Coach G just said that big #77 is going for another funeral

I think Seantrell is a **** good OT and we desperately need him. You guys like to bash the kid because HE HAS A CONCUSSION AND IS GOING TO A FUNERAL.

Its not like the kid is smoking weed or hanging out with boosters. HE's going to a funeral.

And I still think we don't know the whole scoop. He was in a car accident that led to his concussion and face busted.....and now has to go to a series of funerals that he feels inclined to attend.

Seems to me like the car crash he was in is what led to the series of funerals. All his absences have been excused

Seantrel has been nothing but drama since the first day he made corch Radio wait for him while he was getting his hair tightened up. If you think it's just because he has a concussion and attended a funeral then you are marginalizing his drama for your own agenda. We see through it though. Seantrel will be gone soon and you will pick a new favorite to make excuses for should that favorite not pan out as well.

Wash, rinse, repeat...

Al Golden isn't the type of guy that would view this as a problem.... mainly b/c he is so dead set on who is available to practice and getting things together for the season. Also he understand that every person is different and NO one handles adversity the same as the next. Seantrell is a young man and maybe he hasn't ever had to deal with "death" and losing someone.... so he is just going through a process of realizing the "cards" that life can deal you. He will get through it, and honestly I wouldn't want a guy trying to play, if his head isn't focused on the game.

What Mike James did, when he suited up and played, right after his mom died, made me him my favorite player on the team. Not b/c he played but b/c that is such a heavy burden to carry, and to be able to bottle all that up and compete is really unimaginable. I honestly would have never been able to play that entire year if my mom died all of a sudden.... I would've been in a dark room somewhere, the whole year.

Basically i think Seantrell, will get every thing in his head and heart together, and comeback having something "more" to really play for. I could be wrong but if Seantrell is able to get back on the field, I would be scared if I was in front of him on another team.
Vince Wilfork went through a similar issue and the team supported him... Everyone grieves in their own way... When Vince mom had a stroke he wanted to play but Coker told him to stay home and help assist her... We shouldnt compare what Mike James did to how Henderson handle's his own... There is no right way to doing that...
When did Seantrels mom or dad die? All I've heard is some friends keep dieing. In fact, all I've ever heard out of the Seantrel is one huge excuse after another. It also sounds like Seantrel was running with the wrong crowd if they all keep ending up dead. Maybe he should put that energy into his family in Gables and focus on mastering his craft so he can make millions in the NFL rather than worrying about dead people.
When did Seantrels mom or dad die? All I've heard is some friends keep dieing. In fact, all I've ever heard out of the Seantrel is one huge excuse after another. It also sounds like Seantrel was running with the wrong crowd if they all keep ending up dead. Maybe he should put that energy into his family in Gables and focus on mastering his craft so he can make millions in the NFL rather than worrying about dead people.

Seantrell lost 35 pounds and has been in a black jersey all Spring

His friends are dying. Give the boy a break. Its not like he lives around the corner like most of the roster.
When did Seantrels mom or dad die? All I've heard is some friends keep dieing. In fact, all I've ever heard out of the Seantrel is one huge excuse after another. It also sounds like Seantrel was running with the wrong crowd if they all keep ending up dead. Maybe he should put that energy into his family in Gables and focus on mastering his craft so he can make millions in the NFL rather than worrying about dead people.

One of his best friends was killed by his girlfriend. In a murder suicide... Seantrell said he was close to both of them. What you think he was "gang banging" that's why his "homies" keep dying?? I'm trying not to bring down the "quality" of this board, but the Moderators on here can't keep letting you get away with your ignorance.
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lol. Mr Drama reappears yet again. Within a week of his first incident, he got into a car accident and allegedly ticketed for driving w/o a valid license, now missing more practices for yet another gangbanger buddy that got killed.

I think 5ringz is trollin'. And i think blackvern is doing nothing but defending Shammin's boyz. But the rest of you Seantrel lovers will never learn until it's too late. You all sound just like the Ray Ray lovers and the Storm Johnson lovers all the way up until the bitter end.
Terrible situations but unfortunately some people have jobs or whatever that need to be done. Like already said, Mike James played through his own mom dying. Granted, he's a Florida kid so there is a difference, but still.

It really is a touchy subject because the coaches and administration don't want to look heartless. Golden will do what is right IMO. He will let him work his way back but it's going to take a long time. I don't see Seantrel playing until a few games into the season unless serious injuries happen.

Oh, and unless you know for a fact that his buddies are "gangbangers" and you can prove that, it's my opinion that the mods should permaban you for saying such things about our players. Prove that or GTFO!
Next funeral he attends will be for his football career.
This. Dude is defeated and knows it

I hope he gets it together, because he is clearly talented, and he doesn't seem to be a bad kid, but he can only fall so far behind and hope to catch up.
You can coach strength and make someone stronger, but you cant coach work ethic, either they have it or they dont

Didn't he lose a bunch of weight in the offseason? I doubt he did that sitting on the couch.
Seriously? Dude has been lazy since he first reported his frosh year, and now miraculously after Golden changed the S&C program he loses weight....Dude has even admitted he doesnt like to workout. With this new change of environment with the coaching staff you can clearly see guys who "get it" and guys who dont
This. Dude is defeated and knows it

I hope he gets it together, because he is clearly talented, and he doesn't seem to be a bad kid, but he can only fall so far behind and hope to catch up.
You can coach strength and make someone stronger, but you cant coach work ethic, either they have it or they dont

Didn't he lose a bunch of weight in the offseason? I doubt he did that sitting on the couch.

