MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

This. People think teams can just pick up and go, or conferences will just add teams Willy-Nilly. Doesn’t work like that. There has to be value. There’s not 8 teams in the ACC worth enough to warrant splitting the pie even more. Once you get past Clemson, Miami, FSU, UNC and maybe UVA, you’re getting into programs that don’t really move the needle.
Depends. It is about alumni base, market and viewership.

For the SEC
Va Tech

For the Big (high on academics)
Wake Forest

A possible scenario.
Depends. It is about alumni base, market and viewership.

For the SEC
Va Tech

For the Big (high on academics)
Wake Forest

A possible scenario.

Good list except for that last one.

Central and Northwestern got bigger fan bases than Fake Worest.

Nothing personal with the Deacs, but they'll get invited to the B1G the same day as Stetson.
Urban keeps failing upward you P:****:S
I honestly don't understand why they would hire him... are there really enough people who say to themselves 'I wasn't going to watch the Fox college football talking heads show, but now that Urban Meyer is on it I guess I will'? I am sure there are some, but enough to make any type of significant ratings change vs the potential of ****ing off fans/advertisers?

It's not even like they had to make a (potentially) hard decision to fire him when bad news came out, they just didn't have to give him a job. No one would have thought anything of it.
Bingo; these fools r going to not only make $40m yr/team more starting in 2024, they r going to lap the ACC twice w/in a contract period, b/c they r signing a smart deal! I still cannot believe Swofford handcuffed the ACC for 20 yrs.

Folks, allow me to furnish u w/ how bad this deal was in negotiations:

The contract was signed in July 2016

From 2013 - 2016:
FSU won a National Championship
FSU played in the CFP
GT won a NY6 bowl
Clemson played in the CFP Finals
Clemson won the CFP
Duke won the NCAAB Title
UNC played in the NCAAB Title Game
UNC won the NCAAB the following season

Yet, this **** negotiated the worst TV deal like we were some Mountain West Conference.

U don’t think ESPN looked up during negotiations & said, “ABSOLUTELY; DEAL IS DONE!” There’s a handful of things that just irk my nerves:

-‘86 season
-‘88 game in Southbent
-‘03 Fiesta Bowl
-How Blake didn’t run a coaching search b4 Diaz
-Swofford negotiating & getting the green light to approve such a monstrosity of a deal.
Why would Clemson and FSU sign off to that? Were they really concerned with preserving the ACC instead of using all the leverage they had at the time?
I’m still waiting on why these idiots agreed to bind themselves until 2034 with no escape hatch.
They wanted stability and were afraid that TV revenue was going to drop as people were cutting cable and they panicked. The BIG10 was smart and bet the opposite way... that with everyone moving to streaming services that live programming (pretty much just sports) would become even more valuable which is why they opted for a shorter deal. Obviously they made a much better play.
They wanted stability and were afraid that TV revenue was going to drop as people were cutting cable and they panicked. The BIG10 was smart and bet the opposite way... that with everyone moving to streaming services that live programming (pretty much just sports) would become even more valuable which is why they opted for a shorter deal. Obviously they made a much better play.
This, plus the ACC badly wanted its own network after the huge success of the Big 10 Network and SEC having success with their own. ESPN was the only network agreeing to give the ACC a network, but only with the ACC signing up for such a long deal. Terrible deal all the way around.

I can understand the ACC's desire to have its own cable network and I can see ESPN's requirement for it to be a long-term deal to cover the costs of starting up an entirely new channel. However, 20 years??? Plus, if you are going to have such a long deal, you don't include automatic peek-in periods like once every 5 or 10 years to see how the agreement compares to market? As long as the ACC is keeping its end of the bargain with playoff appearances, maintaining a healthy representation in the top 25, etc., make sure the payout follows suit or allow the ACC to look elsewhere.

Right now, the only way the ACC can negotiate a better deal is to expand, but who do they bring in (aside from ND) that moves the needle?
I honestly don't understand why they would hire him... are there really enough people who say to themselves 'I wasn't going to watch the Fox college football talking heads show, but now that Urban Meyer is on it I guess I will'? I am sure there are some, but enough to make any type of significant ratings change vs the potential of ****ing off fans/advertisers?

Say what you want about C.U.M.: douchebag, liar, egomaniac, serial rule breaker, murderer enabler, inappropriate finger banger.

All true.

But anybody who can't appreciate the motivational brilliance and pure comedy of "Hey dispsh!t. Make your f****ing kicks!" ... well, let Kobe Bean Bryant tell it:

Kobe Bryant GIF
Why would Clemson and FSU sign off to that? Were they really concerned with preserving the ACC instead of using all the leverage they had at the time?
Our very own Radakovich was at Clemson when it happened. And he was even part of the playoff selection committee from 2014-2017. So he had a lot of influence.

And actually it wasn't a bad deal at the time. The problem with it is it's length..20 years? How shortsighted and dumb to sign a 20 year deal and not have some kind of protection to ensure it grows with market conditions. Should have had a clause that guaranteed the deal distributed at least 80% of the most valuable league or something like that so we'd never be too far behind.
How shortsighted and dumb to sign a 20 year deal and not have some kind of protection to ensure it grows with market conditions. Should have had a clause that guaranteed the deal distributed at least 80% of the most valuable league or something like that so we'd never be too far behind.

Yeah, just like you said: way too long with no built-in mechanisms to ensure the ACC didn't fall further and further behind its competitors.

TBH, though, I'm glad it's a terrible contract because it's forcing the football-first schools in this conference to pursue drastic measures to GTFO.

I've hated the ACC from Day 1; whatever it takes for the Canes to exit is worth it.
They wanted stability and were afraid that TV revenue was going to drop as people were cutting cable and they panicked. The BIG10 was smart and bet the opposite way... that with everyone moving to streaming services that live programming (pretty much just sports) would become even more valuable which is why they opted for a shorter deal. Obviously they made a much better play.
That's what happens when a basketball conference negotiates a football contract.

So Miami and Clemson are going to make $30M while Rutgers and Indiana make $70M+. Cool story bro.