So let me get this str8:
-Bimbo Hunter goes on a Gator Trip, throws an upside down U up, for no reason, and it’s applauded. When a poster post it on here to bring it to our attention, the “mods” keep it breathing.
-Some former teammates of our current player have some fun throwing up the U while on an unofficial, it’s posted on a MIAMI HURRICANES FAN CHAT BOARD, and it’s the most egregious thing done in mankind, to the point that even MIAMI HURRICANE “MODS” nuke the thread????!
And now we wonder why teams don’t fear or respect us. F this bull chit!!!
We got a “flag ship station” having coach talk w rival teams; we have a “flag ship website” modified by a ninja who works for the rivals. This bull chit would NEVER happen on a Bama, Clemson, UF...****, not even on a UCLA site.
Stand up Miami; have some f*ckin pride in the school that rep your city!! Kids throwing up the U from So. Fla while on a visit to a school up Norf? Whoopy doo! There was no need for them to apologize.
If the Gator don’t like it, F*ck them! Stop recruiting those young men. Wasn’t it their soppy new coach that said he didn’t need to recruit So Fla to be successful?? Then stay the f*ck out if u got ur feelings hurt by some kids having fun!
Did UF complain about flopping on us so their QB could make NCAA history when the game was out of hand? Did they complain about running up the scoreboard on us in 08? F*ck them and f*ck this purée baby food soft chit too!
Stop w the double standard; We’re the mutha*****n U! Teams are still following our blue print from Schnelly on how to be successful w swag. I’m not even tripping on UF fans having a problem, honestly....they should. It’s the folks that’s supposed to take pride in this school running this site I got a problem w. That’s horse chit.
Sorry for the rant, but I’m tired of the double standard in the CFB world. It’s already bad enough it’s us v. Everybody, but now we gotta fight w our own Mods? If Bammero or Gheymero or whatever tf his secret agent name is can’t stay neutral, then gtfoh. 100.