Seriously? Dude has been lazy since he first reported his frosh year, and now miraculously after Golden changed the S&C program he loses weight....Dude has even admitted he doesnt like to workout. With this new change of environment with the coaching staff you can clearly see guys who "get it" and guys who dont

Everybody on the team was lazy before Golden came to implement his program.... No one had a very good work ethic accept, maybe Spence and James. Everybody was weak and most of the players were out of shape. Seantrell just went with the flow of how the program was being run under Shannon.

He said Seantrell has been a model of hard work throughout the entire off season. Why would Golden even talk positively about these guys if that wasn't the case? just b/c you were recruited by Shannon doesn't mean Golden automatically thinks less of you. If Seantrell was a thorn on Golden's side than he would've dismissed him during the Summer.

Seantrell is dealing w/ things that he has to work on personally..... in the real world this football stuff is just a GAME, but to some of you all, you expect young kids to put football over everything else that's going on in their lives. This is not the Real World.... it's only the Internet.
I hope he gets it together, because he is clearly talented, and he doesn't seem to be a bad kid, but he can only fall so far behind and hope to catch up.
You can coach strength and make someone stronger, but you cant coach work ethic, either they have it or they dont

Didn't he lose a bunch of weight in the offseason? I doubt he did that sitting on the couch.

Seriously? Dude has been lazy since he first reported his frosh year, and now miraculously after Golden changed the S&C program he loses weight....Dude has even admitted he doesnt like to workout. With this new change of environment with the coaching staff you can clearly see guys who "get it" and guys who dont

Everybody on the team was lazy before Golden came to implement his program.... No one had a very good work ethic accept, maybe Spence and James. Everybody was weak and most of the players were out of shape. Seantrell just went with the flow of how the program was being run under Shannon.

He said Seantrell has been a model of hard work throughout the entire off season. Why would Golden even talk positively about these guys if that wasn't the case? just b/c you were recruited by Shannon doesn't mean Golden automatically thinks less of you. If Seantrell was a thorn on Golden's side than he would've dismissed him during the Summer.

Seantrell is dealing w/ things that he has to work on personally..... in the real world this football stuff is just a GAME, but to some of you all, you expect young kids to put football over everything else that's going on in their lives. This is not the Real World.... it's only the Internet.
Good thing there not only at this school because of an athletic scholarship.....Oh wait...
Alright....enough. This is the last time I'm going to ask that y'all conduct yourselves with some civility. All of you are what I assume to be adults so act like it. Next time we'll be handing out time outs.
You can coach strength and make someone stronger, but you cant coach work ethic, either they have it or they dont

Didn't he lose a bunch of weight in the offseason? I doubt he did that sitting on the couch.

Seriously? Dude has been lazy since he first reported his frosh year, and now miraculously after Golden changed the S&C program he loses weight....Dude has even admitted he doesnt like to workout. With this new change of environment with the coaching staff you can clearly see guys who "get it" and guys who dont

Everybody on the team was lazy before Golden came to implement his program.... No one had a very good work ethic accept, maybe Spence and James. Everybody was weak and most of the players were out of shape. Seantrell just went with the flow of how the program was being run under Shannon.

He said Seantrell has been a model of hard work throughout the entire off season. Why would Golden even talk positively about these guys if that wasn't the case? just b/c you were recruited by Shannon doesn't mean Golden automatically thinks less of you. If Seantrell was a thorn on Golden's side than he would've dismissed him during the Summer.

Seantrell is dealing w/ things that he has to work on personally..... in the real world this football stuff is just a GAME, but to some of you all, you expect young kids to put football over everything else that's going on in their lives. This is not the Real World.... it's only the Internet.
Good thing there not only at this school because of an athletic scholarship.....Oh wait...

If he would've been working hard for 3 years, he would be set for life (still has a chance to salvage that) but he's running out of chances. all other bull**** aside. Best believe Golden ain't gonna trout him out there if he's not putting in the work.
You can coach strength and make someone stronger, but you cant coach work ethic, either they have it or they dont

Didn't he lose a bunch of weight in the offseason? I doubt he did that sitting on the couch.

Seriously? Dude has been lazy since he first reported his frosh year, and now miraculously after Golden changed the S&C program he loses weight....Dude has even admitted he doesnt like to workout. With this new change of environment with the coaching staff you can clearly see guys who "get it" and guys who dont

Everybody on the team was lazy before Golden came to implement his program.... No one had a very good work ethic accept, maybe Spence and James. Everybody was weak and most of the players were out of shape. Seantrell just went with the flow of how the program was being run under Shannon.

