So we have moved from Genetics to the Mountain West for our information? Got it!

Lot of people interested IN realignment and some of these podcasters in the midwest do actually have contacts with B10 athletic departments ... for some actual insight into discussion topics at least. The Big Mountain guys have a couple of contacts in Penn State and one of the Midwest schools. The CFB mafia group has some contacts at Ohio State and a couple of other B10 schools. Nobody is getting direct "insight" from Sankey or Pettiti. It is all discussion, debate, and opinions, with some shading due to comments from individuals connected to a few of the programs involved.
The CFB Mafia had an interesting podcast "ACC Apocalypse" ... if you can handle their format (which involves constant comments from subscribers that is annoying). Their premise was interesting:
-The timing for teams actually leaving is likely the 2028 football season.
-The 2030-2031 contract renewal for the B10 (2 years later for the SEC) don't mean anything since
both conferences will likely REVISE their current media agreements to account for :
-added conference games
-cross conference scheduling agreement between B10 & SEC
-additional realignment
-Teams they expect to be GONE from the ACC by then are
-FSU, Clemson, UNC + UVA to the SEC
-Miami + Ga Tech to the B10
(or Miami + FSU to the B10 and perhaps Va Tech replaces FSU to the SEC)
The ACC would backfill with USF, Tulane etc., Some additional schools might leave the ACC for the B12 ... depending on how the initial
exit fees from the first 6 schools leaving are actually paid out. If the exit fees are paid in 3 years ... there would be incentive for schools
to remain in the ACC for the "windfall" ... if the fees are paid out though 2036 ... there might not be incentive to remain for those few that
might have a B12 invite (Louisville, Pitt, Va Tech).
Potential is there for the SEC to go to 20 teams and the B10 might decide on 24 ... in order to expand the West Coast pod (adding Stanford) for travel considerations + ND in a scheduling agreement.
There seems to be a lot of smoke from different sources all pointing to one factor ... timing ... not being delayed until 2030 ... and moves involving the same cast of the top brands (FSU, Clemson, Miami, UNC (with UVA, Ga Tech) and ND in some relationship.