CIS D-Day - February 17, 2023 - “Meat” at the Titanic!

Absolutely! One dunk ONLY! My cousins do that double dunk chit; I told them just put ur bread in water & add meat to that bytch! It’s the same chit! FOH w/ that; men don’t like saggy **** (unless u’re into that 🤷🏾‍♂️) women don’t like saggy balls (unless u’re in to that 🤷🏾‍♂️), so y is eating saggy, soggy bread a thing??? (Unless u’re in to that 🤷🏾‍♂️).
Leave it to the Californian to tell the Chicagoans the proper way to eat their sandwich. Ain't nobody telling you how ripe the avocado has to be on your toast.

The soggier the better.
Are you feeling the excitement?

The air is crackling with nervous tension!

Line up all you puzzies, and come meet the truth. Run your puzzy mouths for as long as you can, until CIO shuts it for you.
The pre-fight fight didn’t even last but a split 2nd.


One time in Chicago I went to this steakhouse called Chicago Cut. Ordered their “Holy Grail” which is a bone in prime rib. One of the best meals I ever had. I was having an ****** at the table. The manager came up and was laughing at how much I was obviously enjoying it.

He said “follow me” and took me for a behind the scenes tour to his meat locker 👀 where they were dry aging.

I hope that place is still there. I’d like to have that again next time I go.
still is and it is a fantastic steakhouse. One of my regular stops when I would be in chicago
****** at the table worthy, you say... I might have to try it when I'm up there this Summer.

Dry-aged bone-in ribeye is the best thing you can put in your mouth on this planet - bar none. I prefer it seared, but I wouldn't say no to it roasted.
That’s what threw up for a loop. I e had plenty of dry aged bone in ribeyes, but to get it roasted was a new experience at the time. It was out of sight