Clemson vs Ohio State

Remember., either one of these teams would give the Noles a good beating, especially Bama.

Who cares

The level of football you're seeing is better than what you saw last night or what you saw in Orlando, for that matter.

Who cares?

Well, you don't, so there's that.

It takes a lot of smarts to know that the #1 vs #4 is quality football
I can't get over how stacked Alabama are at every position. They're cartoonish.

No wonder their players bust in the NFL - they've peaked in college. There's no room for them to get bigger, stronger or faster.
I can't get over how stacked Alabama are at every position. They're cartoonish.

No wonder their players bust in the NFL - they've peaked in college. There's no room for them to get bigger, stronger or faster.

They bust in the NFL because they aren't allowed to hold in the NFL. We've had so many plays called back the last couple years due to bogus penalties, yet Alabama can do no wrong. Well, they can, and get away with it. This crap is old. It's about as scripted as professional wrestling.
I can't get over how stacked Alabama are at every position. They're cartoonish.

No wonder their players bust in the NFL - they've peaked in college. There's no room for them to get bigger, stronger or faster.

They bust in the NFL because they aren't allowed to hold in the NFL. We've had so many plays called back the last couple years due to bogus penalties, yet Alabama can do no wrong. Well, they can, and get away with it. This crap is old. It's about as scripted as professional wrestling.

Agree. I've only watched half the game and I can count at least 3 holds by Alabama that were not called.
You could call holding on pretty much every play in about every game. Bama can close it out on this drive and you won't beat them being negative in the turnover department.
Jeudy will have a great opportunity to develop his blocking skills the next 3 years.
You could call holding on pretty much every play in about every game. Bama can close it out on this drive and you won't beat them being negative in the turnover department.

You could, but they usually call it when a man is turned / taken to the ground or it springs a big play.

Not tonight.
So glad Cook's gone. Akers is elite, and he'll be a problem, but not to the degree that Cook was. Cook's head and shoulders the best RB to ever play for FSU and it isn't even close. Highly rated RB's coming into NFL doesn't mean crap. Jacquez Patrick was highly coveted and he hasn't done anything over there.

Jacques Patrick, Florida State, Running Back

And yeah, he was a high 4-star player and the 3rd best RB in his class. Cook being gone is great for Miami. The fact we return every single player in our front 7 with a year experience in this system on their belt spells trouble for Frenchie. FSU's o-line wasn't that great this season.

Also, Michigan was vastly overrated after watching them against OSU and Michigan. They kept getting beat on the edge in both games and never adjusted. FSU winning the Orange Bowl does Miami no favors in recruiting battles with FSU. The only solace I can take in a Michigan loss is the fact that they're trying to establish a foot print in South Florida, so fck their foot print.
Put some respek on Warrick Dunn's name

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Game. Bama is so overrated its ridiculous. Clemson or Ohio St will wallop them. Only reason Washington isn't gonna win is because they have no offense.
Bama is a machine

Its going to have to be up to us.....lock down sfla and evaluate them earlier than anyone n we can break that dynasty