Coach G just said that big #77 is going for another funeral

I really don't post much, but I started following boards on scout then got tired of the Danny stuff then came here soon as I heard about this place. Rings I understand taking the opposite view on things, but why as a fan of the u would you be so down on your own team. I enjoy reading everyone else's input for the most part. But ringz seriously your a poor excuse for a fan and if golden gets this train rolling please feel the need to stay off it when don't need you.

I really don't post much, but I started following boards on scout then got tired of the Danny stuff then came here soon as I heard about this place. Rings I understand taking the opposite view on things, but why as a fan of the u would you be so down on your own team. I enjoy reading everyone else's input for the most part. But ringz seriously your a poor excuse for a fan and if golden gets this train rolling please feel the need to stay off it when don't need you.

Thanks for the heads up I was just frustrated of seeing it I'll back off.
On the bright side it looked like the OL dominated in the last scrimmage based on the rushing stats. Maybe getting Seantrel back rt away isnt that important. However, he is going through some serious **** with all his friends dying, whenever he can come back and contribute to this team I think we should be ready to accept him.
I think Seantrell is a **** good OT and we desperately need him. You guys like to bash the kid because HE HAS A CONCUSSION AND IS GOING TO A FUNERAL.

Its not like the kid is smoking weed or hanging out with boosters. HE's going to a funeral.

And I still think we don't know the whole scoop. He was in a car accident that led to his concussion and face busted.....and now has to go to a series of funerals that he feels inclined to attend.

Seems to me like the car crash he was in is what led to the series of funerals. All his absences have been excused

Seantrel has been nothing but drama since the first day he made corch Radio wait for him while he was getting his hair tightened up. If you think it's just because he has a concussion and attended a funeral then you are marginalizing his drama for your own agenda. We see through it though. Seantrel will be gone soon and you will pick a new favorite to make excuses for should that favorite not pan out as well.

Wash, rinse, repeat...


wake me up when the kid actually lives up to the hype.......
As Ray Ray learned, don't play with Golden.
I suspect Seantrel is on a very short leash. One mishap and he's done.
As Ray Ray learned, don't play with Golden.
I suspect Seantrel is on a very short leash. One mishap and he's done.

I don't think Golden had much to do with what happened to RRA. That it was reported that he was NCAA ineligible, coupled with the fact that he will be attending an NAIA school pretty much paints the picture. The only way in **** he ends up at a place like Faulkner (who won their last game 95-89) is if you have no chance at an NCAA school. Why would he be ineligible? Maybe the NCAA said this girlfriend is really an agent. That could certainly end his eligibility as far as the NCAA is concerned. Like I said, the fact that he didn't transfer to another NCAA school tells me something ugly was going to come out.