Colorado sucks…

I mean, if you were to put together every musical album ever made by a pro athlete, Shaq’s first album would probably be the best. Not that it was good. It’s just the least bad.
Since you put it that way, I am 100% with you!


People don’t realize Colorado been down BAD for years. They were 1-11 the year before deon showed up. He just added flash to the already non-substance.

They’ll go back to being just as bad as they are now after he leaves. There’ll just be a lot less flash
What I mean is that the 4 win 2023 season and whatever they finish at this year could look like NC runs compared to what comes after.

Colorado has nearly 60 transfers on their team. 11 high school signings last year. Just 7 commitments this year, and Deion is not visiting recruits. They could easily find themselves in a 1997 Miami type roster hole with only 45 or so players if Deion leaves. But without the nascent talent that 1997 Miami had.
What are you talking about? He’s clearly a better recruiter than Mario! Dude stole Cormani!
His son is the best QB in the league!
He has Luis Vitton Luggage!!
2 words. Mark. Pope.

Leon Deion took Mark Pope and without him, Pope would not be a….Minute Man…today.