CanesInSight Launches Recruitment Database

Ok I just noticed there is no option for "No Offer" like Scout has when a kid is interested in a school but they didn't get offer yet..
Do we just leave the interest field blank?

hmmm not sure what Larry thinks but maybe Rumored Interest?

Well I know some of the kids who mention schools even though those schools haven't offered them yet, so maybe we need a "None" option..
Is the message block at the bottom of the page the bio part? What goes in there?
Yeah the message box at the bottom is the news and notes part
Ok just noticed that when I selected the Bold option for my text it does not work after you hit submit..
It shows the text with {B}{/B} code around it after you submit it..

I think we are missing a field here correct me if I am wrong..
The fields label: 1st Interest * 2nd Interest * is for what now, because some options like med or high interest are gone..
I been using that field for offers or no offers but it seems people were using it for the interest level..
To me interest level will be hard to predict because nobody on this board is talking to the recruits directly so why do we have it?
We don't really have a option for their offer sheet..

I'm going to hold up on updating until you guys clarify which is which..
Also you guys need to recheck your data I see some bio's out there that states these kids went to everyone camps and that can't be correct..
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Drew I get this when I try to upload a photo from my computer..

Your upload has failed due to an invalid folder path setting. Please contact the administrator to correct this problem.
Samson Doyo needs to be a permanent fixture, just in case some radio head gets trolled.

****** (6)
40: 3.9
Rumored Interest
andrew can we have a better way to make charts, i would like to have a uniform way of putting in players stats?

ive been using the one that is on this site, but that **** takes forever. If we can have one that we just input the data and the chart gets automatically made i think that would be great.

sorry i just like stuff looking uniform, i was looking at Duke's profile and i added a chart with the numbers you put up, theres got to be a quicker way to do this
Samson Doyo needs to be a permanent fixture, just in case some radio head gets trolled.

****** (6)
40: 3.9
Rumored Interest

I thought we all left Greasy's board? Do we have to bring their same ol tired lame jokes to this board as well?

New board, new age son, let's start our own inside jokes, perhaps one's that are actually funny this time.

DJ's dog
new helmets

ALL = Lame always were and always will be. Don't know why these keep getting mentioned, sad really

end rant
Just a small visual suggestion. When you are listing the schools the recruit is interested in, put a comma in between each one. Surprisingly, it can actually have a relatively large impact on perception. Oh and another visual suggestion would be to organise the "committed" recruits on the top, the "offered" recruits after the last committed one, and the "rumored interest" below both. Otherwise, I'm loving the way it is being set up and the overall direction of the site. Good work guys!
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Not sure how we can incorporate this.

But, instead of having a long list of teams after a player commits, can we get it so it just says "Verbal Commitment to _______________" in the area where we are looking at teams interested?

Not sure how to incorporate that.
I redid Jake Raulerson profile, added all the schools,twitter,more stats and ran into another issue..
Jake has so many schools offering him I had no more room for the listed schools so I posted them in the news box..
Do we need more fields for all the schools or do we just list them in the news box like I did??
I redid Jake Raulerson profile, added all the schools,twitter,more stats and ran into another issue..
Jake has so many schools offering him I had no more room for the listed schools so I posted them in the news box..
Do we need more fields for all the schools or do we just list them in the news box like I did??

Since this thing is user edited, I would hope, when these kids narrow the schools down to 5 or so, we edit the schools down to just show their "Top 5" or whatever.

No need to list every scholarship offer the kid has, IMO.
I redid Jake Raulerson profile, added all the schools,twitter,more stats and ran into another issue..
Jake has so many schools offering him I had no more room for the listed schools so I posted them in the news box..
Do we need more fields for all the schools or do we just list them in the news box like I did??

Since this thing is user edited, I would hope, when these kids narrow the schools down to 5 or so, we edit the schools down to just show their "Top 5" or whatever.

No need to list every scholarship offer the kid has, IMO.

Yeah but that could be a entire year before they narrow it down, what do we do in the meantime?
List only the major players?

Not sure how we can incorporate this.

But, instead of having a long list of teams after a player commits, can we get it so it just says "Verbal Commitment to _______________" in the area where we are looking at teams interested?

Not sure how to incorporate that.

That would be simple to do actually. I will do it my next off day.

I redid Jake Raulerson profile, added all the schools,twitter,more stats and ran into another issue..
Jake has so many schools offering him I had no more room for the listed schools so I posted them in the news box..
Do we need more fields for all the schools or do we just list them in the news box like I did??

I can add more slots, I was just trying to keep the forum length down, but it looks like it is about to grow.

still no "sort" function?

I will likely be added middle of next week on my next off day/ I currently don't even know how to correctly write this function. This is number one on my list.