CFP Expansion

What is the right # for the CFP?

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Like I said, someone is always going to feel like they got shafted no matter what. The NFL division winners automatically qualify for a playoff spot and often times better teams get left out because they play in a tougher division. Did an 8-8 division winner “earn” their playoff spot simply because they were the best team in a really bad grouping?
I do get your point. I'm saying this method removes pretty much all bias on the committee (which really wouldn't be needed anymore) and actually gives every team a shot at the beginning of the season.

That's why I think March Madness works much better. Yes, teams still get shafted, but if you take care of business in your conference, you are in.

16 teams would mean four additional games, not going to happen unless changes are made to the regular season schedules.
My guess 8, as even 12 would require some teams playing 4 games. So 8 it is, five conference champs, at least one from the other conferences and two at
large, with no conference having more than 2 representatives.
And 9-7 , 10-6 teams have missed the playoffs while 7-9 teams made the playoffs in the same year.

you are correct, The NFL playoffs are messed up as well. Any team that wins 10 games in the NFL deserves a playoff spot.

that’s an entirely different subject tho
The argument isn’t about who makes the playoffs, it’s about who wins the championship and whether they are deserving. There is no debate on the super bowl champ being deserving and there hasn’t been in college since we started the cfp…that’s what I’m saying. Most years the 3 and 4 seed get blown out so why would we want more blowouts in the cfp? Maybe when saban is 6 feet under expanding the playoff will make sense
The argument isn’t about who makes the playoffs, it’s about who wins the championship and whether they are deserving. There is no debate on the super bowl champ being deserving and there hasn’t been in college since we started the cfp…that’s what I’m saying. Most years the 3 and 4 seed get blown out so why would we want more blowouts in the cfp? Maybe when saban is 6 feet under expanding the playoff will make sense
Understood, but if you do a 6 team playoff with the top 2 getting first round byes, are 3/6 and 4/5 games likely blowouts? I would argue those would likely be good games.

As I've said in other posts, for me, it's about removing bias from the committee. Since FSU got in over us in 2000, there have been way too many instances where deserving teams have been kept out with some sort of controversy. Six highest ranked conference winners and it completely removes that variable.
I’m good with 6 or 8. If you win your P5 conference you should be in the playoffs, and you need at least one at large bid for a gate crasher G5 school like Cincinnati. Any more than 8 would start to dilute the importance of the regular season, IMO.

It’s the “Plus 1” model everyone thought was the fix for the BCS.

It’s the right answer. A multi-week tournament works for the NFL. And for the levels of college football that only play regional games. It’s a bad idea for major college games … Unless and until the major college game goes to 60 power teams in 5 conferences.
I honestly believe we are headed to four 16 team superconferences in 4, 4-team pod formats like the $EC theorized. Not sure how long it's going to take to get there, but I really think that's where we're going.

Then you have a defacto 16 team "tournament" with the four conference pod champs facing off in a two week conference playoff, and the conference champs advancing to the final four.

9 game conference schedule - 3 games within the pod, 2 rotating games across the other three pods every year

2 game out of conference schedule - presumably you could schedule huge, massive games as it would not impact your playoff viability (human element is completely taken out of this format). This is the only part where I think the "specialness" of the regular season is in jeopardy - since these games won't make an impact on your postseason destiny - but this is why we need to make these matchups HUGE.

conference semi
conference final
national semi
national championship

15 game max total schedule

I realize a bunch of you are going to absolutely despise this idea...but I really think this is where we are going to be 10-15 years from now. No matter what, the spirit of the thread is really - how do we keep our favorite sport healthy, when we see it withering away before our eyes?
Why not let the AP vote on a Mythical Champion?
How we did it in the 50s, 60s etc.
Was anyone complaining about being left out of a non existent tournament?..
What did you not see from getting to the top 4?

How do you justify an 8 or 16 team playoff here

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Nothing solves that problem other than 16 team playoff and at that point who cares about the regular season. The game was better before mega conferences and playoffs but that ship has sailed.
Yeah I think it’s sad that the thing that made college football so interesting and different has been totally thrown away to become another “tournament” sport.
The need for money and this emphatic desire to determine who is the best, has put us down this road and here we are.
Amen. We regularly see the #3 and #4 teams getting blown out in the playoffs. But people think #12 might have a shot?
I keep hearing “but they can sort it on the field, give them a chance”.
Realistically there are 4-5 teams that can win it each year. Probably more like 3.
I wasn’t a fan of 6, but I think I prefer it.

How does that work logistically though? U would need a bye and I don’t like that.
16 teams would mean four additional games, not going to happen unless changes are made to the regular season schedules.
My guess 8, as even 12 would require some teams playing 4 games. So 8 it is, five conference champs, at least one from the other conferences and two at
large, with no conference having more than 2 representatives.
Why not have more that 1 conference have 2 reps.
Hypothetically the 3rd best team in the country misses out? If the whole idea is to get the best teams playing to determine a winner, why leave one out.

I get the SEC will load up. But if it is believed that they are in the best 8, they have to be in. I also get that you would be getting replays, which is stupid.
If you're going to give an auto bid to the P5 champions, their needs to be some sort of ranking or number of wins qualifier. Otherwise you'll eventually have a situation where at 8-4 team lucks up and beats a one loss team in the conference championship, then everyone will complain they don't deserve to be there.
Understood, but if you do a 6 team playoff with the top 2 getting first round byes, are 3/6 and 4/5 games likely blowouts? I would argue those would likely be good games.

As I've said in other posts, for me, it's about removing bias from the committee. Since FSU got in over us in 2000, there have been way too many instances where deserving teams have been kept out with some sort of controversy. Six highest ranked conference winners and it completely removes that variable.
I agree those games would be more competitive but I don’t think it changes the eventual champ 9/10 times
I’m fine with 6 or 8 as long and the Power conferences getting automatics as long as the Big12 loses it power status when OU and Texas leaves.

Once those 2 leave they won’t have a team that can recruit at a high level and hence won’t have an elite team. Sure they’ll have some top 25 caliber teams (OSU/Baylor/WVU) but in my mind anyone coming out of that conference should get an at large bid and compete against the second place P4 teams for those spots.
8 at a bare minimum, but 12 would be fine as well with the extra four having a play in game. The play in game could be really fun.
Playoff should be 4 teams…. ACC, SEC, PAC and Big 10 champions.

And college football should have relegation. So the bottom two finishers in each of the ACC, SEC, PAC, and Big 10 have to drop down to G5 conferences at the end of the year, and G5 conference champs get promoted to the big 4 leagues.