Canesinsight tshirt contest

First thanks pcitycane. I would like to get a shirt but ACKCANE is the winner. What I find a little crazy is that this is the first year that I followed the men's basketball team. I am from Connecticut and I am a die hard Uconn men and woman basketball fan. I follow only Miami football and baseball teams and I have been a fan of them both since 86 and I bleed orange and green for the both of them and when they loose I am not a happy man at all. I don't care when it comes to Uconn football because it is all about the U to me and that is one of the reasons I was hoping that the ACC would pick Uconn. I only get to see Miami play on tv and it would have been a dream come true to have Uconn play in the ACC and have Miami come up this way and play a game and get the chance to tailgate with other UM fans. My boys can't play this year so I am routing for the canes and I pick them to win it all in my ESPN bracket.
