Chris Nee on Howard

Well played. I like.

Either it is a troll job of the century

Or Golden is about to pull off the recruiting coup of the past 10 years.

Fugg it, I'm all in

forgive my ignorance but why would this be considered a coup? the kid is in our backyard at a position that is very thin to put it nicely. I am not trying to take anything away from our staff (if howard is to come to miami) and sometimes kids just want to leave for that college town experience, but **** we should get this kid
Either it is a troll job of the century

Or Golden is about to pull off the recruiting coup of the past 10 years.

Fugg it, I'm all in

forgive my ignorance but why would this be considered a coup? the kid is in our backyard at a position that is very thin to put it nicely. I am not trying to take anything away from our staff (if howard is to come to miami) and sometimes kids just want to leave for that college town experience, but **** we should get this kid

Because he is a top 20 prospect in the whole country who has an offer from everyone. thats different then just a "kid in our backyard".
He wasn't even considering us two weeks ago. Getting the best CB in the country to change his mind this late in the game? I think that's nothing but a coup. Especially considering we are going against UF/FSU
Either it is a troll job of the century

Or Golden is about to pull off the recruiting coup of the past 10 years.

Fugg it, I'm all in

forgive my ignorance but why would this be considered a coup? the kid is in our backyard at a position that is very thin to put it nicely. I am not trying to take anything away from our staff (if howard is to come to miami) and sometimes kids just want to leave for that college town experience, but **** we should get this kid

Because he is a top 20 prospect in the whole country who has an offer from everyone. thats different then just a "kid in our backyard".

yes but it would only be considered a "coup" if he was out of state and probably in $EC country
Either it is a troll job of the century

Or Golden is about to pull off the recruiting coup of the past 10 years.

Fugg it, I'm all in

forgive my ignorance but why would this be considered a coup? the kid is in our backyard at a position that is very thin to put it nicely. I am not trying to take anything away from our staff (if howard is to come to miami) and sometimes kids just want to leave for that college town experience, but **** we should get this kid

Because he is a top 20 prospect in the whole country who has an offer from everyone. thats different then just a "kid in our backyard".

yes but it would only be considered a "coup" if he was out of state and probably in $EC country

A definite coup. We were essentially eliminated months ago. He barely even looked in our direction until the last of couple of weeks. Kid could pick any school in the country and we're coming off nearly a decade of mediocrity with potential sanctions looming. A recruiting win over Bama, LSU, UF, FSU, USC out of nowhere 2 weeks prior to NSD is a definite coup to me, if it happens (which i still wont let myself believe)
Wrong. It's a coup because this kid wasn't even smelling Miami 2 weeks ago. In a state with 2 other heavyweight recruiters and with a player with national attention, to be able to close the gap in that short period of time and ride the momentum into a LOI signing is unquestionably a legitimate coup. I understand what you're saying, but it's just not accurate in this particular case.
If Howard decides to stay home...holy crap at this class. Holy crap at the class as it is already...but if Howard comes - seriously, Holy Crap.
David Lake

Here is what I am hearing on Tracy Howard as of Sunday night...
The Miami visit went very well and the UM coaching staff as well as all of the love that was shown from the Miami commits that recruited Howard impressed him a lot. Going into the visit Florida was very confident about landing Howard, but word is that the UF coaches are not feeling good about this one after speaking with him on Sunday night. Miami has really made up a ton of ground on his recruitment and while I am not ready to predict Howard to Miami at this point I do think it is a 50-50 battle between UM and UF and right now the Hurricanes have all the momentum.
idk if i'm the only one, but over the last few years, when a recruit is this close to picking us and it comes down to NSD and we get burned, it makes me REALLY root against that kids that wrong? anyone else?
idk if i'm the only one, but over the last few years, when a recruit is this close to picking us and it comes down to NSD and we get burned, it makes me REALLY root against that kids that wrong? anyone else?

I dunno if it's necessarily "wrong"...I mean, it's only natural to feel burned as a fan of another team. It's not like you're cheering for him to get cancer or something.

That said, the only kid that I can recall rooting against was Antone Smith. I was super ****ed about that one.
idk if i'm the only one, but over the last few years, when a recruit is this close to picking us and it comes down to NSD and we get burned, it makes me REALLY root against that kids that wrong? anyone else?

I dunno if it's necessarily "wrong"...I mean, it's only natural to feel burned as a fan of another team. It's not like you're cheering for him to get cancer or something.

That said, the only kid that I can recall rooting against was Antone Smith. I was super ****ed about that one.

yeah i remember smith. that was 05 or 06 i think....i was ****ed. william campbell is another one...i can't let my hopes up man. i do not want disappoint.
Warchant dude again

Update: Tracy Howard (Updated Sun 11:19 pm) Reply
Updated 11:09 pm
""""I received further solid confirmation that Miami is a very real possibility based on the info I've picked up tonight. I don't see this now as just being a smoke screen. Nothing is definite with who Tracy may pick but the thoughts of him picking Miami is very possible now from what I have heard late tonight.
I don't tweet and can usually figure out what they're trying to say, but all #s and @s can get confusing as ****. I got it here, but when you try to follow an entire conversation...

It's not hard..
Anytime someone uses a pound sign aka # it just turns the word into a keyword (hashtag) so twitter's search engine can tag it to help people find certain tweets..
Example if I wanted people to find my tweet about your screen name I would just add a #wushah to the front of your name, so it would show up on the search engine's live stream..
Hashtags are tags that show that a tweet is about a specific topic that's all. People use them to get a certain subjects to trend in twitter..

The "At" sign (@ symbol) is used in front of everyone username so if you want to talk or mention someone on twitter just add their username in your tweet with the @ symbol in front of it.
Two things worth mentioning here, if you want to send a message to anyone on twitter regardless if they follow you or not start your tweet with their username in font of your message..
Example: @wushah Hey do you understand twitter yet?
When you form your messages like that, your tweet will be sent directly to that person but it's up to that person if they want to reply back or not..
You could also put their username anywhere you want in your message but in order for that person or persons to see your tweet they need to look at their mentions..
When a person monitors their mentions it shows all the people who tweeted about you..
If you click on that arrow > next to a tweet it shows you the conversation that person is having that relates to that particular tweet..