MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

It Begins Here We Go GIF by hero0fwar
If ACC GOR goes to court no way it’s settled in less than like 2 years or some **** unfortunately… hopefully it all breaks quickly or some ****. ND leaving to B10 could be a lynch pin maybe…
If it goes to court the ACC is done anyways.

There's just no way they survive with the kind of friction they'll have from their top schools.

I’m gonna call out this TV market argument. We don’t get relegated to Bally’s if our games are pulling the kind of numbers our market claims they do.
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I've discovered this year that Reddit is a cesspool.

Despite the way FSU's AD is framing things, the Big 12 is not making more money per school than the ACC on their TV deal. LINK

SPN took pains to make sure that its Big 12 deal would not result in a bigger per-school payout than the ACC. Because of the ACC Network, it’s difficult to determine how much ACC schools make from its ESPN deal. But I was told that the Big 12 will not eclipse the ACC on that front at any point during the Big 12's deal, which runs through 2030-31. ESPN is likely to approach Pac-12 negotiations in a similar way.
It's Ferman FWIW

Crux of the article was the four major brands in the ACC (Miami, FSU, Clemson, UNC) requesting an uneven media revenue split ... top brands get more money. The article mentioned that even if that route is agreed on the revenue bump for the programs listed would be something like $5 million per season. Not making up the differential between the SEC / Big 10 new deals and the ACC.