programming...
Can you lawyers go get a room somewhere?

This unfortunately is the reality. Schools like Miami, FSU and Clemson are not worried that their facilities won't be as nice as SEC or BIG10 schools or that they won't be able to compete for assistant coaches (ok - they are a little worried about this one); their primary concern is that eventually schools are going to be paying the players directly. Whether that is through NIL, the players become employees, etc; if ACC schools are making ~$30M a year less, that puts those schools at a significant disadvantage.
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The interesting thing is that the non Miami, FSU, Clemson, UNC, UVA schools probably would be better off if they hadn't supported an unequal distribution model and forced us to take the GOR to court. Even though there is a risk courts would side in favor of us and not the GOR, it was probably their best hope long-term to actually keep the money flowing to themselves. I'd much rather let it ride in court than give enough schools to end the conference the financial incentive necessary to leave.

Now that we will be getting an unequal distribution, where say Miami, FSU, and Clemson will get an additional $10-15M/yr or something and the bottom like 8-9 schools getting like $5M less each, it opens the door to bail for more schools. Right now everyone in the ACC makes more than the B12 schools do. BUT, it is likely (hopefully) to be the case that the non-winning schools in the ACC with the new unequal distribution model will actually make less than B12 schools. THAT is imo the Key to how the ACC actually falls apart.

The reality is for us to have 8 votes, there isn't an incentive for another 3 teams to join the ones who clearly would have SEC/B10 offers if they aren't going to be making more money or in a clearly better situation. Right now the ACC is a better deal for the lower schools than the B12, and the ONLY hope for schools that won't get the B12 offer.

So overall our strategy to leave boils down to:

1) Make the non SEC/B10 desired schools make less money through unequal distribution so their payouts drop below B12 average.
2) Get the B12 to invite at least 3 ACC schools.
3) IF that fails, Idk Maybe literally bribe 3 ACC schools to join us to disband the conference. Like literally if we said hey you join the B12 and we'll make up the $ difference in what you were projected to receive if any. Like if it costs less than $100M it's worth it. Texas and OU paid that just to leave 1 year early. So imo if we could somehow pay even $100M (per school leaving to B10/SEC to leave 13 years early... worth it. And from those 3 schools taking the money perspective, if they each were promised $100M+ that'd be enough to offset even a $10M difference for 10 years... so worth it for them too.
4) If none of that works within a year, Challenge the GOR in court and try to scare 3 more teams into the B12 for stability.
It’s incredible
That bleedin tampax ***** NoVaginaCane calls everyone else dumb but read his postings. That manny cork smokin *****sipper was callin for more time for manny to show his recruiting and coaching abilities in late 2021 Haha

@NorthernVirginiaCane ur dumb with a Capital D DUMB. Now go find a volted up bug zapper to brush ur veneers with ye olde NoVagina coot.
That bleedin tampax ***** NoVaginaCane calls everyone else dumb but read his postings. That manny cork smokin *****sipper was callin for more time for manny to show his recruiting and coaching abilities in late 2021 Haha

@NorthernVirginiaCane ur dumb with a Capital D DUMB. Now go find a volted up bug zapper to brush ur veneers with ye olde NoVagina coot.
He may be a troll, but he's OUR troll.

Why bother arguing with him?

We all know what @NorthernVirginiaCane is.

Cause he’s always callin everyone else dumb but he wanted more Manny in November 2021 so what does that make him? Really DUMB haha

That old coot needs to be put out to pasture. He was fightin with everyone big time posters here like Cribby and everytime he gets a Barbie doll shoved up that gaping pooter between those 2 chicken drumsticks of his by a good poster that old coot’s got nuthin to say in return but ‘dumb’

If everyone else is dumb, maybe ur dumb? Ever think of that jack?

@NorthernVirginiaCane it stinks in here please close ur legs and wash that pooter old cooter.
Cause he’s always callin everyone else dumb but he wanted more Manny in November 2021 so what does that make him? Really DUMB haha

That old coot needs to be put out to pasture. He was fightin with everyone big time posters here like Cribby and everytime he gets a Barbie doll shoved up that gaping pooter between those 2 chicken drumsticks of his by a good poster that old coot’s got nuthin to say in return but ‘dumb’

If everyone else is dumb, maybe ur dumb? Ever think of that jack?

@NorthernVirginiaCane it stinks in here please close ur legs and wash that pooter old cooter.
I'm not disputing this, though.

I 1000% agree.

Bet he's from stuck up Winchester.