Canesinsight tshirt contest

Um, I think Nick wins! Under the new shapiro rules, he posted his answer twice therefore it is true and he wins! I have no guess because he wins!

2 wins 222 points

Lol, my phone said it didn't get posted but I like your logic


Good call. PM me your address/shirt size/shirt color when you get a chance.
Hey DMONEY thanks but ACKCANE won because his score was closer than mine. Also I really never post on here and I don't know how to PM you. Congrats to ACKCANE for winning and calling the points on all three games that was a good guess.
Cool!! ... I hope it rolls over. I've picked UM winning the whole dame thing on my ESPN bracket, but with a little more defense.
Hey DMONEY thanks but ACKCANE won because his score was closer than mine. Also I really never post on here and I don't know how to PM you. Congrats to ACKCANE for winning and calling the points on all three games that was a good guess.

PM means private message. To do it, click on the poster's name and look for private message.
Hey DMONEY thanks but ACKCANE won because his score was closer than mine. Also I really never post on here and I don't know how to PM you. Congrats to ACKCANE for winning and calling the points on all three games that was a good guess.

This dude deserves a shirt anyway. Good stuff guys.