He said Seantrell has been a model of hard work throughout the entire off season. Why would Golden even talk positively about these guys if that wasn't the case? just b/c you were recruited by Shannon doesn't mean Golden automatically thinks less of you. If Seantrell was a thorn on Golden's side than he would've dismissed him during the Summer.

Seantrell is dealing w/ things that he has to work on personally..... in the real world this football stuff is just a GAME, but to some of you all, you expect young kids to put football over everything else that's going on in their lives. This is not the Real World.... it's only the Internet.
Good thing there not only at this school because of an athletic scholarship.....Oh wait...

What kind of trollin remark is that???

Are you offended b/c people get athletic scholarships to play @ Miami??? Football isn't the only sport that does that... so what is your personal issue about it??

A degree is a degree, there are a lot of people w/ "academic" scholarships that cheat all the way to graduation.... do you make personal attacks about them too???

I know I'm not the one bringing down the "quality" of this board Los.... i've seen enough of these kind of comments as proof.
Didn't he lose a bunch of weight in the offseason? I doubt he did that sitting on the couch.

Seriously? Dude has been lazy since he first reported his frosh year, and now miraculously after Golden changed the S&C program he loses weight....Dude has even admitted he doesnt like to workout. With this new change of environment with the coaching staff you can clearly see guys who "get it" and guys who dont

Everybody on the team was lazy before Golden came to implement his program.... No one had a very good work ethic accept, maybe Spence and James. Everybody was weak and most of the players were out of shape. Seantrell just went with the flow of how the program was being run under Shannon.

He said Seantrell has been a model of hard work throughout the entire off season. Why would Golden even talk positively about these guys if that wasn't the case? just b/c you were recruited by Shannon doesn't mean Golden automatically thinks less of you. If Seantrell was a thorn on Golden's side than he would've dismissed him during the Summer.

Seantrell is dealing w/ things that he has to work on personally..... in the real world this football stuff is just a GAME, but to some of you all, you expect young kids to put football over everything else that's going on in their lives. This is not the Real World.... it's only the Internet.
Good thing there not only at this school because of an athletic scholarship.....Oh wait...

What kind of trollin remark is that???

Are you offended b/c people get athletic scholarships to play @ Miami??? Football isn't the only sport that does that... so what is your personal issue about it?? A degree is a degree, there are a lot of people w/ "academic" scholarships that cheat all the way to graduation.... do you make personal attacks about them too???

I know I'm not the one bringing down the "quality" of this board Los.... i've seen enough of these kind of comments as evidence.
I wasnt trolling, I was simply reminding you when you said its not all about football etc that indeed it is for them because thats the whole reason they were brought in to this school.
There is no doubt in my mind that this team needs Seantrel. Even if just for depth purposes alone. I think what needs to be called into question is his lack of maturity and responsibility so far. I'm not talking about going to a funeral or getting into an accident here... I'm talking about the showing up late 2 years in a row now, the lack of knowledge or regard for the standing of his license and tag, the circus that his recruitment became inpart due to his father riding his son's coattails, Seantrel not being the strongest or most dedicated O-linemen on this team when he is by far the most physically gifted one and the one with the highest ceiling and lastly, and correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't he with that crew of players that had a on campus incident before last year started... something having to do about getting caught smoking weed with Keion Payne, Travis Williams and Storm Johnson who are all off the team by the way. Again, correct me if I am wrong about that last one. I honestly am not trying to hate on the kid but I do think his clock is running out on him if doesn't get his act somewhat together... He looks the part, but he has in no way proved to be an NFL 1st rounder yet.

As for Flowers becoming the starter, I usually don't like the idea of a true freshman being a starter on the O-line, but I do remember a freshman TE by the name Jason Fox proving to be a better LT than a former #1 OT in the nation called Reggie Youngblood... It's not impossible, just not the norm by any means. If I remember correctly D-Money did pick Flowers to be the frosh to make an imediate impact
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Let's put this into a different context:

If you go and ask your employer for time off to attend a friends funeral you may or may not be granted the time off. If so, it would be charged against vacation time or granted without pay since it's not an immediate family member. With the unfortunate circumstances surrounding Henderson's friends, if he feels he needs to; let him go. Erick Flowers is the next man up.
Callings this kids friends "gangbangers" is beyond ignorant and unnecessary. Please keep those types of comments to yourself, virtually none of us know these guys personally, so lets try not to presume that we know a lot about them outside of their football ability.
Sounds like an unhealthy place with folks dropping like flies.

May be a good idea to stay away from there.
I really don't post much, but I started following boards on scout then got tired of the Danny stuff then came here soon as I heard about this place. Rings I understand taking the opposite view on things, but why as a fan of the u would you be so down on your own team. I enjoy reading everyone else's input for the most part. But ringz seriously your a poor excuse for a fan and if golden gets this train rolling please feel the need to stay off it when don't need you.