CanesInSight Launches Recruitment Database


Not sure how we can incorporate this.

But, instead of having a long list of teams after a player commits, can we get it so it just says "Verbal Commitment to _______________" in the area where we are looking at teams interested?

Not sure how to incorporate that.

and done, just gotta dress it up.

Hey Drew I just thought of something..
For the players that don't have twitter account is it possible to put in a search string?
Example if you do a refine search like!/search/"Joe Smith" #UF OR #FSU OR #UM lang:en
instead of the normal search string!/search/Joe Smith
you will get only the tweets that mention the correct Joe Smith. This way if any breaking news or
tidbit gets tweeted about a certain player it will stream in the player bios.
Twitter is a powerful tool and if anyone wanted to get caught up with a particular player they could
just visit their profile and see what was tweeted about them.
Bad idea?
I'm going help more with the database once I get back from hunting next week. We'll be starting to really get the '13 class going. Can't waittt