CanesInSight National Signing Day Stream Marathon

If German labor law applies does liability always apply? How does that work? I thought people only sue each other left and right in America. Or is there a German version of Andijar and Levine ready to pounce?
Liability always comes down to whom is at fault. Typically, you have disputes in regards to payments and termination, but labor law extends beyond that. It's very extensive and spreads across multiple law books, which makes it kinda difficult to cover.

There's labor law for the individual (regular workers, bosses and job learners), for all sorts of companies, for unions outside and inside the company (and/or the economic branch surrounding the company), for public services, for institutions assigned to the church, payment structures, vacation, maternal leave, work protection etc. etc.

It's very thorough, very detailed and has a good amount of precendents, which allows employees to have good protection vs the employer. However, employees usually don't know their basic rights and by the time they realize it, it's usually too late.
Unfortunately, this season has shown me that we have the worst fans in the country by far. There isn't another fanbase that roots for its team to fail more than this one.
Nobody is rooting for the team to fail. They are demanding excellence that an 80 million dollar HC and “adequate NIL budget” should deliver. When it isn’t delivered they are unhappy. If fans were happy like you, there would be a problem. That would indicate fans expect this program to forever suck. Maybe the fans you have a problem with think higher of the program than you do because you certainly have lower expectations for what is acceptable.
There's a difference between rooting for failure and accepting failure is inevitably coming
What a wonderful outlook for those folks to have about the Canes. I’m sure their outlooks on life aren’t much different. The sort of cucks who complain that the guy ramming their wife while they watch isn’t big enough and start asking for a discount as the dude preps for the money shot.
Unfortunately, this season has shown me that we have the worst fans in the country by far. There isn't another fanbase that roots for its team to fail more than this one.
Check any board for a team who is failing in real time lol it’s every fan base. Maybe not Nebraska. Everyone else.