Right I remember when you originally answered in another post I made, TY for that....
Let's go a step further here and maybe explain how the NCAA then would represent the owner/school side of things???
Would it be like how Goodell works with NFL owners??? Assuming the schools would be the owners ....
My thinking tells me if the schools indeed become the owners that would abolish NIL as we know it or at least the collective part of it , right??
I mean the schools would have to handle payment to players to become owners?? Or am I off there???
There's just no definitive other party at this point .... You have the schools, the conferences, the NCAA and the collectives... and there's probably more I just don't know about....
You see where am at in my head with this??? LOL!!!.... At some point in the seemingly very near future there needs to be lines drawn as to who handles what and who has final say at the bargaining table..... I hope I'm making sense with all this...