Canes vs UNC

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Have we gained a yard on 3rd and short today or any day..short passing them to death and this idiot calls another running play up the guards ***…well it was headed that way till the guard said “ fck that .I’ll let the guy go so he can hit the RB in the backfield.He ain’t running up my *** again”…

Everybody calling for tempo were right.

I honestly wouldn't run again until we caught them sleeping on the run.
Gattis thinks he's smarter than he is. Runs what works for TVD until pressed to make a call then runs his BS. Weak AF
What a punt!

Oh great an opportunity for them to go 97 yards. Let’s hope we get another stop
This place wants to go nuts. We are deep in here today and we are just waiting but ******* Gattis won’t let it. Asinine.
Sad isn’t it. We can throw for 5 yards every play if we want.

Just once, I’d like to see a coach (or ****, a politician) admit the following:

“I WAS WRONG. I have learned the following, and will change this and that”
Jason Brown ( Last chance U) said “ the most stubborn , egotistical people in the word are football coaches
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