So fascinating to look back at this through the lens of hindsight.
I do believe it was alot and probably intially more than OSU, but I think our strategy could have been better. Signing day we still didn’t have a QB (even though Cam had visited).
At the same time, Cam was either leveraging us for more money or had a change of heart before coming to us.If we were so CERTAIN that Smith was HIM and that CAM was HIM, we shouldn’t have given them an option to consider others. Instead of Cam thinking through 2mil, would he have gave an instant YES if we came back with 3 mil right then and there? I don’t know the specifics, but you get the point.
If we have Cam in house before signing day and Mario and Cam go personally and offer Smith an additional 2 mil on top of what we were offering, does Smith take the bait? I think if we had more certainty at QB, Smith might not have caved in at that last hour. He might have been excited to play with an all time talent like Cam if he got to know him ahead of signing day.
That all said, this was on us 20 years ago letting SFE get their hooks in down here. Glad to see there are other options now, You wouldn’t see a version of SFE exist in Athens, Tuscaloosa or any of the B1G towns. But you got it in SFL.