CB Xavier Lucas is transferring to Miami

Plus according to his lawyer it’s not even a contract but rather a MOU, and no consideration yet given and two conditions not even in play

Right. I was trying to provide both options.

I BELIEVE that the template the Big 10 is giving to all the schools may PURPORT to be a contract, but that Heitner is right in saying it is ACTUALLY a memorandum of understanding.

It's hard to tell because nobody has provided proof of the existence of this magical Big 10 template.

And in the absence of specifics, all we can really do is speculate.

Just glad that it's all turning out like we knew it would.

Shared revenue sounds like outright "pay for play"... might as well hire them as university employees with benefits


It's really just giving them a long-overdue cut of revenues that the players help to generate, like TV right fees, merch sales, and video game royalties.

And a very special inauguration gift for @TrumpyCane

Well, since it's Miami they bet on people taking their side instead... Not a bad bet.
Yea I've seen a couple articles trying to paint Miami as the one who's causing the chaos but most of them are just like I guess the transfer portal never really existed. Everyone can thank Wisconsin.
normally UW folks don't get this mad, but they real mad about this.
Speak for yourself man. A lot of us are fascinated by the fact that we just found out yesterday that Miami helped kill the transfer portal rules.

I was just speaking for myself, what do you mean? If someone has info on the actual player feel free
I believe the contract also requires the player to be enrolled in the spring. So if a player is kicked out, UW doesn’t have to pay.

XL isn’t enrolled so that would make the contract void, no?
Sounds like it to me. I don’t see where they have any grounds to sue and win

lawyers, come here.

Is it possible that Wisconsin contracts are trash and Xavier Lucas signed that contract and will receive revenue via this agreement from Wisconsin while still playing for the University of Miami?

This has to be the funniest possible outcome, yes?
My 2 cents, but I am not a contract expert and there are some on CIS.

Typically a contract will require some performance in return for payment. Otherwise, the contract could be construed as lacking in consideration (more like a gift than contract) and it can be withdrawn.

So in this case, because Lucas will not play at UW, and assuming the contract has consideration, then Lucas will not meet the terms of the contract and won’t receive any money. If the contract requires nothing of Lucas, then the contract lacks for consideration, is not truly a contract, and UW will not have to pay.

Either way, UW would not have to pay anything, as I understand contract law.